世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/04/07 14:01
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  • I’m on the train now so I can’t talk.

  • I’m on the train now so I’ll call you later.

「今[電車](の中なので、[電話](で話せない」と言いたい時は I’m on the train now so I can’t talk と言えば伝わります。 また、 I’m on the train now so I’ll call you later. (今電車に乗ってるのでまた電話します。)とも言えます。
  • I'll call you later, I'm on the train now.

  • I can't talk now since I'm on the train.

It's often rude to talk on the phone while riding on the train in Japan. This can be distracting for other passengers. It is also not the most convenient place to have a private conversation since there are usually many people onboard who are able to listen into your conversation. Therefore, when receiving a call on the train you can tell the person who called that you're on the train and make an arrangement to call him/her back later.
日本で[電車に乗っている](時に[電話で話をする](電車に乗っている時に)と失礼になりますよね。これは他の乗客の迷惑になります。また、周りにたくさんの人がいますからプライベートな会話をする場としてもふさわしくありませんね。 ですので、電車に乗っている時に電話がかかってきたら、相手に電車に乗っていると伝えて、後でかけ直すようにするといいですね。
Lenae DMM英会話講師
  • I'm on the train. I'll call you later.

Because you may not want to broadcast your private conversation to all members of the public on the train with you, your message should be short and concise. If you use the example message, the situation will be understood by the listener.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I am on the train right now, I will call you when I am off

  • I cannot answer your call right now because I am on the train

  • I will call you back when I am off the train

I am on the train right now, I will call you when I am off - This is a easy way to tell someone you will call them back once you're off of the train. I cannot answer your call right now because I am on the train. - This tells them why you did not answer their phone call but does not imply you can call them back immediately I will call you back when I am off the train - This is very casual and tells them you will call them as soon as you get off of the train.
I am on the train right now, I will call you when I am off(今電車に乗っているから、降りたらかけます) - 電車を降りたらかけ直すと伝える簡単な言い方です。 I cannot answer your call right now because I am on the train.(電車に乗っているので今電話に出られません) - 電話に出なかった理由を伝えています。すぐにかけ直すというニュアンスはありません。 I will call you back when I am off the train.(電車を降りたらかけ直します) - とてもカジュアルな言い方です。電車を降りたらすぐにかけ直すと伝えています。
Sarahh DMM英会話講師
  • I can’t talk to you right now because I’m on the train.

I can’t talk to you right now because I’m on the train. 今電車に乗っているから話せない。 I’ll call you back later. あとで折り返し電話するね。
  • I can't talk right now because I'm on the train. I'll call you back.

  • Let me call you back in a few minutes. I can't talk because I'm on the train.

  • I can't talk because I'm on the train

When you want to apologize to someone calling you because you cannot speak; then you may explain in the following ways: -I can't talk right now because I'm on the train. I'll call you back. -Let me call you back in a few minutes. I can't talk because I'm on the train. -I can't talk because I'm on the train
電話をかけてきた人に、今は話せないと伝える言い方です: I can't talk right now because I'm on the train. I'll call you back. (電車の中なので今話せません。かけ直します。) Let me call you back in a few minutes. I can't talk because I'm on the train. (数分後にかけ直します。電車の中なので今話せません。) I can't talk because I'm on the train (電車の中なので今話せません。)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • I can't talk now because I am on the train.

  • Because I am on the train, I am unable to call you.

I am on the train:「電車の中にいる」 be unable to~:「~することができない」 という意味です。 お役に立てれば幸いです。
H. Kurumi 英語講師
  • I am not available when I'm on the train

  • I am unable to talk when I am on the train

  • When I am on the train, I can not answer a phone call

In many countries it is considered rude or impolite to be talking while other people are silent, like on trains, in the post office, or in public places especially where people might be reading or concentrating. We can explain this to people by informing them that it is considered impolite to talk on the trains in Japan because it may bother the other passengers, therefore, when I am riding the train, I can not talk on the phone. If you would like to not explain and simply state, "I am unavailable when I'm on the train." Some people might understand without any explanation. Also because there is usually an insecure signal on the trains, so call reception may not be optimal. For many reasons you can simple express, "I am not able to talk when I am on the train.."and people can imagine the reason.
多くの国では、電車・郵便局などの公共の場所(特に他の人が何かを読んでいたり、集中しているところ)で話をするのは、失礼なことだと考えられています。 これについては、以下のように説明できます。 "It is considered impolite to talk on the trains in Japan because it may bother the other passengers, therefore, when I am riding the train, I can not talk on the phone." (日本では、電車内で話すのは、他の乗客に迷惑なので失礼と考えられています。なので、電車で移動中は電話で話せません) 説明をせずに「I am unavailable when I'm on the train(電車にいるときは話せません)」と言っても、伝わるかもしれません。電車内は普通電波も届きにくいですから、電話には向きません。 いろいろな理由で、シンプルに「I am not able to talk when I am on the train(電車にいるときは話せません)」と言えます。あとは、聞き手が理由を想像してくれます。
Elisabeth L DMM英会話講師
  • I can't talk to you on the phone because I'm on the train right now.

  • Sorry I'm on the train at the moment so I'll call you back later.

「今電車の中なので」 I'm on the train right now Im on the train at the moment 最初にsorryを付けると優しくなります。 I'll call you back later 「あとでかけ直すね。」も付け加えるとより自然だし、親切なので 追加させてもらいました。 On the phoneは、電話で、ですが、なくても意味は伝わるかと思います。
Arima Forsyth DMM英会話翻訳パートナー
  • I'm sorry but I can't talk to you on the phone right now as I'm on the train.

  • I'm on the train right now and cannot speak so I will have to call you back later.

If you are on a train and cannot speak to someone at the time and want to let them know, you can say something like "I can't speak right now because I am on the train, so I will have to call you back later.". We normally say "I will call you back later" to make sure the other person knows we will return their call later.
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • I can't talk right now, I am on the train.

  • I am on the Train, I can't talk right now.

Ring Ring...Ring Ring. Hey, I am sorry about this, but I can't talk right now, I am on the train. Oh, okay, call me back when you get off. I will do. Bye I hope that helps. Have a great day. Will
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • I can't talk right now because I'm on the train.

Here is an example of this sentence being used in context: hello, hey, sorry but I can't talk right now because I'm on the train, I don't want to annoy anyone. Okay fair enough. I will call you in five minutes when I get off, if that's alright? Yeah that sounds good, talk soon. Bye. Goodbye.
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • I'm unable to talk now, i'm on the train.

  • I cannot talk now i'm on the train, i'll get back to you later.

You could use any of the above two sentences to excuse yourself from a phone call. - I'm unable to talk now, i'm on the train. or - I cannot talk now i'm on the train, i'll get back to you later.
Robyn K DMM英会話講師
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