世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話


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2018/03/13 08:43
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  • I like daydreaming at Starbucks.

I like daydreaming at Starbucks. 「スターバックスでぼーっとするのが好きです。」 ぼーっとするは、daydreamといいます。 ご参考になれば幸いです。
Able English Studies カナダ(バンクーバー)のTOEIC専門学校
  • I like going to to Starbucks and just daydreaming over a coffee.

When you are doing something 'over a coffee' this means that you are doing it whilst having a coffee. This can be used in other ways too, for example - "We had the meeting over tea and biscuits."
do something over a coffee'は、コーヒーを飲みながら何かをするという意味です。 別の使い方もできます。例えば: "We had the meeting over tea and biscuits." これは、紅茶を飲んで、ビスケットを食べながらミーティングをしたという意味です。
Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • I like to go to Starbucks, enjoy a cup of coffee, and just sit back, relax and daydream.

  • I often go to Starbucks just so that I can enjoy some coffee and daydream.

In both sentences you are expressing the idea that you want to go to Starbucks, have some coffee and daydream. Notice that I added "sit back and relax" in the first answer, since in order to "daydream", you would have to sit back and be in a relaxed atmosphere for your mind to wander off and starts to daydream. It adds the scenery and create an image in the listener's mind and makes the response more natural and applicable.
どちらの文でも、スターバックスに行って、コーヒーを飲んでぼーっとするのが好きだと伝えています。 一つ目の回答には"sit back and relax"(ゆったりとリラックスする)を加えました。これは、"daydream"(空想する)するためには、ゆったりとリラックスする必要があるからです。相手にその情景を想像させ、より自然な言い方になります。
Tim M DMM英会話講師
  • I like to chill with a coffee in Starbucks

  • Just me, my thoughts and a coffee in Starbucks - perfection!

You like going to Starbucks and daydreaming/zoning out while drinking coffee. You can explain that as indicated in the example above.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Starbucks is my go-to place to daydream.

  • While I drink coffee at Starbucks, I like to zone out and just relax.

  • I like to sit and daydream at Starbucks whilst drinking my coffee.

When you do something whilst drinking a cup of coffee, it indicates that you are looking deeper into your heart because of something that you need to make a decision over or because you have certain feelings for what you daydream of. This sometimes can be related to you being happy or just wanting to explore your emotions to what you are feeling or doing. If you like to zone out because of decisions you are about to make or making, you tend to go over your decision before you make it or go over your decision after you have already made it and it makes you feel good.
「一人でコーヒーを飲みながら...」には、決断しなければならないことについて「じっくり考える」や、「物思いにふける」といったニュアンスがあります。 これは、「ポジティブなことついて」のときもあるでしょうし、あるいは単に自分自身を見つめたいだけというときもあると思います。 "zone out" は「〔過去の出来事やこれから先のことを考えながら〕ボーッとする」という意味です。
Anqia DMM英会話講師
  • Drinking coffee in Starbucks makes me zone out of the real world for a bit. It's great.

  • When I'm in Starbucks drinking coffee, I let my mind wander.

  • I space out when I go to Starbucks and drink coffee - and I love it!

Zone out', 'space out' or 'let your mind wander' all mean that you don't think of any particular thing - you allow your brain to think of whatever it wants: you are not consciously thinking or focused but you just allow various thoughts to flit across your mind. To say "it's great" means that you really enjoy or like something.
zone out' 'space out' または 'let your mind wander' は、 「何か特定の事について考えるのではなく、 ぼうっと考えること」 「意識的に考えるのではなくぼんやりと思いを巡らすこと」 を表します。 "it's great" は「それがすごく好きだ」という意味です。
Rosalynn DMM英会話講師
  • I like going to Starbucks and getting lost in my thoughts while I have my coffee

  • I like going to Starbucks and daydreaming while I have my coffee

When you want to explain that you like going to Starbucks and zoning out while drinking coffee; then you may express this in the following ways: -I like going to Starbucks and getting lost in my thoughts while I have my coffee. -I like going to Starbucks and daydreaming while I have my coffee.
「スターバックスに行ってコーヒーを飲みながらボーッとするのが好きだ」は、次のように言えます。 -I like going to Starbucks and getting lost in my thoughts while I have my coffee. (スターバックスに行ってコーヒーを飲みながらボーッとするのが好きです) -I like going to Starbucks and daydreaming while I have my coffee. (スターバックスに行ってコーヒーを飲みながらボーッとするのが好きです)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
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