世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/02/15 13:13
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  • extension

  • extended time

カラオケなどでの[延長](という習慣は英語圏にはない、あくまでも日本独特のサービスであるため、定番の自然な表現というものよりは直訳に近い訳でしか言い表せないことと思いますが、まずは〝延長” = ”extension”(名詞)、“extended time”([時間](を延長する) という表現が思い浮かびます。 Can we have extension, please? (時間延長でお願いします。) We'd like to extend our time. (時間延長してください。) We would like to ask for extended time. (時間は延長でお願いします。) こんな感じになるでしょうかね~!! 少しでも参考になればと思います。
Hara Ken English teacher
  • Can we stay here for another 30 minutes?

  • 1 hour extension please.

1. 30分長く居てもいいですか?(直訳) 2. 1時間延長お願いします。 [期限](や[時間](を延長するときの延長は「extension」ですが、 この言葉が浮かばないときは、いまの自分の状況(そこにstayしているでしょうから)をそのまま続けられるかどうか尋ねてみるのはどうでしょうか? 日本語に対応する英語を無理に探そうとせずに、 別の表現はないかなって頭で考えるのも大事だと思います。
Ranken 経済英語スクール代表・経営コンサルタント・システムエンジニア
  • Extend the session..

  • We are having such fun...let's extend the session for another hour!

We can sometimes find that ..." time flies when we are enjoying ourselves". Say in a karaoke bar or playing games like paint bal etc...And "before we know it" We have run out of "the allotted time". Not a problem usually ;-)) Simply ask to "extend the session!"
私達は時に" time flies when we are enjoying ourselves"(楽しい時間は飛ぶように過ぎていく)と実感することがあります。 例えばカラオケ店の中だったり、ペイントボールのようなゲームをしたりしていると、"before we know it"(気づかないうちに)"the allotted time"(与えられた時間)が終わってしまっています。たいていの場合は問題はないですが。 単に "extend the session!"(延長する)ようにお願いしましょう!
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • Could we stay a little longer please?

  • Could we continue a little longer please?

  • May we prolong the karaoke session please?

To prolong something = to make something longer/extend something. To continue = to keep doing the thing you are already doing. stay longer = remain in a place more time. "May we prolong the karaoke session please?" "Sure, we can stay open for another hour." A "Thanks!"
To prolong something =何かを長くする/何かを伸ばす。 To continue=あなたがすでにやっていることを続ける stay longer=より長くその場所に留まる。 "May we prolong the karaoke session please?" 「カラオケ時間の延期してもよろしいですか?」 "Sure, we can stay open for another hour." 「もちろん、私たちはもう1時間は営業時間延ばせますよ」 A "Thanks!" "ありがとう!"
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Please may we have some more time?

  • May we carry on for a bit longer please?

  • Please could we prolong the kareoke?

Please may we have some more time? A polite way of asking for an extension. May we carry on for a btt longer please? to carry on = to continue a bit longer= a non specific period of time.
Please may we have some more time? (延長をお願いしてもいいですか?) 延長を依頼する丁寧な聞き方 May we carry on for a btt longer please? (少し延長をお願いしてもいいですか?) to carry on = to continue (継続する) a bit longer(もう少し長く) = a non specific period of time(不特定な時間の長さ)
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • Please give the Karaoke more time.

  • Will you please extend the karaoke time?

  • Please let the karaoke last longer.

You may politely ask the organizer by starting with the adverb 'please' to give the karaoke more time' So, you may say: Please give the Karaoke more time. or you may politely ask the organizer as follows: Will you please extend the karaoke time? or Please let the karaoke last longer. To last longer actually means to go beyond the time something was supposed to end.
please' という副詞を使うことによって丁寧に主催者にカラオケの延長をお願いできます。 このように使えます: (英文) Please give the Karaoke more time. or you may politely ask the organizer as follows: Will you please extend the karaoke time? or Please let the karaoke last longer. To last longer actually means to go beyond the time something was supposed to end. (訳) 「カラオケの延長をお願いします」 または 丁寧に尋ねることができます: 「カラオケの延長をお願いしてもいいですか?」 「カラオケをもう少し延長してください」 To last longerは延長するという意味です。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • Can we have more time, please?

