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ノウハウを詰め込んだりhow to本をどれだけ沢山読んでも、 実際にやってみないと身につかない、意味がない ということを言いたいです。 英語の参考書を沢山よんでも、実際ネイティブと話して使わないと知識として定着しない そんな状況を想定しての表現をお願いします。
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2018/05/09 13:40
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  • Without practice it does not matter how much you study..

This is an informal way to explain to someone that they have to practice whatever skill they are trying to learn because if they only study it, they will not master it. This can be for English, a sport, or any skill. I hope this helps :)
インフォーマルな言い方です。どんなスキルであっても、勉強するだけでなく、実践しなければ身につかないことを説明しています。これは、英語でも、スポーツでも、あらゆるスキルに使えます。 お役に立てば幸いです。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • What's the point in studying if you don't put your knowledge to use.

This statement means that what is the point of putting in a lot of hard work studying, if your not going to use what you have learnt in real life situations. For example: if you are studying English, practicing speaking English in real life situations is really beneficial to your learning process, it's why you put in all the hard work studying, to be able to speak English in real life.
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • No matter how much you study, it is meaningless if you don't put into practice what you have learned.

  • No matter how much you study, your efforts go down the drain if you don't practise what you have learned.

1) meaningless(無意味)以外に、類語のuselessやa waste(無駄)も使えます。 put 〜 into practiceは、「〜を実践に移す」という意味です。 2) 「意味がない」をgo down the drain(水の泡になる)という慣用句で表現した上級者向けの文です。 practiseは、「〜を実践する」という意味の動詞ですが、アメリカ英語では名詞と同様にpracticeの綴りです。 備考:一般論ではなく自分個人について話す場合は、youをIに、yourをmyに置き換えます。
Kei S DMM英会話プロ翻訳家
  • It's rather difficult to hone your English skills without any interaction with native speakers

If you don't interact with native speakers, you may believe that your English studies are 'A' waste of time. (We never just say, "waste of time"). Of course, anyone can learn something, alone, online or by practising with non-native speakers. When making a statement outlining your views, it is important to be clear about your meaning and not describe a wild, subjective viewpoint which may immediately be challenged by the listener. This may be done by understating (rather) or moderating the language and saying something which may be the case for many, rather than a small minority of people.
ネイティヴ・スピーカーと交流しなければ、英語学習は "A" waste of time「時間の無駄」と思うかもしれません(英語の表現として冠詞の "A" なしで "waste of time" だけを言うことは決してありません)。 もちろん誰でも独学やオンライン学習、またはノンネイティヴ・スピーカーと練習することで何かを学ぶことはできますよ。 自分の意見の概要を伝えるときには、聞き手からすぐに反論されるような乱暴で主観的な考えを言わないで、意味に忠実であることが重要です。 これは言葉をよく理解したり、和らげたり、少数派の意見より多くの人に当てはまるであろうことを言うことによって成し遂げられることがあります。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • If you don't practice, it doesn't matter how much you study.

This is simply saying that you can study all you want, if you don't practice what you are learning it is a waste of time. You can simply say, "If you don't practice, it doesn't matter how much you study."
Stacey Le DMM英会話講師
  • However hard you may study, it is waste of time if you don't put it into practice.

  • All input and no output makes your study waste of time.

最初の文は原文を素直に英語にしました。 ・どれだけ沢山勉強したとしても  However hard you may study ・実践しないと意味がない  「意味がない」は it is meaningless としてもいいですが、「時間のむだ」 waste of time を使いました。  「〜を実践する」は put 〜 into practice です。 2つ目は、英語の諺をベースにして、こんな風にも言えるという例です。  All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.(よく学びよく遊べ) を使って、  英語の参考書などを読む = input  その知識を実際に使う = output と置き換えました。 ここでも「意味がない」は(その勉強が)waste of time になる、という文にしています。  All input and no output makes your study waste of time.
  • If you don't put what you learned into practice, then it was a waste of time.

"If you don't put what you learned into practice, then it was a waste of time." Put - to make use of something. Practice - Using what you learned. Waste - unprofitable. or you could say, "If you don't use it you lose it." Meaning you will forget what you learned if you do it use it. Like English vocabulary. If you don't use vocabulary words frequently you will forget them.
"If you don't put what you learned into practice, then it was a waste of time." (学んだことを実践しなければ、それは時間の無駄だったことになります) Put - 何かを活用すること。 Practice - 学んだことを使うこと。 Waste - 無益なこと。 または”If you don't use it you lose it.”と言うこともできます。これは使わなければ忘れてしまうという意味です。英単語のように、頻繁に使わないものは忘れてしまいます。
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • If you don't practice what you are learning you lose that knowledge.

  • It's hard to retain English if I don't get to practice it or use it.

  • It's like any foreign language, you lose it if you don't use it.

If you don't practice what you are learning you lose that knowledge. It's hard to retain English if I don't get to practice it or use it. It's like any foreign language, you lose it if you don't use it. I could learn more about English if I can use it more.
If you don't practice what you are learning you lose that knowledge. (習っていることを実践しないと、その知識を忘れてしまいます。) It's hard to retain English if I don't get to practice it or use it. (実践したり、使ったりしないと英語を保つことは難しい。) It's like any foreign language, you lose it if you don't use it. (どの言語でも同じように、使わないと忘れます。) I could learn more about English if I can use it more. (英語をもっと使うことができるなら、もっと学べると思います。)
Bobbi S DMM英語講師
  • Without practicing, studying is pointless.

