世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/04/15 20:49
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  • Please correct me if I make any grammatical or pronunciation mistakes.

  • Please correct me if my grammar or pronunciation is wrong.

  • Please inform me of any pronunciation and grammatical errors.

The three examples provided above are all good ways to inform your English teacher that you would like him or her to pay attention to your pronunciation and grammar and that you would like to be corrected so that you can take note of these mistakes and improve.
Mary Lee DMM英会話講師
  • Please correct any mistakes I make

  • Please correct my grammar and pronunciation mistakes

You can say: -please correct my grammar and pronunciation mistakes because these are areas I am focusing on the most at the moment. This will show the teacher that you know where you need to improve the most and this will allow them to look out for those specific areas of your English.
次のように言い表すことが出来ます。 【例】 -please correct my grammar and pronunciation mistakes because these are areas I am focusing on the most at the moment. (今文法と発音に力を入れているので、間違いは訂正してください) これによって、先生にあなたが何処を一番上達したいのか示すことが出来ます。 そして、先生はあなたの英語の特定の部分に気を付けることが出来ます。
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • Please pick me up on any pronunciation or grammatical mistakes

To pick someone up on something: this means, to tell someone that something they are doing or saying is incorrect, wrong, inappropriate, or a problem in some way. "When my teacher gave me back the corrected papers of my essay, I saw that I had been picked up on my spelling with 30 misspelt words!"
To pick someone up on somethingとは、していることが間違っていたり、不適切だったりしていることを伝えるという意味です。 "When my teacher gave me back the corrected papers of my essay, I saw that I had been picked up on my spelling with 30 misspelt words!" 先生が私のエッセイを返してくれた時、30個もスペルミスを指摘されていた。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Please correct my pronunciation and grammar errors.

errors means mistakes. For examples: My teacher marked all of my spelling errors in red ink on my essay. "Please correct my pronunciation and grammar errors." This is a polite way to ask your teacher to correct your mistakes that you make with pronunciation and grammar.
"errors" は "mistakes"(間違い)という意味です。 例えば: My teacher marked all of my spelling errors in red ink on my essay.(先生は作文中のスペルミス全てに赤字で印を付けてくれました) "Please correct my pronunciation and grammar errors."(発音や文法に間違いがあったら教えてください) - これは発音や文法のミスがあったら指摘して欲しいと伝える丁寧な言い方です。
Alyss DMM英会話講師
  • Could you correct any mistakes as we go please

  • Please point out any mistakes in my grammar and pronunciation

Verb phrase’ could (you) correct’ being used to ask person to perform an action. Here point out any errors as you go. Second example has phrasal verb point out doing the same job.
could (you) correct’ という動詞句は人に行動を頼む時に使われます。ここでは間違いを指摘することを指しています。2番めの例では、同じことをするのにpoint out という動詞句を使っています。
Neil G DMM英会話講師
  • Please tell me if I make any pronunciation or grammar mistakes

  • If I make any mistakes in my pronunciation or grammar will you tell me please

  • Would you let me know if I make any mistakes in my pronunciation or grammar

If you want someone to let you know if you do something wrong then you might ask 'please tell me', 'will you tell me' or 'would you let me know' a mistake is something you do wrong in your learning by accident you don't mean to
ミスをしたときに知らせてもらいたいなら、 'please tell me'(教えてください) 'will you tell me'(教えてもらえますか) または 'would you let me know'(教えてもらえますか) が使えます。 'mistake' は学習中に起こる故意でないミスを指します。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Please correct me, in the first instance, of any mistakes I make.

  • Please feel free to point out my mispronunciation & grammatical errors.

Please correct me, in the first instance, of any mistakes I make. - 'The first instance' is straight away. Your teacher will know what you mean with grammar & pronunciation. Please feel free to point out my mispronunciation & grammatical errors. 'Point out' meaning to bring to your attention, & by adding pronunciation & grammar to the statement if just adds further clarification. Acknowledge that we all make mistakes, even teachers, but one of the keys to learning a foreign language is that you have fun speaking the language as it will further excel your fluency & competence.
Please correct me, in the first instance, of any mistakes I make.(何か間違えたときにはすぐに指摘してください) = 'The first instance' は「すぐに」という意味です。文法や発音について間違いを指摘して欲しいことが先生に伝わます。 Please feel free to point out my mispronunciation & grammatical errors.(発音や文法に間違いがあればどんどん指摘してください) = 'Point out' は「指摘する」という意味です。"pronunciation" と "grammar" を加えることで、より明確に意味が伝わります。 人は誰しも間違いを犯します、先生でさえもです。ただ、外国語を学ぶ上で大切なのは会話を楽しむことです。それが上達につながります。
Jacques DMM英会話講師
  • Please correct all of my mistakes.

  • Please correct any grammatical or pronunciation mistakes.

It is always important to ask your teacher to correct your mistakes. This will help you to improve and to stop you making these mistakes in the future. -Please correct any grammatical or pronunciation mistakes. -Please correct all of my mistakes. -Please let me know if I make any mistakes.
先生に間違いを指摘して欲しいと頼むのは大切なことです。上達、そして同じ間違いを繰り返さないことにつながります。 -Please correct any grammatical or pronunciation mistakes.(文法や発音に間違いがあったら指摘してください) -Please correct all of my mistakes.(間違えたときには必ず指摘してください) -Please let me know if I make any mistakes.(何か間違えたら教えてください)
Niabh DMM英語講師
  • Please do let me know of any grammar or pronunciation errors I make during the lesson.

  • During the lesson, please lee me know if I make any pronunciation ir grammar errors.

  • If I make any grammar or pronunciation errors during the lesson, please do let me know.

During online lessons, it is great to have the tutor correct you as you go along the lesson so that your memory is still fresh and you remember which error is being mentioned. Pronunciation is how a word is said, it is important because without it we may not recognize a word when it is spoken. Grammar is just as important as we need to have our spelling correct in order to pronounce or identify words correctly.
レッスンを進めながら、まだ記憶が新しいうちにミスを指摘してもらうのはすごく良いことだと思います。 "Pronunciation" は「発音」です。発音は重要です、これがしっかりしていないと会話で話が通じません。 そして、"Grammar"(文法)も同じくらい大切です。スペルに間違いがあると、発音や意味も正しく伝わりません。
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • Please tell me if I make any mistakes with my pronunciation or grammar

  • Please Correct me if I make any mistakes with my pronunciation or grammar

"Please tell me if I make any mistakes with my pronunciation or grammar" A polite way of asking/stating the teacher if they are able to correct any mistakes/ anything you may get wrong. To ask the tutor/teacher if there are any mistakes and if there are for them to correct them.
"Please tell me if I make any mistakes with my pronunciation or grammar"(発音や文法に間違いがあったら指摘してください) は、丁寧な言い方です、間違いがあったら指摘してくれるか尋ねています。 先生にミスがあるかどうか尋ねて、あればそれを直すということ。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
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