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2015/11/04 17:42
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  • Get well soon.

  • I hope you feel better soon.

Get well soon. [はやく](元気になってね。 I hope you feel better soon. [はやくよくなるといいね。]( 上記のような表現がよく使われます。特に「get well soon card」(はやく元気になってね、を伝えるグリーティングカード)という表現があるように、「get well soon」は定番の言い方ですね。
Erik 日英翻訳者
  • Get well soon.

  • wishing you fast return to health.

  • hoping for your speedy recovery.

Get well soon. これが定番です。定番以外のことも言いたいときには、準定番とも言うべき、 wishing you fast return to health.([早く健康になってね]( Hoping for your speedy recovery. (素早く[回復](してね) などどうでしょう?
  • I hope you feel better soon.

  • I wish you a speedy recovery.

  • I'm looking forward to seeing you up and about soon.

(1)のfeel better は「気分がよくなる」、「回復する」の意味でよく使われます。 (2)の直訳は、「早い回復を願っています」です。 (3)のup and about は「元気に動ける状態」を表す表現です。 全体で、「じきに元気になってやることができるのを(つまり回復するのを)楽しみにしています」の意です。
David Thayne エートゥーゼット英語学校代表
  • I wish you a speedy recovery.

  • I hope you get well soon now.

I wish you a speedy recovery. -This means that you wish them to get well quickly from whatever illness they are suffering from. I hope you get well soon now. - "Now" can be used to mean that you really wish they can get better now because you hate to see them in the state they are in.
I wish you a speedy recovery.  病気から早く快復することを願う、という意味です。 I hope you get well soon now. - "Now" ここのnowは相手にその状況から今すぐに脱出してほしいという意味を込めて、使われています。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • "I really hope you get well soon"

  • "I hope you return to health soon"

  • "Let's hope you have a speedy recovery"

If you have a friend who is ill and you would like to encourage them back to health, you could say any of the following to express this: "I really hope you get well soon", "I hope you return to health soon" or "Let's hope you have a speedy recovery".
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • I hope you get better soon!

Examples: Get well soon! Get better soon! I hope you feel better soon! I hope you can get over this illness very soon! I am wishing you a speedy recovery! I hope you get back to full strength shortly!
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • I hope you will get better soon.

  • get well soon

  • something you say to a sick friend.

If you speak to someone when they are sick, it is usual to say something like "get well soon" or "hope you feel better soon".
もしもあなたが病気の人に励ましの声をかけたいのなら、次のような表現が一般的です。 例文: "Get well soon". "Hope you feel better soon". (早く良くなるといいね。)
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • I wish you a quick recovery.

  • I hope you feel better soon

  • I hope every new day brings you closer to a quick and complete recovery.

If you wish a sick person a quick recovery, you want him/her to gain confidence that he/she will survive the illness. The words you put in your 'get well' wishes can mean a lot to a sick person. If you say 'I hope you feel better soon', as stated in the second statement, you are actually encouraging the patient to regain his/her strength both physically and psychologically. In the third statement, you state that 'you hope every new day brings him/her closer to to quick and complete recovery'. You are actually encouraging him/her to believe in the daily improvement in his/her recovery process. So, you may say: I wish you a quick recovery. or I hope you feel better soon. or I hope every new day brings you closer to a quick and complete recovery.
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • Sending you well wishes today, and hoping to see you back on your feet.

  • I wish you comfort, good health and happiness....

  • We are happy to hear that you are responding well to treatment.

▪Sending you well wishes today, and hoping to see you back on your feet. ▪I wish you comfort, good health and happiness.... ▪We are happy to hear that you are responding well to treatment. ● All of the above can be used in the situation.
▪Sending you well wishes today, and hoping to see you back on your feet. ▪I wish you comfort, good health and happiness.... ▪We are happy to hear that you are responding well to treatment. ● これら全てこういうシチュエーションで使える文章です。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Get well soon

  • Wishing you a speedy recovery

  • I hope you feel better soon

The words 'speedy' and 'soon' refer to the fact that you hope that their illness will be over quickly. 'Recovery' and 'better' are used to denote the action of getting well and getting back to feeling like your normal self again.
speedy' とか 'soon' という言葉はあなたが相手の病気が早く治るよう願っているときに使えます。 'Recovery' (回復) 'better' (より良い)という言葉は回復して元気な自分に戻ることを表すときに使います。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • Get well soon.

  • Feel better soon.

  • Wishing you a speedy recovery.

The first two examples are only different in the choices of verbs between, "to get," and, "to feel." In the last example we can wish for a, "speedy recovery," to say that we hope they get better as soon as possible.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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