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レッスンの際に先生の声がいつもと違っていて、おそらく風邪だと思うのですが、そのことが聞けませんでした。Your voice is strange.だと、「あなたの(もともとの)声が変だ」という失礼な意味になりませんか?心配しているニュアンスにするには、どう言えばいいですか?
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2018/03/16 23:12
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  • You sound different today?

  • Do you have a cold, you sound a little different?

  • You sound a little blocked up today, are you unwell?

example "you sound different today, are you unwell?". or "your voice sounds a little different today". or You sound a little blocked up, are you poorly?". It is not rude to ask somebodies health, however, it is subjective to the person as to whether they feel the question is too informal. Usually, people are glad that you asked.
例 "You sound different today, are you unwell?"(今日は声が違うように聞こえますが、体調が悪いのですか?) "Your voice sounds a little different today."(今日は声が少し違って聞こえます。) "You sound a little blocked up, are you unwell?"(少し鼻声に聞こえますが、体調が悪いのですか?) 相手の健康状態について聞くのは失礼ではありません。しかし、あまり形式的にならないように気をつけてください。大抵の場合、相手は聞かれて嬉しいと感じます。
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • Your voice seems croaky today

It is a useful exercise when learning English to acquire an ability to ask a question indirectly or by inference. If you say: 'Your voice seems croaky today,' the listener will appreciate that you noticed the difference and should naturally give you details of why their voice is croaky. 'Yes, I think I have a cold starting.'
間接的または推測で質問をすることは、英語を勉強するうえでとても役に立つ練習になります。 'Your voice seems croaky today,' (今日は声がしわがれていますね) といえば、聞き手はあなたが違いに気づいてくれたことを理解し、なぜ声がしわがれているのか自然に理由を話してくれるはずです。 'Yes, I think I have a cold starting.' (はい、風邪のひきはじめのようです)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Are you feeling okay today? You sound a little different.

  • You sound like you've got a cold, are you okay?

Both of these phrases are polite in asking if the teacher has a cold and is feeling okay. You can add on that their voice sounds a little different or that they sound like they have a cold but they would usually tell you if you asked how they were.
これらのどちらのフレーズも先生が風邪をひいていなか、調子は大丈夫か聞く丁寧な言い方です。 "Their voice sounds a little different" (声が少し違って聞こえる)とか "that they sound like they have a cold"(風邪をひいているような声に聞こえる)と付け足しても良いでしょう。先生はあなたが具合を聞けば、答えてくれるでしょう。
Alex CB DMM英会話講師
  • Are you feeling OK? You sound a little hoarse. Do you have a cold?

  • You sound like you have a cold. Are you feeling OK?

  • I noticed your voice sounds a bit off today. Do you have a cold or something?

Are you feeling OK? You sound a little hoarse. Do you have a cold? You sound like you have a cold. Are you feeling OK? I noticed your voice sounds a bit off today. Do you have a cold or something? Your voice sounds different today. Are you feeling well? Your voice sounds different. I hope you aren't getting sick.
Are you feeling OK? You sound a little hoarse. Do you have a cold?(大丈夫ですか。少し声がかれています。風邪ですか) You sound like you have a cold. Are you feeling OK?(風邪声ですね。大丈夫ですか) I noticed your voice sounds a bit off today. Do you have a cold or something?(今日は声の調子があまりよくなかったみたいですが、風邪か何かですか) Your voice sounds different today. Are you feeling well?(今日は声がいつもと違います。大丈夫ですか) Your voice sounds different. I hope you aren't getting sick.(声がいつもと違います。風邪とかでないといいですけど)
Bobbi S DMM英語講師
  • Your voice seems different today, are you feeling ok?

  • Yur voice seems different, do you have a cold?

  • Are you feeling ok/do you have a cold as your voice seems different today

When something is not the same it is called 'different', when people get a cold they sometimes get a sore throat and this can affect their voice and how they speak so they might sound different By asking 'are you feeling ok?' or 'do you have a cold?' you are showing concern for them and making sure they are alright
同じでないことは 'different'(異なる)といいます。 風邪を引くと咽頭痛になることがありますね。これによって声が変わる場合があります。 'Are you feeling ok?'(体調は大丈夫ですか)あるいは 'Do you have a cold?'(風邪ですか)は、相手を気遣い、体調が大丈夫かどうか確認しています。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Not to be rude but you sound different today, have you got a cold?

"Not to be rude but you sound different today, have you got a cold?" To not come across as rude and offend the other person, add "not to be rude" or "do you mind if I ask". The person you are talking to will be glad you asked/cared.
"Not to be rude but you sound different today, have you got a cold?"(失礼かもしれませんが、今日は少し声が違いますね。風邪ですか) 相手に失礼にならないように、"not to be rude"(失礼かもしれませんが)または "do you mind if I ask"(お聞きしてもいいですか)を加えましょう。 聞かれた相手は自分のことを心配してくれていると分かりうれしく思うと思いますよ。
Max W DMM英会話講師
  • You sound a little different. Are you under the weather?

  • You voice sounds off a little bit. Are you feeling OK?

  • You sound a little under the weather. Are you feeling alright today?

I would answer this with two sentences. In all three responses, the first sentence communicates your observation. The second question expresses concern or asks if someone is sick. To be "under the weather" is a common English phrase that means someone is sick. "Are you under the weather?" asks if someone is sick. "You sound a little under weather." says someone sounds sick.
私ならこれは二つの文で言います。 3例とも一つ目の文では自分の感想を伝えて、そして二つ目の文では「具合は大丈夫ですか」と相手を気遣っています。 "under the weather" は具合が良くないという意味のよく使われる表現です。 "Are you under the weather?" は「具合が悪いのですか」という意味です。 "You sound a little under weather." は「声が具合が悪そうである」という意味です。
Peter E DMM英会話講師
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