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ホテルで働いております。 宿泊者のお友達や知り合いが時々 そのお客様の部屋に行こうとされるのですが 宿泊者以外の方はお部屋に行くのはご遠慮頂いてまして、用がある方はロビーで面会お願いしてます。 うまく言えないので教えて頂けると助かります。
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2018/05/10 21:17
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  • We do not allow visitors to enter the rooms of our guests.

  • Only guests can enter the hotel rooms.

Both of these will let the visitor know they can not go into a room. You can also state, "It is our hotel policy." in case the visitor decides to question why or why not.
どちらも、訪問客(ゲスト以外)は部屋に入れないと伝える言い方です。 「なぜダメなのか」と言われたときは、"It is our hotel policy." (私どもの方針となっております)と言えます。
Stacey Le DMM英会話講師
  • "Only hotels guests are to enter the rooms, please."

  • "We only ask that paying guests enter the hotel rooms."

"Only hotels guests are to enter the rooms, please." "Hotel guests" - those who are staying at the hotel, or paying to stay at the hotel. "Enter" - go into the hotel rooms. Adding please at the end makes the statement more polite and makes it sound more like a request than a command. "We ask that only paying guests enter the hotel rooms." "We ask" - This is the hotel managements request of all their guests. "Paying guests" - Those who have a reservation and have paid for the room.
"Only hotels guests are to enter the rooms, please." (宿泊者のみお部屋に入ることができます。) "Hotel guests" - 宿泊者 "Enter" - 部屋に入る 最後に"please"をつけることでより丁寧で、命令というよりお願いをしている印象になります。 "We ask that only paying guests enter the hotel rooms."(お支払いしたお客様のみお部屋にご案内するようになっています。) "We ask" - ~をお願いする "Paying guests" - 予約をして支払いを済ませた宿泊者
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • Only hotel guests are allowed in the rooms

To say that 'only' hotel guests are allowed in the hotel's rooms is to explain that only guests that have paid to stay there can enter the hotel's rooms.
「only hotel guests are allowed in the hotel's rooms」とは、宿泊費を支払う宿泊客のみがホテルの部屋に入ることができるという意味です。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • Sorry, no visitors are allowed in the rooms

  • Visitors are not permitted in the rooms at any time

Well, it seems a little harsh that someone paying for a hotel room cannot invite a guest into the room! Anyway, either of the above example sentences will be adequate to convey this strict policy.
お金を払ってホテルに泊まっているのに人を部屋に招いてはダメというのは、ちょっと厳しい感じがしますが、、、 それはともかくとして、上のどちらの文を使っても、この厳格な方針を伝えられます。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Rooms are reserved for guests only.

  • Rooms are for paying guests only.

  • Do not enter the room unless you have a reservation.

Do not enter the room unless you have a reservation. - This is saying that if you have not booked and payed for a room in the hotel then you cannot enter the rooms. It is common for guests to bring a friend to the hotel room so this needs to be made known at check-in if that is the policy. Rooms are for paying guests only. - This also means that if you have not payed for the room then you cannot use the rooms.
Niabh DMM英語講師
  • Guests only in hotel rooms

  • Please can guests refrain from taking non guests to the hotel rooms.

  • Residents only in hotel rooms

"Guests only in hotel rooms" is a clear way of saying that no one other than guests are allowed in hotel rooms. "Please can guests refrain from taking non guests to the hotel rooms" is a polite way to ask guests not to take non-guests to their rooms. "Residents only in hotel rooms" is very clear that only people staying in the hotel are allowed in the rooms.
Pamela E DMM英会話講師
  • Only guests who are currently staying at this hotel are allowed to enter the rooms.

A guest is a paying customer who is paying to stay at the hotel. They may have friends or family who want to come in to use the facilities which is not in the best interests of the hotel. You could say: I am sorry but we only allow guests entry to the hotel rooms, it is hotel policy.
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • Only guests are allowed in the rooms.

  • No outsiders are allowed to enter into the rooms.

  • We do not allow visitors to enter into the rooms.

