I see them all the time but I have no idea where they are sold
I often see them but I don't know where you can buy them
「よく見かけるけど、どこに売っているかはわからない」= I see them all the time but I have no idea where they are sold / I often see them but I don't know where you can buy them
see = 見かける
all the time/often = よく
have no idea / don't know = 分からない、知らない
where they are sold = 販売されている(店、場所)
can buy = 買う事が出来る
I see them everywhere, but I don’t think regular people can buy them.
I see those things a lot, but I wouldn’t even know the first place to buy them.
「regular people」は「普通の人」と言う意味であり、物を買う話で「会社や会社の代表じゃなくて普通の人」や「商業との関係がない人」と言う感じとなります。
「wouldn’t know the first place to~」の「the first place」の部分は「ほしいものを見つけるところ」または「どこから探し始めればいいところ」と言う意味です。そういわけで、「I wouldn’t know the first place to buy them」は「どこに売っているか全然知わからないなあ」と同じ意味です。