世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/05/12 18:56
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  • I recently got a new job and go abroad on business trips from time to time.

「出張で海外に行きます」は  I go abroad on a business trip. ですが、「海外に行く理由を説明をするとき」に「最近転職をしたから」という形で答えるケースなので、  I recently got a new job and go abroad on business trips from time to time.   最近転職して、時々海外出張があります。 という答え方がいいでしょう。
  • I got a new job that requires me to take business trips abroad.

  • In my new job I go on business trips abroad.

You are trying to express two things with these examples. 1) You have a new job and 2) you go abroad for business trips. Each example you are expressing both of those things.
どちらの文も二つのことを伝えています。1)転職した 2) 海外出張がある
Stacey Le DMM英会話講師
  • I travel overseas for work

Overseas' is an English word that means to travel to another country. It is usually used for a country that you must pass an ocean to get to, but it can still be used to describe countries that are on the same continent, for example; if you were travelling from China to Thailand, or Germany to France.
「overseas」は「他国に行く」という意味です。普通は海を渡らなければ行けない国の時に使われますが、そうでない場合 (同じ大陸のこと) もあります (例えば、中国からタイに、ドイツからフランスに、のように)。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • I recently got a new job and go abroad on business trips

  • I go abroad on business trips for my new job

  • With my new job i have to go abroad for business trips

By using these sentences you are explaining 2 things you are telling people you - 1) got a new job 2) go abroad on business trips A business trip means you travel and have to go away to do with your job or for your business Going abroad means to go to a different country usually by travelling by plane
これらの文を使うことで、2つの事柄を伝えています。 1) 新しい仕事を得たこと。 2) 海外出張に行くこと。 「business trip」は仕事やビジネスで出張することを言います。 「go abroad」は、たいてい飛行機で外国に行くことを言います。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • My new job affords me the opportunity of taking foreign business trips

  • Business trips abroad are an essential part of my new job

To afford one the opportunity = to give someone the chance (of doing something). Abroad - any country that is not your home country. "Living in Australia affords me the opportunity of seeing kangaroos on a daily basis."
to afford one the opportunity = to give someone the chance (of doing something)「誰かに(何かをする)チャンスを与える」 abroad「海外に」 - あなたの母国ではないすべての国 "Living in Australia affords me the opportunity of seeing kangaroos on a daily basis." 「オーストラリアに住むことが私に毎日カンガルーを見る機会を与える」 →「オーストラリアに住んでいると、毎日カンガルーを見る機会がある」
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I have to travel abroad for business.

  • I take business trips abroad for my new job.

I have to go abroad on business trips. I have a new job that I occasionally have to take trip abroad. My new job makes me have to take business trips abroad. I travel abroad for business. To express that you have a new job and you have to take business trips abroad, you can say, "I have to take occasional trips abroad because of my new job."
例文 I have to go abroad on business trips. (出張で海外に行かなければいけない) I have a new job that I occasionally have to take trip abroad. (仕事が変わって、時々海外に行かないといけない) My new job makes me have to take business trips abroad. (仕事を変わったので、海外出張に行かないといけない) I travel abroad for business. (海外出張があります) 海外出張のある仕事に変わったことを伝えるなら、次のように言えます: I have to take occasional trips abroad because of my new job. (仕事を変わったので、時々海外に出張に行かなければいけない)
Kim Ann DMM英会話講師
  • My new job requires me to travel abroad.

  • My new job involves a lot of overseas business trips.

The two sentences you see are great ways to let your listener know that you travel abroad for business meetings. In the first sentence you will see the verb require and in the second sentence you will see the verb involve. Although these words have different meanings in these two sentences they both mean to something is necessary.
上記の2つの文は、海外出張があることを伝える素晴らしい表現です。 最初の文にはrequire(動詞)、2番目の文にはinvolve(動詞)が使われています。これら二つには様々な意味がありますが、例文ではどちらも「~が必要」という意味です。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • I usually go abroad for business trips

  • I go abroad on business trips a lot

When you want to explain that you usually travel abroad for work, then you can say it in the following ways: -I usually go abroad for business trips -I go abroad on business trips a lot
よく出張で海外に行くことを説明したい時は、以下のように言えます: I usually go abroad for business trips. I go abroad on business trips a lot. (私はよく出張で海外に行きます。)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • go abroad on business trips

こんにちは。 様々な言い方ができると思いますが、例えば下記のような表現はいかがでしょうか: ・go abroad on business trips 出張で海外に行く 上記のように英語で表現することができます。 「出張」は英語で business trip と言えます。 ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
  • go abroad on business trips

go abroad on business trips - 出張で海外に行く 上記のように英語で表現することができます。 例: I often go abroad on business trips. 私はよく、出張で海外に行きます。 Most of my trips abroad are for business. 海外へ行くときはほとんどビジネスです。 お役に立てればうれしいです。
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