Here are three ways that you can express this idea to incoming guests into the hotel. Notice that we can refer to people who are not staying at the hotel as, "visitors," or, "outsiders." In addition, we can also say that, "only guests," are allowed to have the same effect as the other two examples.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • We kindly ask that only hotel guests occupy the rooms.

  • Only hotel guests are allowed in the rooms.

"We kindly ask that only hotel guests occupy the rooms." This a polite way of asking that only people staying at the hotel, go into (their) rooms. "Occupy" means to use something. "This room is occupied". Or, if you work at the reception at the hotel & someone walks in asking for a room but you don't have any, you could say "I'm sorry. Unfortunately, all the rooms are occupied this evening." "Only hotel guests are allowed in the rooms." This statement is a bit more direct & is more of an order saying that only guests can be in the rooms.
Jacques DMM英会話講師
  • Only guests can enter the rooms.

  • I am sorry, but, only guests may enter the rooms.

  • It is hotel policy that only guests enter the rooms.

You can probably guess that my three sentences went from direct, not rude, but direct, to more polite and calm. So, depending on the situation you can judge which one you need to use. But, to be safe, the third is the kindest way of saying it. Try one out, see how it goes, and see which one suits you. I hope this helps. Have a great day. Will
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • Only guests can enter the room.

  • Non-guests are not allowed in rooms.

The best way to describe the difference between someone that is staying at a hotel and someone that is not is talk about if they are a 'guest.' Someone staying at a hotel is referred to as a 'guest' And someone that is not staying at the hotel is a 'non-guest' or not a guest. EX) Only guests can enter the room. Non-guests are not allowed in rooms.
Quinn R DMM英会話講師
  • The only people that may be allowed into the rooms are hotel guests.

  • We only allow guests into the rooms. Unfortunately, non-guests may not enter the rooms.

  • Only hotel guests are allowed into the rooms. You may not enter the rooms unless you're staying with us.

When you want to explain to a person that only hotel guest are allowed into the rooms and not anyone not staying at the hotel; you may explain this in the following ways: -The only people that may be allowed into the rooms are hotel guests. -We only allow guests into the rooms. Unfortunately, non-guests may not enter the rooms. -Only hotel guests are allowed into the rooms. You may not enter the rooms unless you're staying with us.
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • Unfortunately only guests of this hotel an enter the rooms.

  • Only hotel guests can enter the hotel rooms.Thank you for your cooperation and sorry for the inconvenienced caused.

If you would like to tell someone that only hotel guests can enter the the rooms, you can say something like "Only hotel guests can enter the hotel rooms.Thank you for your cooperation and sorry for the inconvenienced caused.". This is a polite way to express this to someone.
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • Only guests can go up to the rooms.

  • Only guests can enter the hotel rooms.

  • Visitors are not allowed in the hotel rooms.

宿泊者はGuestと言います。又は、ホテルのお客様もGuestです。 訪問者はVisitorと言います。 Can~ = 何かのことができる。(Can enter = 入ることができます。・入れます) 1) Only guests can go up to the rooms. (宿泊者のみ部屋に上がれます。) 2) Only guests can enter the hotel rooms. (宿泊者のみお部屋に入れます。) 3) Visitors are not allowed in the hotel rooms. (訪問者はお部屋に入れません。)
BrettP アメリカ出身英語講師
  • It is our policy that visitors of hotel guests are not allowed inside the hotel rooms.

  • Only paying guests are allowed inside our hotel rooms.

1. It is our policy that visitors of hotel guests are not allowed inside the hotel rooms. A policy is a rule that cannot be broken unless prior permission has been granted. Visitors of hotel guests are those people who have not paid for accommodation at the hotel but are simply visiting friends or family who have indeed paid for their hotel stay. 2. Only paying guests are allowed inside our hotel rooms. Paying guests are those people who have made reservations at the hotel and have paid for their accommodation.
Shams DMM英会話講師
  • Sorry, only our guests are allowed to be in the hotel rooms.

  • Only the guests may enter the hotel rooms.

  • No visitors are allowed, only guests.

