世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話


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2018/04/12 18:19
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  • Even if we're having free conversation, please correct my grammar or other mistakes I make.

  • Please correct my grammar and other English mistakes that I make in conversation.

  • Please point out my grammar and speaking mistakes during conversation.

「point out」は「指摘する」です。「正す」だと、間違いの直し方も説明することですが、「point out」は逐語的に「それが間違いよ」というだけです。でも、もちろん、「point out」と言っても、先生が正すと思います。
Tim Young 主催
  • No matter what we're doing, please correct my grammar!

  • Even during free conversation, I always need grammar correction please!

"No matter what..." is similar to, "Regardless of what..." and may be used to introduce a point which you wish to make stressfully. EX. "Regardless of the weather, we will be arriving at the football pitch at 10am and we will be playing a game!" 'Even' or sometimes, 'even if' is used for emphasis if something is surprising or extreme: EX. "Even if it's raining, we will go ahead with the game."
"No matter what..."は、 "Regardless of what..."とよく似た意味で、~にも関わらずという意味です。 例: "Regardless of the weather, we will be arriving at the football pitch at 10am and we will be playing a game!" 天気に関わらず、10時にはフットボール場に到着し、ゲームできるでしょう。 'Even' や、 'even if' は、例え~でもという意味で、驚きを強調する表現です。 例: "Even if it's raining, we will go ahead with the game." 例え雨が降っていても、試合に勝ち進めるでしょう。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • You're welcome to correct my grammar at any point in the lesson

  • Please correct me when I make mistakes in the lesson

You can tell your teacher to correct you in the lesson. It would be helpful to indicate if you want to be corrected with any and every mistake you make during the lesson. Saying "you're welcome to correct my grammar at any point in the lesson" invites the teacher to correct your mistakes and it indicates that it is important to you that your mistakes are corrected.
レッスン中先生にあなたの間違いを訂正してもらうように伝えることは出来ますよね。 あなたのどんな些細な間違いでも正してもらう事を伝えるといいでしょう。 【例】 "You're welcome to correct my grammar at any point in the lesson" (レッスン中の文法の間違いを遠慮なく正してください) この様に伝えることによって、間違いを訂正してもらう事があなたにとって大事な事だという事を伝えることが出来ます。
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • Always correct my grammar so that I can improve my skills

  • Please correct my mistakes, even in every day conversation

  • Regardless of the situation, always correct my grammar

When we are trying to learn a new language, it is helpful to have a native speaker tell us when we make mistakes. When a native speaker provides you information about your performance in order to help you improve your speaking skills in the future, it is called "feedback" or "constructive criticism".
新しい言語を学んでいる時は、ネイティブスピーカーが間違いを指摘してくれると助かります。 ネイティブスピーカーが話し方についてアドバイスをすることは「feedback(フィードバック)」や「constructive criticism(建設的な批判)」と言えます。
Erin J DMM英会話講師
  • Please correct my grammar/mistakes even if we are having a free conversation

  • Even if we are having a free conversation please correct my mistakes

When asking your teacher to correct you if you make mistakes you can simply say 'mistakes' meaning all mistakes but if you want to corrected on a certain area then you can ask to be 'corrected on your grammar' Even if we are having a free conversation suggest you are not using materials so just talking between yourselves
間違えたら指摘して欲しいと先生にお願いするなら、シンプルに 'mistakes' と言えます。これは「あらゆる間違い」を意味します。 もし特定の分野(文法)について間違いを指摘してもらいたいなら、'my grammar' と言えます。 'Even if we are having a free conversation' は「教材を使っていないとき」、つまり「自由に話しているとき」を指します。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • "Please correct my grammar during our lesson/conversation."

  • "I would like you to correct my grammar during our lesson/conversation."

  • "If I make any grammatical errors during our lesson/conversation, please let me know."

"Please correct my grammar during our lesson/conversation" is a very clear and simply way to let your teacher know you would like grammar related feedback during your lesson or conversation or both. "I would like you to correct my grammar during our lesson/conversation" suggests to the teacher that you "would like" and would appreciate their corrections and feedback during the lesson. This sentence simply adds some more emotion to the request. "If I make any grammatical errors during our lesson/conversation, please let me know" is a more formal or proper way to ask your teacher to correct and mistakes and/or provide grammar related feedback during the lesson and/or conversation.
"Please correct my grammar during our lesson/conversation" (レッスン/会話で文法を正してください。) これは、先生にレッスンや会話、もしくは両方の最中に、文法に関するフィードバックが欲しいことを伝えるとてもクリアでシンプルなフレーズです。  "I would like you to correct my grammar during our lesson/conversation" (レッスン/会話の中で、文法を正してほしいんです。) これは、先生にレッスン中に文法を直してほしい、フィードバックが欲しいことをお願いするフレーズです。  "If I make any grammatical errors during our lesson/conversation, please let me know" (レッスン/会話の最中に、文法の間違いをしたら教えてください。) これは、先生にレッスンや会話の最中に、文法が間違っていたら教えてほしいことを伝えるよりフォーマルなフレーズです。 
Rada DMM英会話講師
  • Please correct any grammar mistakes during free conversation

  • I would like you to correct any mistakes I make even when we are having free conversation

  • If I make any mistakes please correct me at any time

Please address any mistakes I make at any time throughout the conversation.
Please address any mistakes I make at any time throughout the conversation. (会話の中で、いつでも間違いを指摘してください。)
Estter DMM英会話講師
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