世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/05/14 19:40
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  • This place is a little far from the station.

  • This area is not very close to the station.

We can say "this place is a little far from the station.". We can also say the same thing by using the negative "this place is n.ot very close to the station".
“This place is a little far from the station.” (ここは駅から少し遠いです)と言うことができます。 否定を用いて同じことを言うこともできます。”This place is not very close to the station.” (ここは駅にあまり近くありません)
Erin J DMM英会話講師
  • This place is quite some way from the station.

  • Arriving at the station is only part of the journey!

Well, it happens sometimes - you may book a place which you believe is close to the station - perhaps because of some misleading statement like: 'within easy reach of the station', and you find that it is actually miles away in the remote countryside. Quite some way = a long way.
これは時々起こることです。あなたは駅に近いと思う場所を予約するかもしれません。もしかするとそれは"within easy reach of the station"(駅からすぐに行くことができます)などの誤解を招きやすい文が原因かもしれません。そして実際は何マイルも離れた遠い田舎にあることに気づきます。 "Quite some way"とはかなり長い道のりという意味です。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • This area is a bit far from a train station.

  • We're not close to any train station here.

この例文では書いたのは「何の駅でも遠い」という意味で書きましたが、決まった駅という意味だと、「a station」ではなく「the station」になります。 たとえば、奥多摩駅から山を登ったら、「奥多摩駅から遠い」という意味でいうと、「This area is a bit far from the station.と言います。 でも、駅のない東京都の武蔵村山市だと、近くの立川市や東村山市には駅があって、「This area is a bit far from a station」や「any station」と言います。
Tim Young 主催
  • This area is a little far from the station.

  • This neighborhood is a little far from the station.

  • This area is a bit away from the station.

You can describe a certain area as place, neighborhood, or location. If you want to describe the distance of something far away you can say, "a little far," or "a bit away," or "somewhat farther." You can use these phrases if you are giving directions. It would also be helpful if you also mention a landmark nearby so they know they are approaching the destination. For example, "This area is a little far from the station, but it is near McDonald's."
場所を表す時には、"place"(場所)や" neighborhood"(近所)、"location"(場所)が使えます。 距離が遠いことを表す時には、"a little far"や"a bit away"、"somewhat farther"が使えます。これらのフレーズは道案内の時に使えます。 近くの目印になる物を教えてあげてもいいと思います。 【例文】 "This area is a little far from the station, but it is near McDonald's." [訳]この辺りは駅からは少し遠いですけど、近くにマクドナルドがあります
Jaymie Gee DMM英会話講師
  • This area is not very close to the station.

  • This area isn't close to the station.

"This area is not very close to the station." not very close/ isn't close means it is not close to something. You can use the name of the area if it is known to the other person. You can also use the words, not close/ a little far as well in the sentences.
"This area is not very close to the station." (この辺は駅にあまり近くないです) 「not very close(あまり近くない)」「isn't close(近くない)」は、何かに近くない時の表現です。相手が知っている場合は、具体的な地名を言ってもいいです。 ほかに「not close(近くない)」「a little far(少し遠い)」という表現も使えます。
Stacey Le DMM英会話講師
  • The (train) station is a little far from here.

  • This area is a little far from the (train) station

When you want to explain that a certain area is a little far from the station; then you may explain it in the following ways: -The (train) station is a little far from here. -This area is a little far from the (train) station. -We're a bit far from the station. It would take 30 minutes to walk there.
その場所が駅から遠いなら、次のように説明できます: 【例文】 -The (train) station is a little far from here. [訳]ここは駅から少し遠いです -This area is a little far from the (train) station. [訳]この辺りは駅から少し遠いです -We're a bit far from the station. It would take 30 minutes to walk there. [訳]駅から少し遠いです。歩いて30分くらいかかります
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • This neighborhood is a bit of a distance from the station.

  • This neighborhood is not conveniently close to the station.

  • The station is rather far from this area.

"This neighborhood is a bit of a distance from the station." used to express that there is a significant distance between the neighborhood and the station. "This neighborhood is not conveniently close to the station." can be used to indicate that the location of the neighborhood is not convenient for getting to the station. "The station is rather far from this area." This is a more casual way to say that the station is not exactly close to the station without being specific.
"This neighborhood is a bit of a distance from the station."(この辺りは駅からかなり距離がある) これは駅からかなり距離がある場合に使います。 "This neighborhood is not conveniently close to the station."(この辺りは駅からは遠い) これは、そこが駅に行くには不便な場所であることを表します。 "The station is rather far from this area."(駅はここからかなり遠い) これはよりカジュアルな言い方です。駅から近くないことを漠然と表しています。
Essa DMM英会話講師
  • It's a little far from the station.

ご質問ありがとうございます。 ・「It's a little far from the station. 」 =少し駅から遠いです。 (例文)It's a little far from the station, so you should drive there. (訳)少し駅から遠いので運転した方がいいです。 単語: station 駅 お役に立てれば嬉しいです。 Coco
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