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ホテルに忘れ物をした時、 『先程チェックアウトしたんですが、〇〇を部屋に置き忘れたみたいなので、取りに戻ってもいいですか?(自分で取りに行くので鍵が欲しい)』 これを英語で言いたいです。よろしくお願いします。
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2018/03/29 04:00
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  • I forgot something (my bag, etc.) in my room even though I checked out already.

  • Can I borrow a key to go get it?

  • I forgot something in my room but I already checked out. Would it be possible for me to go get it?

The first sentence is important because it provides context as to why you are unable to enter the room to get what you left behind. By asking "would it be possible," the staff will be able to explain what options would be possible for you to retrieve the object. I hope that this helps. :)
最初の文は、忘れ物を取りに部屋に戻れない理由について、文脈を与えていて非常に重要です。 "would it be possible" と尋ねると、スタッフはどのような方法で忘れ物を取りに行けるか説明してくれるでしょう。 参考になれば幸いです。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • I have forgotten something in my room.

  • I left something behind.

  • Can I check my room for a missing item?

Checking out of a hotel and forgetting something behind can be a problem depending on how long you have been away. Normally they clean the rooms soon after you leave. If it is soon after you checked out, you can ask. Can I check my room for a lost item? I can't find something, I think I left it behind. May I check the room again? If it is has been a longer period of time, you may want to ask if they have a "lost and found" The "Lost and Found' is a place business put things they have found when cleaning.
ホテルに忘れ物をしてチェックアウトしてしまうと、これはどのくらい時間が経っているのかによって問題になる可能性があります。普通ホテルではお客さんがチェックアウトしてすぐに部屋を掃除します。もしそれがチェックアウトしてすぐなら、次のように言えます。 Can I check my room for a lost item?(なくしてしまった物があるので部屋を確認させてもらっていいですか) I can't find something, I think I left it behind.(なくしてしまった物があって。たぶん忘れてきたと思います) May I check the room again?(もう一度部屋を確認させていただけますか) しばらく時間が経っているなら、"Lost and Found" はあるかと聞いた方がいいかもしれません。 "Lost and Found" は掃除中に見つけた物を会社として保管しておく場所のことです。
Zachary S DMM英会話講師
  • I think I left something in one of the rooms, can you just check to see if it is there?

  • I may have left my (item) in the room I just stayed in, can you please someone to check if it is still there?

I think I left something in one of the rooms, can you just check to see if it is there? - This response expresses that you've noticed something is missing, checked your bags and noticed it no there. You then ask them if someone can go in and see if it is still there, as they may not let you in again. I may have left my (item) in the room I just stayed in, can you please someone to check if it is still there? - this response does the same as the first, but is more specific in what you left the room.
I think I left something in one of the rooms, can you just check to see if it is there? 〔部屋に忘れ物をしたと思います。確認していただけますか〕 - これは、何かがないことに気が付いて、かばんを確認したけどなかったという意味です。それから、自ら部屋に戻ることは認められない可能性があるので、そこにあるかどうか行って確認してきて欲しいとお願いしています。 I may have left my (item) in the room I just stayed in, can you please someone to check if it is still there? 〔泊まっていた部屋に(物)を忘れたかもしれません。まだそこにあるかどうか確認していただけますか〕 - これは一つ目の例と同じ意味ですが、何を忘れたかを具体的に伝えています。
Alyss DMM英会話講師
  • I checked out a while a go, but I forgot something (in my room).

Genさん ご質問どうもありがとうございます。 様々な表現があると思いますが、いくつか自然な表現を紹介します。 ・I checked out a while a go, but I forgot something (in my room). Do you think I could get it? ・I checked out a while a go, but I forgot something (in my room). Do you think I could get a key to get it? --- a while ago = 少し前に. --- get something = 取りに行く お好みに合わせて使い分けてみてください。 ご参考にしていただければ幸いです。
  • After checking out, I realized that I left something in the room.

  • Would it be alright to get back into my room after checking out because I believe that I left something in there?

  • I just realized that I left something in my room after checking out, so may I get back in briefly to get it?

After discovering that personal belongings have been left in a hotel room, it can be explained that he/she "realized it " but has already checked out. To realize something means that someone has become aware of it. The expression "get back into" means to re-enter with assistance in this case. When making a request like this, it is best to give the reason why this request is being made, such as forgetting a personal belonging. It can be helpful to use the word "briefly" when asking to re-enter the room to express that it won't take a long time. This is especially important when it is a busy time of the year for tourism.
私物をホテルの部屋に忘れたことに気付いたら、「"realized it"(それに気が付いた)したけどチェックアウトしてしまった」と説明できます。 "get back into" は「〔この場合は、協力を得て〕再び入る」という意味です。このようなお願いをするときには、なぜそのようなお願いをするのか理由を伝えた方がいいです(例えば、私物を忘れたなど)。 部屋にもう一度入らせて欲しいとお願いするときに "briefly" を使うと、それが短時間で済むと伝えることができます。これは特に観光業が忙しい時期に重要です。
Laurel DMM英会話講師
  • I left something in my room, could I please get it?

