Could you let me out just before the traffic lights? I can walk from there.
・Could you 〜?
「〜しれもらえますか」という意味で、Can you 〜? と同じですが、より丁寧な表現です。基本的にタクシードライバーは知らない人なので、丁寧に言っていいとおもます。
・let 人 out / let 人 off
この表現は「〜を外に出す」「〜を降ろす」でタクシーから降ろしてほしいときに使える表現です。let を使う場合にはその直後に出てくる人がしたいことを表すので、let me out/off の場合「自分が降りたいから降ろして」という意味になります。
let は文法上、使役動詞というものに分類され「〜させる」という意味が当てられますが、上記のような意味になります。
また通常使役動詞を学ぶ際には make/have/let + 動詞の原形 という並びになりますが、英訳例のようにlet 人 out/offのような形容詞を使ったり、下記の例のような使い方をすることがあります
let me through 私を通してください
let fresh air in
この単語は「以前に」のように時間を表す語として覚えている方も多いですが、例のように地理的にも使うことができます。またjust before とすることによって「ちょうどその前で」という意味を出します。
・I can walk from there.
① Could you let me off at the traffic lights please?
「① Could you let me off at the traffic lights please?」が私のお勧めする言い方です。
さて、なぜ「before」じゃなくて、「at the traffic lights」なのでしょう?
なので、「① Could you let me off at the traffic lights please?」と言って信号を通過した時点で乗客を降ろすタクシー運転手は居ないはずです。
因みに、「traffic lights」は複数形にしてあります。何故なら、信号は一般的に3色あるからです。
降ろす=drop (someone) off
My friend will drop me off at my house.
The bus driver dropped us off at the airport.
信号= traffic light
Could you please drop me off just after the traffic light/signal.
Could you please drop me off just after the traffic light/signal.
- This means that you would like to be dropped immediately after the taxi passes the traffic light/signal.
Could you please drop me off just after the traffic light/signal.
I would like to get out before the next traffic light, thanks.
Stop up here, before the traffic lights.
You can ask a taxi to stop as close to your chosen location as possible.
"...just before..." tells the driver that you want to get out prior to the lights/traffic lights.
When you instruct the taxi driver try to be as precise, clear and as early as you can.
This second sentence "I would like to get out before the next traffic light, thanks." gives the driver time to stop the vehicle where you would like. It would also give them time to explain that they need to stop before or after your desired location.
Requesting the driver to "Stop up here, before the traffic lights." provides precise location but is most likely used when you have left it later to tell the driver.
"...just before..."(〜の手前)は運転手に信号の手前で降りたいということを伝えることができます。
2番目のフレーズである"I would like to get out before the next traffic light, thanks."(次の信号の手前で降ろしてください。)は運転手に指定の場所に止まるための十分な時間を与えます。
運転手に"Stop up here, before the traffic lights." (信号の手前のここで止まってください)というと止めて欲しい場所は正確に伝わりますが、大体の場合運転手に伝えるのが遅くなってしまった時に言います。
It may not be a very safe place to drop someone, right in front of traffic lights, so the driver may want to carry on a little so as to find a better stopping place!
"Could you pull over just by the lights please?"
"Sorry, i can't stop there. it's a double yellow line. I'll just drive a little further and stop near the shops."
Double yellow line = In the UK, double yellow lines indicate a prohibition of waiting at any time even if there are no upright signs. You MUST NOT wait or park, or stop to set down and pick up passengers.
"Could you pull over just by the lights please?"
"Sorry, i can't stop there.
it's a double yellow line.
I'll just drive a little further and stop near the shops."
Double yellow line
= イギリスでは、二重黄色線はそこに標識がなかったとしても待つことが禁じられていることを示しています。
I would like to get off at the traffic light please
>"Please drop me at the traffic light."
>"I would like to get off at the traffic light please."
>"Please drop me at the traffic light ahead."
>"At the traffic light please."
>"Please drop me at the traffic light."
>"I would like to get off at the traffic light please."
>"Please drop me at the traffic light ahead."
>"At the traffic light please."
Can you please drop me off in front of the traffic light over there please?
I would like to be dropped off in front of that traffic light please.
If you would like to be dropped off in front of a traffic light and want to express this to your someone, you can say something like "Can you please drop me off in front of the traffic light over there please?" or "I would like to be dropped off in front of that traffic light please.".
Could you drop me off right in front of the traffic lights please?
Could you drop me off just there, in front of the traffic lights?
Is it okay if you drop me off right there, in front of the traffic lights?
I would like to be dropped off in front of those traffic lights if it is safe?
Could you pull over in front of the traffic lights? I would like to be dropped off there.
Here are three different ways that we can express this concept to a taxi driver. Notice that in the first two examples, we can change who is the subject of the sentence either by saying, "can I be dropped off," or, "Can you drop me off."
・Please stop before the traffic light.
・I'd like to get off at the traffic light.
「信号」は英語で traffic light と表現することができます。