世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/03/17 15:01
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  • I am going to shower quickly.

  • I will take a real quick shower.

"I am going to shower quickly." Quickly, fast, in a hurry, etc. You will be quick, not slow. The opposite would be, "I will be in the shower for a while." "I will take a real quick shower." You might use this expression if someone is waiting for you or will be coming to your house soon.
"I am going to shower quickly." さっとシャワーしてくるね。 Quickly, fast, in a hurryは、どれもはやくという意味です。反対の表現は、  "I will be in the shower for a while." (しばらくシャワーしてくるね)です。 "I will take a real quick shower." さっとシャワーしてくるね。 誰かがあなたのことを待っていたり、家に帰って来たりするときにこの表現を使うことができるでしょう。
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • I'll take a quick shower.

  • I'll grab a quick shower.

「シャワーを浴びる」はtake a shower, grab a shower と言います。 「ちょっと」はこの場合「さっと」と いうことだと思いますので take(grab) a quick showerと 表現します。 参考になれば幸いです。
  • I'm going to jump in the shower and be out in a minute

  • I'm going to take a quick shower

If you say "I'm going to jump in the shower and be out in a minute", it indicates that you will be taking a very quick shower. You might want to add "I will call you back when I'm done / later" just to indicate that you're getting off the phone. It would also be appropriate to say "I'm going to take a quick shower. Talk in a bit"
"I'm going to jump in the shower and be out in a minute" (ちょっとシャワーを浴びて来ます) と言うと、あなたはちょっと短いシャワーを浴びてくるというとを言い表しています。 "I will call you back when I'm done / later" (終わったら後でかけなおします) と付け加えてちょっとだけ電話を切ることを言い表すことが出来ます。 "I'm going to take a quick shower. Talk in a bit" (ちょっとシャワーを浴びて来ます、後で話しましょう)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • Excuse me, I need a quick shower

  • Sorry, I've got to go - the bath is overflowing!

  • Sorry, there's someone knocking on the door.

You are chatting on the phone and perhaps you prefer now to end the conversation and then take a shower. The first example sentence may seem a little strange to the listener. Are you so dirty that you cannot bare to continue the conversation further! Well, it could be possible. However, taking a shower is not really a good reason for ending a conversation. It's like saying: "Excuse me I want to go sit on my sofa now." It may even seem rude. But it does depend on the situation. It is quite common to give a better reason to stop speaking - such as sentence 2 or 3, which are a little more convincing than the first one.
電話をそろそろ切る理由として「シャワーを浴びます」と言いたいようですが、回答1だと少し不自然に聞こえるかもしれません。 「電話での会話を続けられない程汚れている」という状況ではないですよね。そのような場合もあるかもしれませんが、シャワーを浴びるというのは電話を切るにはあまり適切ではないかもしれません。 ‘ Excuse me I need to sit on my sofa now.’ (私は今すぐソファに座らなくてはいけません) と突然言っているようなもので、失礼に聞こえます。 回答2「すみません、お風呂の水が溢れそうでなので行きます。」や3「 お客さんが来たようです。」などの方が自然でしょう。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I'll take a short shower.

  • I am going to take a fast shower.

  • I am going to take a short shower.

To say to a person that you are going to take a quick shower, you can describe it by the length of time such as "I am going to take a short shower."
ちょっとシャワーを浴びてくると言う場合は、時間の長さで表せます。例えば: "I am going to take a short shower." →ちょっとシャワーを浴びてきます。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • Sorry, I really need to take a quick shower. Talk to you soon.

  • Be right back! I need to shower.

  • Can I call you back in a little bit. I need to take a shower.