  • No matter how much you study, you need to put it into practice or it's meaningless.

  • If you don't practice speaking, studying is meaningless.

It is very important to speak to native speakers when learning a new language. You can learn a lot from having conversations with native speakers! If you don't use it, you lose it!
新しい言語を勉強しているときは、ネイティブスピーカーと話すことはとても大切です。ネイティブスピーカーとの会話でたくさん学ぶことができます。 If you don't use it, you lose it! (使わないと、忘れるよ!)
Niabh DMM英語講師
  • No matter how much you study, it's pointless if you can't put it to use.

  • Knowledge means nothing if you can't put it to use.

  • An ounce of practice is worth more than a ton of theory.

1) これは直訳での英訳になります。 2) 勉強することで知識("knowledge")が得られるので、 「知識を活かさないと無意味だ」という表現になります。 3) この表現はたまに耳にしますが由来がはっきりしていない名言です。 「1オンスの実践は、1トンの理論以上の価値がある」という意味です。 この場合、"theory"(理論)は"knowledge"(知識)に近いです。
ElbertL オーストラリア出身翻訳家
  • It's meaningless studying but not putting that knowledge into practice.

  • Knowledge acquired from studying is means nothing without putting it into practice.

You could use any of the above two sentences in your situation. Example; - Knowledge without practice means nothing. - Knowledge without practice means knowing what to do but not knowing how to do it.
Robyn K DMM英会話講師
  • No matter how much you've studied, if you don't put it into practice it's meaningless.

  • No matter how much you've studied, it's pointless if you don't implement what you've learned.

No matter how much you've studied, 「どれだけ沢山勉強したとしても、」  if you don't put it into practice it's meaningless 「実践しないと意味がない」  put it into practice は「過去の努力を用いて、実践する」に相当します。 it's pointless if you don't implement what you've learned.  「習った事を使わないと無駄です」  両方は近いですけど、勉強で習った事重要視したい時は 「it's pointless if you don't implement what you've learned」の方が合います
JamesP アメリカ人翻訳家
  • It won't matter how much you've studied if you don't apply what you've learned.

  • Studying very hard will get you nowhere unless you apply what you've learned.

1)It won't matter how much you've studied if you don't apply what you've learned. 「たくさん勉強しても、学んだことを実践しないと、大した成果にならないだろう。」 It won't matter「大したものない」は「意味がない」の似ている表現です。 何を実践するというと、what you've learned (through study)「(勉強で)学んだこと」を実践するという意味です。 2)Studying very hard will get you nowhere unless you apply what you've learned. 「たくさん勉強しても、それで学んだことを実践しないとらちが明かない。」 ここのget you nowhere「埒が明かない」は「意味がない」の言い換えです。
McGloryJ アメリカ出身英語講師
  • You can study and study and study but if you don't practice it is meaningless.

  • Unless you practice, studying is meaningless.

  • In order to make studying worthwhile, you need to practice.

I keep studying but nothing goes in. I can't remember anything. Are you practicing every day? No. Well, you can study and study and study but if you don't practice it is meaningless. I hope this helps. Have a great day. Will
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • It does not matter how much you study, it is meaningless if you do not practice what you have learned.

  • No matter how much you study something, it is pointless if you go not get to practice.

When you want to express that one may learn something as much as they can but it would be pointless if they do not put it into practice; then you may express this in the following ways: -It does not matter how much you study, it is meaningless if you do not practice what you have learned. -No matter how much you study something, it is pointless if you go not get to practice.
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • No matter how much you study, it's necessary to practice the material.

  • No matter how much you study, you must practice it as well.

  • No matter how much you study, you need to practice the material as well.

Here are three phrases we can use to express this concept. One main thing to notice is the usage of the obligatory phrases such as, "it's necessary," "you must," or, "you need," to express the second clause within the phrase.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • No matter how much you study, it's not really worth it unless you put it to practice.

  • You can study English all you want, but you don't know English unless you speak it.

  • Practice makes perfect

Studying any material gives us a knowledge of that material, but we really don't know the material until we put it to use. Doctors can study medical books all their lives, but they will not know how to do an operation until they actual DO an operation. Studying is theory, practice is use, and use is doing. We have a saying in English, "practice makes perfect". We use this when we want to do well in a material. It can be English language, an instrument, constructing a building, or mechanical work. With all of these examples, one needs practice and hands on experience. Otherwise, one really doesn't fully know how to do the job.
Elisabeth L DMM英会話講師
  • Studying is a waste of time if you don't get to use and practice it.

1)回答について Studying is a waste of time if you don't get to use and practice it. 意味がないというのを a waste of time で表現しました。どれだけたくさん勉強したとしても、というのをどうしても言いたければ、以下のようにもできます。 No matter how hard you study, it'd be a waste unless you use it. Unlessというのはif とnotの組み合わせです。 I hope this will help you. お役に立てれば光栄です。
Connie H イギリス出身翻訳家
  • It doesn't matter how much you study if you don't practise

  • Without hard practising, studying doesn't make a lot of sense

I would recommend you to use any of these sentences. Both of them mean absolutely the same but they built in different ways.
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
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