世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/04/13 11:01
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  • I’ve been able to get this far with my English, all thanks to you, 〇〇!

  • I wouldn’t have gotten this far with my English, if it wasn’t for you.

I’ve been able to get this far with my English, all thanks to you, 〇〇! 〇〇〜のところに先生の名前を入れてください。〇〇の前には Mrs. か Mr を忘れないように。(Mrs. Jones, Mr. Bean) この文の意味は 「英語をここまでやってこれたのは、全部あなたのおかげです。〇〇先生!」という意味です。 All thanks to you〜は「あなたのおかげです」という意味です。 I’ve been able to get this far〜は 「ここまで やってこれたのは」という意味です。 もう一つ表現もあります。 I wouldn’t have gotten this far with my English, if it wasn’t for you、〇〇。 (〇〇先生、あなたじゃなかったら、私はここまで英語をやってこれなかったと思う)という意味です。 どの表現を使っても先生は感動するとおもいますよ。 参考までに!
  • I want to thank my English Teacher for helping me.

  • It's thanks to you that my English level has improved to what it is now.

These sentences should be said one after the other. If you start with bringing up your English teacher by saying thank you for helping. Then you can move on to say that it is thanks to them that your English has improved so much. "It is thanks to you" simply means that they are responsible for making something happen (in this case, improving your English).
これらの文は続けて言った方がいいです。 まず、手助けしてくれてありがとうと言って英語の先生の話を持ち出し、それから、英語が上達したのは先生のおかげだと続けます。 "It is thanks to you" は「〔あることが起きたのは(この場合「英語が上達したのは」)〕あなたのおかげ」という意味です。
Reagan DMM英会話講師
  • It's thanks to you that my English level has improved so much

  • I have been able to get this far with my English because of you/your help

  • My English is at the level it is now all because of you, thanks

When talking in a speech and thanking someone for their help it is always good to explain why If something has got alot better then you can say 'improved so much' When saying someone has helped you, you can say 'because of you' or 'because of your help'
スピーチで人の協力に感謝するときには、その理由を伝えた方がいいですね。 何かがすごく上達したなら、'improved so much' と言えます。 人が協力してくれたことは、'because of you' あるいは 'because of your help' で表せます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • "It's thanks to you that my English level has improved to what it is now"

  • "Thank you so much for helping me with my English, my improvement is all down to you"

  • "I really appreciate how far you have helped me come with my English skills"

If you wanted to thank your English teacher for them helping you improve your English level so much during your graduation speech, you could say any of the following: "It's thanks to you that my English level has improved to what it is now", "Thank you so much for helping me with my English, my improvement is all down to you" or "I really appreciate how far you have helped me come with my English skills"
卒業スピーチの時にお世話になった英語の先生に感謝の気持ちを伝えたいなら、次のように言えます。 "It's thanks to you that my English level has improved to what it is now"(ここまで私の英語が上達したのはあなたのおかげです) "Thank you so much for helping me with my English, my improvement is all down to you"(英語の勉強を手伝っていただきありがとうございました。英語が上達したのはあなたのおかげです) "I really appreciate how far you have helped me come with my English skills"(あなたのおかげで私の英語はすごく上達しました。本当に感謝しています)
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • Thanks to my English teacher my English level has greatly improved.

  • My English speaking ability has improved immensely thanks to the help and guidance of my English teacher.

  • My English has improved tremendously owing to my wonderful English teacher.

The above three examples are all wonderful ways of acknowledging and thanking one's teacher. In the first example, we acknowledge using the words 'thanks to' This is a more casual and polite way to express oneself. The second example makes use of the adjective immensely which places some emphasis on how much you have improved. In the third and final examples, I also made use of an adjective 'tremendously' for emphasis and use 'owing to' to acknowledge the teacher in a very cordial way.
この3つの例は、先生に感謝を表す素晴らしいフレーズです。 はじめの例は、 'thanks to'(~のおかげで)というフレーズを使い、丁寧な表現になります。 二つ目は、immensely(とても)という言葉を使い、どれほど上達したか強調しています。   三つ目は、tremendously(すごく)を使い、とても上達したことを強調して先生に伝えるフレーズです。
Mary Lee DMM英会話講師
  • It's down to you that my English has seen such great improvement!

  • My English would not have come on nearly so well if I hadn't had your help!

  • Due to being fortunate in having outstanding tutelage, my English has come on massively!

If something is 'down to' someone, it means that it is their responsibility. EX. "It's down to Adam to milk the cows this morning." To 'come on' ,means to grow or improve. EX. "The onions are really coming on in this warm weather." The third example is an indirect compliment to your tutor, whereas the other two are direct compliments.
down to' とは、責任のある、~にかかっているという意味です。 例:  "It's down to Adam to milk the cows this morning." 今朝、牛の乳しぼりをするのはアダムの役目です。 To 'come on' とは、成長する、上達するという意味です 例: "The onions are really coming on in this warm weather." 玉ねぎは、この暖かい天候でとても成長している。 3つ目の例は、他の2つの例が直接的なのに対して、非直接的な表現です。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I'm grateful to my English teacher for helping me improve my English to what it is now

  • Thank you to *say name* for helping me with my English.

"I'm grateful to my English teacher (*can say their name here*) for helping me improve my English to what it is now" Adding the person's name personalizes the message and the person will feel appreciated.
【例】 "I'm grateful to my English teacher (*can say their name here*) for helping me improve my English to what it is now" (私の今日の上達した英語力を手伝ってくれた英語の先生(ここに名前をいれてもいいですね)にとても感謝しています) 名前を入れることによって個人的なメッセージになるので、相手も嬉しく思うでしょう。
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
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