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通勤方法を聞かれて答える方法を教えてください。テキストの例文ではI commute to work by trainでしたが、より自然な表現や言い回しはありますか?
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2018/04/16 10:29
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  • I get to work by train

  • I commute to work by train/rail

You can say "I commute to work by rail" to tell a person that you take the train to work and back. Or you can say "I get to work by train". You can also say "express train" if you take a very fast train that goes straight to your destination.
次のように言い表すことが出来ます。 "I commute to work by rail" ([電車](で[通勤](しています) これはあなたが電車を使って職場への行き帰りをする事を表現しています。 また、次のように言う事も出来ます。 "I get to work by train". (職場へは電車で行きます) また、急行電車など特急などに乗る場合は "express train" を使って目的地へ早くたどり着くことが出来ますよね。 commute = 通勤する by rail/by train = 電車で get to work/go to work = 職場に行く
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • I use the train for work

  • I take the train to work

Two examples of natural sentences. Replacing commute with use in first example and take in second. Both examples finishing with destination after the prepositions
2つの例は自然な文です。最初の例のuse,2つ目の例のtakeと commute に置き換えることが出来ます。両方の文とも前置詞の後に目的地を入れて文を終わります。
Neil G DMM英会話講師
  • I take the train to work.

  • I use the train when going to work.

commute: is not a word that is used normally between people. If you were to say it, people would understand but it is not generally used. People use the phrases more: "I take the train to work." "I use the train to get to work." "I go by train everyday to work." Hope this helps.
Commute: 会話で普通に使われる言葉ではありません。言ったら理解してくれますが一般的には使われていません。 これらのフレーズがより一般的です: "I take the train to work." ([会社](に[電車](で行きます) "I use the train to get to work." (会社に行くのに電車を利用します) "I go by train everyday to work." (毎日電車で通勤しています) ご参考になりますように!
Zoulfa DMM英会話講師
  • I take the train to work

"I take the train to work" is the most natural way of saying this. There is really no other way. In the U.S. its the most common way of saying this even though depending on what state you are they may subsitute the word "train" by metro or subway.
"I take the train to work" (私は会社に電車で行きます)がこれを言う最も自然な方法です。 他の方法はあまりありません。アメリカではどこの州にいるかによって”train”(電車)を”metro”(メトロ)または”subway”(地下鉄)で置き換えるかもしれませんが、これが最も一般的な言い方です。
Salomon DMM英会話講師
  • I go to work by rail

  • I'm a railway commuter

In the UK we do not have trams as a normal mode of transport. Practically every tram service we ever had is now defunct - so the only 'rail' service we have is train. If you tavel by rail, then you travel by train. If you use the underground train system, then you could equally state that you, 'travel by tube' or 'metro' or 'underground'.
イギリスでは、普通の交通機関として電車というものがありません。これまであった電車のサービスは現在は存在していません。 唯一あるのが鉄道です。 もし地下鉄を使うと言いたいのなら、'travel by tube' 'metro' または 'underground'ということができます。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I go there by train.

  • I commute by train.

These sentences express that someone goes somewhere and they get there by taking the train.
Eli M DMM英会話講師
  • I commute by train.

  • I go to work by train.

こんにちは。 いくつかの表現をご紹介します。 ①I commute by train. 「I commute to work by train」で問題なく通じます。 「commute」には「通勤する」という意味があるので「I commute by train.」だけでも「私は電車で通勤する」という意味になります。 ②I go to work by train. 「go to work」も「通勤する」という意味があるので、「I go to work by train.」という表現もできます。 参考になれば嬉しいです。
  • I take the train to work everyday

  • I ride the train to work

When describing how you get to work, you can tell them you take the train to work everyday since it sounds very natural. You can also say I ride the train to work or I get to work by train.
あなたがどうやって通勤するかを言い表す時は ”I take the train to work everyday” (私は毎日会社に電車に乗って行きます) と言うと、とても自然に聞こえます。 “I ride the train to work” (私は電車に乗って会社に行きます) または ”I get to work by train.” (私は電車で会社に行きます) と言うこともできます。
Yash DMM英会話講師
  • I go to work by train every day

  • I take the train to work daily

Most cities in Ireland are very small and therefore don't have a train service such as a subway like what exists in other big cities like Tokyo, London or New York City. We do have a train service that takes you to other small towns and cities. In Dublin, there is a tram service but it doesn't go underground. These two sentences are straightforward ways of telling someone that you commute by train to work.
Patrick I DMM英会話講師
  • I commute to work each day by using the train.

Examples: I get to work every day by using the train. I commute by using the train service each day. I catch the train every day to get to work. I use the city's rail service to get to work each day. I really recommend it, it is very affordable and you don't have to sit in traffic.
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • I travel to work by train.

  • I use the train to commute to work.

  • The way I get to work is by train

If you want to explain that you commute to work by train, you can use any of the followingg sentences:- 1. I travel to work by train. 2. I use the train to commute to work. 3.The way I get to work is by train. Here are some example sentences :- 1. I trave to work by train Example:- Wendy "Helen, how do you get to work?" Helen "I travel to work by train." 2. I use the train to commute to work. Example:- Sue-Ann "Do you commute to work by bus?" Lisa " No I commute to work by bus." 3. The way I get to work is by train. Example:- Mala " I get to work by train"
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • I commute to work by train.

  • I ride the train to work.

Here are two examples of how we can describe how we get to work every day. Notice that the main difference between these two examples is that you either use the verb, "to commute," or, "to ride." When using these verbs, please notice that the sentence structure must change slightly.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • I commute by train

  • I ride the train to work

  • I take the train to work

下記のように言うことができます: ・I commute by train ・I ride the train to work ・I take the train to work いずれも「電車で通勤しています」という意味です。 下記は例文ですのでぜひ参考にしてください: I commute by train. How about you? 私は電車で通勤しています。あなたはどうですか?
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