There are several ways to let your friend on the phone know that you need a quick shower. You can say: Sorry, but I need to take a quick shower and call you right back. I need to refresh myself. I'll take a quick shower and call you right back. I need to take a quick shower. Talk to you soon. A common phrase is: "Can I take a rain check?" It means right now I can't accept something but I can later. I need to take a quick shower. Can I get a rain check on our phone call?
これからシャワーを浴びないといけないことを電話で伝える言い方はいくつかあります。以下のように言うことができます。 Sorry, but I need to take a quick shower and call you right back. 申し訳ないけど、ちょっとシャワーを浴びてこないといけないから。すぐかけ直すね。 I need to refresh myself. I'll take a quick shower and call you right back. ちょっとリフレッシュしないと。さっとシャワーしてすぐにかけ直すね。 I need to take a quick shower. Talk to you soon. さっとシャワーしてこないと。すぐにかけ直すよ。 "Can I take a rain check?"は、よく使われるフレーズです。何かを今は受け入れることができないけど、後ならできることを表します。 I need to take a quick shower. Can I get a rain check on our phone call? さっとシャワーしてこないと。また今度でいい?
Alathia DMM英会話講師
  • I'll call you back, I'm just going to jump-in the shower!

  • The shower just became free, I'll call you back!

I'll call you back, I'm just going to jump-in the shower! - 'Jump-in' which is a phrasal verb (in this context to take the opportunity). You can use this if a friend has just called you and you was just about to 'jump-in' the shower. The shower just became free, I'll call you back! - If you live with other people you can spend a lot of time waiting to use the bathroom. Regardless if someone was using the shower or not, it's a 'white lie' to end the conversation. As in "The shower just became free, I'll call you back later!"
I'll call you back, I'm just going to jump-in the shower! (後でかけ直すよ。ちょっとシャワー浴びるから!) - 'Jump-in' は句動詞です。ちょうどシャワーを浴びる(jump-in the shower)タイミングで、友達から電話が来たら、これが使えます。 The shower just became free, I'll call you back! (シャワーがちょうど空いたから、後でかけ直すね!) - もしほかの人と住んでいるなら、バスルームが空くのを長い時間待つこともあるでしょう。誰もシャワーを使っていなくても、会話を終わらせる 'white lie'(罪のない嘘)として使えます。
Jacques DMM英会話講師
  • I'm gonna take a quick shower.

  • Let me hop in the shower (real quick).

シャワー浴びる:take a shower gonna:going to の省略形 hop in:入るとか乗るなどの動詞の代わりに使えるスラング I'm gonna take a quick showerはわかりやすく使えるかもしれませんが、Let me hop in the shower real quick、又はI'm gonna hop in the shower real quickはとてもネイティブな言い方です。その文ではhopの意味に「ちょっと/早く/さっと」も含まられていますから「real quick」をちゃんと言う必要はありません。 ご参考にしていただければ幸いです。
  • I’m just going to take a quick shower.

  • I’m going to jump in the shower quickly.

If you’d like to explain to someone that you want to take a quick shower, you can simply say this by saying something like “Hold on, I’m going to take a quick shower.” Or “I’m just going to jump in the shower real quick.”.
「ちょっとシャワーを浴びてくる」は次のように言えます。 “Hold on, I’m going to take a quick shower.”(シャワーを浴びてくるから、ちょっと待っていて) “I’m just going to jump in the shower real quick.”(ちょっとシャワーを浴びてくる)
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • I will speak to you again in a jiffy, I need to hop in the shower.

  • Sorry! I have to have a quick dip in the shower.

  • Talk soon, if I don't get a quick shower, I will never be organised today.

Jiffy is an informal term for any unspecified short period of time. "I will speak to you again in a jiffy" Hop in the shower means "I'll take my shower and get cleaned up quickly." A Quick dip: means a brief plunge into water.
"Jiffy" は「ちょっとの間」という意味のカジュアルな表現です。 例: "I will speak to you again in a jiffy"(またすぐかけ直す) "Hop in the shower" は「急いでシャワーを浴びてくる」という意味です。 "A Quick dip" は「軽く水につかる」という意味です。
Bev U DMM英会話講師
  • I'm going to go take a quick shower

  • Sorry but I need to take a quick shower. Will call you later

I would recommend you to use the second sentence because it's a bit more detailed and you promise to call later which will make you sound more profound and polite
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
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