もう二時間経ったよ。私の番来ないかなーIt's been ( It has been) 2 hours now. I don't think that I am going to (gonna) make it today.
もうこれ以上待てられないよーI cannot wait anymore.
私の名前は呼ばれましたかーHas my name already been called out?/ was my name on the list?/ Have I been already called out?
After an hour, anyone would start to feel a little frustrated about the length of time waiting. You could just state your case as in the first example sentence, or you could vent your frustration by making a hyperbolic exclamation, as in the second sentence.
My name hasn’t been called out yet, though it’s been an hour. 「一時間待ったのに、まだ名前が呼ばれない。」
To say that you have been waiting for over an hour, means that you have been waiting for more than one hour but less than two hours.
「I have been waiting for over an hour」とは、一時間以上、2時間未満の間待ったという意味です。
"To have a table" means that you have a place to sit in a restaurant. This sentence doesn't directly say that you have been waiting but it is implied by the phrase "it has been an hour."
I hope that this helps :)
「To have a table」とは、レストランで座る場所があるという意味です。
この文は待っていたことを直接には言いませんが、「it has been an hour.」という言い回しの中で暗に言うことができます。
"Excuse me, but we have been already waiting for an hour for a table."- This example is a polite explanatory way of informing restaurant staff that you have already been waiting for an hour.
"Hello, I've already been waiting for an hour for my table."- This example is a little more abrupt, however still gets the same message with a hint of emotive desperation and frustration.
"I have already been waiting for my table for an hour."- This example is very direct and expresses stress because you are immediately stating how long you have been waiting.
"Excuse me, but we have been already waiting for an hour for a table."(すみません。もう1時間もテーブルが空くのを待っているんですけど)
- レストランのスタッフにもう1時間も待っていることを説明する丁寧な言い方です。
"Hello, I've already been waiting for an hour for my table."(あの、もう1時間もテーブルが空くのを待っているんですけど)
- これは少しぶっきらぼうな言い方です。諦めやいら立ちを漂わせながら同じメッセージを伝えています。
"I have already been waiting for my table for an hour."(もう1時間もテーブルが空くのを待っているんですけど)
- ここでは、すぐに待ち時間について伝えていて、非常に直接的です。ストレスを表します。
Using 'excuse me' at the start of the sentence is a sign of respect and politeness and it is usually used when talking to a waiter/ waitress who you don't know at the restaurant. They are more likely to find you a table quicker if you are polite.
'To wait for a table' means that you are waiting for an available table to order and eat at. If the restaurant is crowded then it is likely you will have to wait for longer than an hour, but you can always ask how much longer a wait it will be approximately.
文頭の 'excuse me' は、相手に対する敬意と礼儀の表れです。これは面識のないウェイターやウェイトレスに話しかけるときに使われます。丁寧に接した方が、テーブルを早く見つけてくれる可能性が高くなります。
'to wait for a table' は注文をして食事をするためのテーブルが空くのを待つことをいいます。
When you are at a restaurant and want to explain that you have been waiting for a table for an hour; then you may express this in the following ways:
-I have been waiting for a table for an hour
-I have been waiting to be seated at a table for an hour
-I have been waiting for a table for an hour(もう1時間テーブルが空くのを待っています)
-I have been waiting to be seated at a table for an hour(もう1時間テーブルが空くのを待っています)