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2018/05/06 06:06
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  • Were you on vacation?

『久しぶりですね。休暇だったのですか?』と聞く場合、 Long time no see, where have you been? Were you on vacation? (お久しぶりですね、どこにおられたのですか?休暇だったのですか?) になります。 私たちの職場では、ジョークで時々、 Are you hiding from me? (私に見つからないように、隠れてたの?) といったりします。 お役に立てたらうれしいです
Terumi H アメリカ在住元英語講師
  • You were away for a bit, were you on vacation?

  • I noticed you weren't online for a while, I hope everything was okay.

You can ask two different questions. You can ask if they were on vacation, or you can ask if everything was okay. You never know why someone was away so you can just mention they were away for a while. If you ask if they were on vacation they will tell you if they were or if there was something else happening in their life,
二通りの聞き方ができます。1) 休暇中だったかを尋ねる 2) 問題がなかったか尋ねる なぜしばらく見かけなかったか、理由は分かりませんので、「they were away for a while (しばらくいなかった)」とだけ言いましょう。 「Were you on vacation?」と尋ねれば、休暇中だったのかそれ以外の理由があったのか教えてくれるでしょう。
Stacey Le DMM英会話講師
  • Have you been on holiday?

In British English we use the term holiday. In American English the term vacation is used instead.
イギリス英語では「holiday」という言葉を使います。 アメリカ英語では代わりに「vacation」が使われます。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • Were you on holiday?

  • Did you take a break?

To take a break = to stop doing what you are doing/to take time off from your normal occupation. Holiday (UK) = Vacation (US) "I'm going to take a break next week in Barcelona."
to take a break = 今していることを中断する / 普段の仕事を休む また「休日」はイギリスでは holiday で、アメリカでは vacation です。 "I'm going to take a break next week in Barcelona." 「来週は休暇でバルセロナに行く予定です」
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Did you go on vacation?

  • Have you been travelling?

  • Have you been on holiday?

"Did you go on vacation?" is a very common way to ask someone if they have been abroad. It's more common when using US English to use the term "vacation". However, in British English you can use both vacation and holiday to ask the question e.g. "Have you been on holiday?" "Have you been travelling?" is perhaps a more modern way to ask the question. However, its more commonly associated with backpacking, which is a budget friendly vacation.
"Did you go on vacation?"「休暇でどこかに行った?」は誰かに海外に行ったかどうかを聞く、とても一般的な表現です。 「休暇」に vacation を使うのはアメリカ英語を使うときにはより一般的です。しかしながらイギリス英語では同じ質問をするのに vacation でも holiday でもいいです。 例) "Have you been on holiday?" 「休暇を取った?」 →「休暇中どこかに行った?」 "Have you been travelling?"「旅行してた?」という言い方はおそらく同じ質問をするにも、より最近の言い方かもしれません。しかしそれはバックパッカーの旅行、つまり予算にやさしい旅行、に関連する際により一般的です。
Spencer T DMM英会話講師
  • I haven't seen you in ages. Were you away?

  • Were you on vacation? I haven't seen you since March.

  • Have you been away?

I haven't seen you in ages. - This can mean any length of time from a couple of months to a few years. Were you on vacation? I haven't seen you since March. - You can use this if you want to be more specific with time. e.g- I haven't seen you since March. I haven't seen you in two years!
I haven't seen you in ages.(しばらくぶりですね) - これは「数カ月ぶり」から「数年ぶり」までを指します。 Were you on vacation? I haven't seen you since March.(休暇中だったのですか。3月以来会っていませんでした) - 時間についてより具体的に言いたい場合にはこれが使えます。 例: I haven't seen you since March. I haven't seen you in two years!(3月以来会っていませんでした。2年ぶりです)
Niabh DMM英語講師
  • Were you on vacation?

  • Have you been on holiday?

In the UK we generally use the term 'holiday' more than 'vacation' if you want to ask if someone has been or went somewhere then you can ask 'were you?' or 'have you been?'
イギリスでは、'vacation'(休暇)よりも 'holiday' という語の方が一般的です。 どこかに行っていたか尋ねるときには、'were you?' や 'have you been?' が使えます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Have you been on vacation?

  • Were you on holiday?

"Have you been on vacation?" This sentence is a question that is asking whether they individual/persons have been on vacation/holiday or away (all used for going away on a trip). "Were you on holiday?" Is this most common phrase when asking someone if they have been away on holiday/vacation.
"Have you been on vacation?"(休暇を取っていたのですか) は、相手に休暇を取っていたのか尋ねています。休暇を取ることは 'on vacation/holiday' や 'away' で表せます。 "Were you on holiday?"(休暇を取っていたのですか) は、休暇を取っていたのか尋ねる最も一般的な言い方です。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
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