The above mentioned statements are all clear on the hotel's request that that the visitors stay out of the rooms. The first two sentences are used when a guest of the hotel directly asks you if they may bring a visitor to their room for the day. They may ask, "can my friend go up to my room with me?", and then the appropriate response would be either sentence one on sentence two. The last sentence response (No visitors are allowed, only guests) will work best if the hotel will make a sign of the no-visitor policy.
Janke DMM英会話講師
  • The access to the rooms is limited to clients.

  • It is forbidden for outsiders to enter the hotel rooms.

1.部屋へのアクセスはお客様に限ります。 2.部外者がホテルのルームに入ることが禁止です。 "limited"は「限定」、「限る」という意味です。この場合は"restricted"も使えます。 "outsider"は「部外者」という意味です。「よそ者」や試合などで勝ち目のないチームや選手(特に馬に使います)という意味もあります。
Maelys S DMM英会話スタッフ
  • Only checked-in guests are allowed in the rooms.

  • Visitors are not permitted to enter the (hotel) guest rooms.

1) “Only checked-in guests are allowed in the rooms.” (チェックインされたゲストのみ、お部屋に入室できます。) 「宿泊者」は、checked-in guestsの他、registered guests(登録済みのゲスト)やホテルの場合、hotel guests (ホテルのゲスト)などと表現できます。 2) “Visitors are not permitted to enter the (hotel) guest rooms.” (訪問者の(ホテルの)お部屋への入室は禁止されています。) not permittedは、禁止されているという意味で、ややフォーマルな言い方です。 代案を提示する際には、以下のようなフレーズを使うことができます。 “You are welcome to meet with your visitors in the lobby / lounge.” (ご来客の面会には、ぜひロビー・ラウンジをご利用ください。)
Kei S DMM英会話プロ翻訳家
  • Only guests are allowed to enter the rooms.

  • Visitors are not permitted to enter the rooms.

The two sentences above are great ways to express that someone who is not a guest at the hotel is not allowed to enter the rooms. Below are few more sentences if your guests ask why they are not allowed to bring visitors into their room. Our policy does not allow visitors to enter the rooms. Our guidelines do not permit visitors to enter the rooms. I hope these sentences and explanations help you out.
どちらの回答例も「宿泊者以外はお部屋に入ることができません」ということを伝えることができます。 以下はもしなぜ宿泊者しか部屋に入ることができないのか、と聞かれた場合に付け加えることができる文章です。 Our policy does not allow visitors to enter the rooms. (こちらの方針として訪問者は部屋に入れないことになっています。) Our guidelines do not permit visitors to enter the rooms. (ガイドラインが訪問者の部屋への入室を許可しないことになっています。)
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • Visitors are restricted to the lobby when visiting guests.

  • Our hotel policy states that only guests have access to the rooms.

To emphasize that only guests are welcome to enter the rooms it helps to use words like; restricted to-Not allowed access to or limited to. hotel policy-A principle of action adopted or proposed by an organization. The hotel rules. You may also simply say; Visitors are not allowed in the hotel rooms. Only guests may enter the hotel rooms.
「宿泊者のみが部屋に入れる」ということを強調するためには以下のような単語やフレーズを使うといいでしょう。 restricted to-制限されている hotel policy-ガイドライン・方針 また下記のように言うこともできます。 Visitors are not allowed in the hotel rooms.(訪問者は部屋に入ることができません。) Only guests may enter the hotel rooms.(宿泊者のみ部屋に入ることができます。)
Mary Lee DMM英会話講師
  • Only guests are allowed in the rooms.

  • Visitors are not allowed in the rooms.

1) Only guests are allowed in the rooms. 客室に入れるのは宿泊者だけです、という意味です。 Allowは許可する、許されるという意味ですね。 2) Visitors are not allowed in the rooms. この文も似たような意味ですけど、ビジター(宿泊者以外の人)は客室に入れ ないということなので、ニュアンスが若干変わります。
LeslieL バイリンガル英語講師
  • We only allow hotel guests to enter the rooms.

  • Only hotel guests allowed.

You could use any of the above sentences to explain to someone that only hotel guests are allowed to enter or use the rooms and facilities and anything else is strictly forbidden or against hotel rules. - Only hotel guests are allowed; meaning that only people who are booked into the hotel are allowed to use rooms.
Robyn K DMM英会話講師
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