My memory is not as good as before. I really feel my age!
My memory is not as good as it used to be and it's making me feel old.
I feel old when I forget things so often.
「何だか覚えが悪くなって年を感じる~・・」= My memory is not as good as before. I really feel my age! / My memory is not as good as it used to be and it's making me feel old. / I feel old when I forget things so often.
覚えが(前・昔より)悪い・記憶力が悪い = my memory is not as good as before / my memory is not as good as it used to be / I often forget things
年を感じる = I feel my age / I feel old
"My memory isn't what it used to be. I'm really starting to feel my age."
「何だか覚えが悪くなって、年を感じる...」という日本語表現は、英語では、「My memory isn't what it used to be. I'm really starting to feel my age.」や「I'm feeling my age; my memory isn't as sharp as it once was.」、または「I'm noticing my memory fading as I get older」などと言うことができます。
これらのフレーズでは、決まったフレーズを使用しているわけではなく、直訳しています。'Memory isn't what it used to be'は直訳すると「記憶力が以前のようでない」という意味になり、'starting to feel my age'は「年を感じ始めている」を意味します。また、'memory fading'は「記憶力が衰えてくる」、'as I get older'は「年を取るにつれて」を表しています。