世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/05/05 16:55
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  • Please could you get the tower in?

To say to get something 'in' is to ask them to include it into the picture. You should open with please as you are asking for a favour.
「get something in」は、何か(somthing)を写真に入れるようお願いする時に使えます。 お願いをしている訳なので「please」で始めるといいです。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • Please take a picture with the tower behind me/us.

  • Please take a photo with the tower behind me/us.

『写真を撮る』の言い回しは3つあります。 take a picture take a photo take a photograph お役に立てたらうれしいです。
Terumi H アメリカ在住元英語講師
  • Can you make sure the tower is also in the picture, please?

  • Can you include the tower in the picture, please?

  • Could you take a picture of me/us with the tower in the background, please?

All of these lets the person taking the picture to include the tower in the background of the picture. All of these get the point across and saying please will make the photographer sure to add the tower in the background :)
これらすべての表現は、写真の背景にタワーを入れてほしい、と言う事を表現しています。 これらはあなたが言いたい事をすべて含んでいます。 そして"please"を言う事によって、写真を撮ってくれる人にタワーを間違いなく背景に入れることを確認することが出来ます :)
Stacey Le DMM英会話講師
  • Please include the tower behind

  • Thanks for taking the picture for us. Please include the tower in the background.

When you've asked a stranger to take a picture of you and want them to include a building/tower behind you, then you can say: -Please include the tower behind (us). -Thanks for taking the picture for us. Please include the tower in the background.
見知らぬ人(stranger)に、自分と後ろのタワーの写真を撮ってほしい、とお願いするときに使える表現です: -Please include the tower behind (us). 後ろのタワーを入れてください。 -Thanks for taking the picture for us. Please include the tower in the background. 写真を撮ってくれてありがとうございます。後ろにタワーを入れてください。
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • Please make sure you get the tower as well!

  • Could you try to get all of us and the tower as well?

"Please make sure..." is a firm but friendly way of asking someone to check that something is carried out correctly. "Please make sure the door is shut when you leave home!" using "Could you..." makes the request a little softer and more polite.
「Please make sure...」は、あることが正しく行われるか確認するようお願いする言い方です、firm (強い) ですが friendly (フレンドリー) です。 "Please make sure the door is shut when you leave home!" (出掛ける時にはドア閉めていってね) 「Could you...」を使うと、もう少し柔らかい丁寧なお願いになります。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Please get the tower in the photo!

  • Could you get the tower behind us in the photo also?

"Please get the tower in the photo!" Beginning with "Please" is polite and a nice way to start your request. You could also ask, "Please center the tower behind us in the photo." "Center" - to get an item in the middle of a photo, etc. "Could you get the tower behind us in the photo also?" "Could you" - is this possible to do. "Also" meaning you would like both the people and the tower in the photo!
"Please get the tower in the photo!" (写真にそのタワーを入れて下さい) お願いをするときは「Please」で始めると丁寧です。 ほかに: Please center the tower behind us in the photo." (私達の後ろでタワーが中心になるように撮って下さい) "Center" - あるものを写真の中央に持って来ること、など "Could you get the tower behind us in the photo also?" (後ろのタワーも入れて撮っていただけますか) "Could you" - 何かが可能かどうかを尋ねる 「also」は、人とタワーの両方を写真に入れて欲しいことを表します。
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • Could you please take a picture of us and get the tower in the background?

Using "could" is a polite way to ask for a favor, especially from someone that you don't know. When talking about capturing something in a picture, we use the verb "get." I hope that this helps. :)
"could" は、(特に面識のない人に)頼み事をするときの丁寧な言い方です。 何かを写真に入れることについて言う場合、動詞の "get" が使われます。 参考になれば幸いです。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
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