  • I'm very sorry but I left something behind in my room.

  • I have checked out but I'm afraid I left something in my room.

Here you want to be as polite as possible so that the staff will search the room that you were previously using or maybe you item has been handed in at the front desk. You have two options for this situation. You can explain that something has been left in your room and see what they say. "I'm very sorry but I left something behind in my room" Alternatively you can ask if it has been handed in by saying. "I'm very sorry, have an items been handed in? I left something in my room".
ここでは、スタッフの人に自分の使っていた部屋を探してもらうわけなので、できるだけ丁寧に伝える必要があります。あるいは、既に忘れ物がフロントに届けられている可能性もあります。 この場面では二つの選択肢があります。 部屋に忘れ物をしたと伝えて相手の返答を待ってもいいです。 "I'm very sorry but I left something behind in my room"(申し訳ありません。部屋に忘れ物をしてしまいました) または、忘れ物が届けられているかどうか確認することもできます。 "I'm very sorry, have an items been handed in? I left something in my room"(申し訳ありません。何か届けられている物はありませんか。部屋に忘れ物をしてしまいました)
Ben Mo DMM英会話講師
  • Sorry, I left something in my room after checking out. Can I just go up to the room?

  • Is it OK to get something I left in my room? I just checked out?

After checking out of a hotel, you forgot something in the room. You want to tell the staff that you just checked out, but you forgot something, and want to go get it. In that case, you can try one of the above-suggested example sentences which may be appropriate for any given situation. There are always a variety of ways to respond to someone or make a comment - depending on the context and other factors such as nationality, appropriacy and body language
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Hi, I recently checked out but I have forgotten something,

You can use this sentence in this situation. Instead of using the word 'just checked out' rather say you have 'recently' checked out. That sentence would be suitable to use and your meaning will go clearly across.
Robyn K DMM英会話講師
  • I already checked out but I just realized I left something in the room. Would you mind if I quickly went upstairs?

  • Do you think I could go back to the room for a second? I think I left something behind.

In the first example you are explaining the situation and then asking whether you can go back to the room to get your things. "Would you mind if...." is a commonly used phrase that you can use in order to make the question be more polite. In the second example you are first asking whether you can go back to the room and only then you are explaining the reason why. "To leave something behind" simply means to leave something after you already left.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • I'm sorry, but I just checked out and remembered I left something in the room, can you please help me retrieve it?

  • Excuse me, I just checked out of my hotel room but remembered I left something inside, could you help me open the door so I can get it please?

If you just checked out but remembered that you left something inside the room and would like to get it, you can say something like "I'm sorry, but I just checked out and remembered I left something in the room, can you please help me retrieve it?" or "Excuse me, I just checked out of my hotel room but remembered I left something inside, could you help me open the door so I can get it please?".
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • I have just checked out but I have forgotten something in the room, do you mind if I go get it, please?

  • I need to get something I forgot in the room I was using before I checked out not too long ago.

  • I need to have access to the room I have just checked out of, I forgot a belonging of mine in there.

Use the sentences above if you would like to have access to the room you had booked before checking out because you have forgotten something in there and you would like to get it back. You can begin by greeting the person you are speaking to for good manners then you may proceed by asking using any of the sentences above. You will then be given the room key or one of the staff will accompany you to the room and wait while you find your belongings.
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • "I just checked out but I forgot something in the room. Can I go get it?"

  • "I have just checked out, but I left something in my room. Is it possible for me to quickly grab it?"

If you have just checked out of a hotel, and you forgot something in the room and you want to tell the staff that you would like to go and get what you have forgotten, you could say either of the following: "I just checked out but I forgot something in the room. Can I go get it?" or "I have just checked out, but I left something in my room. Is it possible for me to quickly grab it?".
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • to forget something

  • to go get something

  • I forgot something, can I go get it?

-I forgot something, can I go get it? This sentence uses a combination of the phrasal verbs 'to forget something' in the past tense and 'to go get something' in the present. 'To forget something' is a way to describe when you unintentionally leave something at a place or do not remember a piece of information 'To go get (something' means to retrieve or pick up something. In this case, the thing that you forgot.
Quinn R DMM英会話講師
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