Only during lunch time =お昼時だけ
only =ただ、唯一
during =〜の間
This dish is only available during lunch time
They only have this menu during lunch time
Lunch time special =お昼限定
You can't eat this popular dish at night because it's a lunch time special =この料理はお昼限定だから夜は食べられないんだよ。
The sentences above mean that the dish/meal is only served during lunch time only.
Serve means topresent (food or drink) to someone.
For example :"They serve wine instead of beer"
"They serve wine instead of beer"
If a meal at a restaurant is "restricted" to being served only at lunchtime, it means that it is unavailable at any other time and it is not for sale.
The restaurant will make a limited number of the item to be sold and when the deadline arrives (time that lunch ends) then the dish is no longer served.
Restricted: held back, not allowed
"Sorry, this is strictly a lunchtime meal, we don't serve it at any other time."
もしレストランのメニューが昼食の時間に "restricted" されているなら、これはその時間以外には売られていないということです。限られた量しか作られず、時間が来たら(昼食の時間が終わったら)販売をやめるということ。
Restricted = 制限された/許されていない
"Sorry, this is strictly a lunchtime meal, we don't serve it at any other time."「すみません、こちらはお昼限定のメニューです、他の時間にはお出ししていません」
If the restaurant only serves lunch then you can say it like "The restaurant only serves lunch" or if you are trying to eat a certain dish or meal you can say "The dish I want to eat is only available during lunch time." Some restaurants only open at certain times of the day so you have to follow their schedule if you want to enjoy their meals.
お昼にしか営業していないレストランがあるとしたら、"The restaurant only serves lunch"と言ってよいでしょう、
もし特定の料理を食べたいときには、 "The dish I want to eat is only available during lunch time." (私が食べたい料理は、お昼の時しかやってないです。)と言えるでしょう。