  • We'd like to stay a little longer.

Can we have more time, please? - This is asking for more time We'd like to stay a little longer. - this is requesting to stay at the place for a little longer. A. When are you leaving for the US? B. Tomorrow, but to be honest, I'd like to stay in Japan a little longer. I'm not ready to go back!
Can we have more time, please? ー「延長できますか?」もう少し時間を伸ばせるかを聞くフレーズ。  We'd like to stay a little longer. - 「もう少し延長したいです。」もう少し長く滞在する依頼をする言い方。    A. When are you leaving for the US?  いつアメリカに発つのですか? B. Tomorrow, but to be honest, I'd like to stay in Japan a little longer. I'm not ready to go back!  明日です。でも正直もう少し日本に居たいです。まだ帰る気になれません。
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • I would like to extend our time please.

  • Can I please extend our time please?

If you would like to extend your time in a place and want to ask someone to help you, you can say something like "I would like to extend our time please." or "Can I please extend our time please?". This is an easy way to ask someone to help you extend the time on something, for example karaoke.
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • I am really having a great time. Can we stay a bit longer?

  • Can we extend our stay here?

*I am really having a great time. Can we stay a bit longer? This means that you are really enjoying and you would like to be there for a few more hours because you don"t feel like going home. *Can we extend our stay here? This can be used if you are staying maybe at a hotel or holiday resort and you having a good time and you feel like extending the period you are staying there.
*I am really having a great time. Can we stay a bit longer? これは楽しい時間を過ごしているため帰宅したくなくて後もう数時間いたいといういう意味です。 *Can we extend our stay here? これはホテルやリゾートでの宿泊を延長することです。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • extension

  • time extension

  • extended time

「延長」という言葉を英語で表すと、「extension」と「time extension」または「extended time」という言葉を使っても良いと考えました。延長を頼むと、「Please give me a time extension.」と言っても良いです。質問で頼みたい場合、「Can I please have an extension?」という質問を使っても良いです。
  • extend

  • Could we extend the karaoke session for another hour?

  • Could we add 30minutes to our karaoke session?

●お願いをする時、Could we~?? で始めるといいです。 extend= 延長 別件ですが、延長コード=extension cordと言ったりします。 karaoke session=カラオケのセッション 1) Could we extend the karaoke session for another hour? 一時間カラオケ(のセッション)延長してもよろしいでしょうか? 2) Could we add 30minutes to our karaoke session? このカラオケのセッションに30分足してもらってもいいでしょうか? :)
  • Please extend our time.

  • We'd like to extend our time.

  • May we have an extension?

延長 = extension カラオケでは、延長するのは"time" (時間)です。 簡単でいうと、"Please extend our time" = 「延長お願いします」です。 "We'd like to extend our time." = 「延長したいのですが」(主語を加えましたが。) カラオケ以外の例文: May we please have an extension of the deadline? Could you please extend the deadline? 両方の意味は「締め切りを延長いただけますか」。ただし、1番目のextensionは名詞で、2番目のextendは動詞です。 "May we have an extension?" = 「延長お願いできますか」もしくは「延長いただけますか」
  • Me and my friends are having so much fun here! Could we extend for another hour please?

Examples: Could we extend for another hour please? If it's possible could we extend for another hour? If there are any slots available could we extend our booking? Can we extend our booking please? We are having such a good time, we are not ready to go yet.
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • Can I have an extension please?

  • Can I extend please?

Here are two examples that we can ask when we want to extend our time at a place or when doing something for a rented amount of time. Notice that we can either use the noun version, "extension," or we can use the verb version, "extend," to have the same effect in these phrases.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • time extension

  • more time

When you want to ask to extend the time at a place, then you may use the following expressions: -more time -time extension You may use the above phrases in the following ways: -Would it be possible to have more time for karaoke? -I would like a bit of time extension for my time here. Would that be possible?
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • I would like an extension please

  • I would like to extend please

延長はextendとextensionです。 お願いします - please, can I, may I? I would like an extension please I would like to extend please May I get an extension please? など レンタルの延長お願いします I would like an extension on this DVD rental please I would like to extend this DVD rental please
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