When you are in a situation where you need someone to quiet down, relax, or stop from 'freaking out' you can use any of these examples. All of these examples work for letting someone know they need to 'get a hold of themselves' (relax).
三例とも、人を落ち着かせたり、リラックスさせたり、パニックにならないようにさせる場面で使えます。人に、落ち着く(get a hold of oneself)ように言う場面です。
You can tell a person to "relax" or "calm down". This will indicate the person to not be too excited.
A more casual way to say this is "chill" or "chill out".
E.g. Chill out! You shouldn't be this excited because it's too soon.
あなおたは興奮している人に"relax" (リラックスして)や "calm down"(落ち着いて)伝えることが出来ます。
もう少しカジュアルな表現は "chill" や "chill out"があります。
Chill out! You shouldn't be this excited because it's too soon.
The two sentences you see above are great ways to express that you want someone to calm down. In the second sentence you will see the term take a chill pill. We use this when we want someone to relax or calm down if they are too excited. This is an informal phrase and would make a great addition to your vocabulary.
2番目の例文には、take a chill pillという表現があります。これは、興奮している人を落ち着かせたりリラックスさせたいときに使います。くだけたフレーズです。是非覚えてください。