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2018/05/18 07:35
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  • I would like to take an additional day off because I'm still not feeling well.

"Would like to" is a polite way to make a request for something that you want to do. "Additional" means another. I hope that this helps :)
would like toは、丁寧に何かを依頼する時の表現です。additionalは「もう一つの(another)」という意味です。 これが、役立つことを願います。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • May I take another day off to recover?

"May I take another day off to recover?" You can use this sentence if you have a cold, the flu, hurt you back, etc. Another day - You took yesterday off and you would like one more day (Another day) off. Recover - To get feeling better. Also, you could say... "May I take another day off to stay with my sick child?" (If your child is sick. You can also change child to husband, mother, father, Aunt, Uncle, etc.)
“May I have another day off to recover?” (回復のためにもう一日お休みさせていただいてもよろしいでしょうか?) 風邪、インフルエンザ、背中を痛めた際などにこの文を使うことができます。 Another day (もう一日) - 前の日に休んでもう一日休みたいと言うことです。 Recover (回復する) - 具合が良くなることです。 次のように言うこともできます。 “May I take another day off to stay with my sick child?” (病気になった我が子のそばにいるためにもう一日お休みさせて頂いてもよろしいでしょうか?) この文はあなたの子供が病気になった時に使うことができます。”Child”(子供)のところをhusband(夫), mother(母), father(父), aunt(おば), uncle(おじ)などに変えることもできます。
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • I'm still not feeling well, I need another day to recover

Still' means something that is continuing. 'Recover' is the word used to describe the process of getting over an illness or a difficult time.
「Still」は、何かが続いていることを表します。 「Recover」は、病気や困難な状況を克服する過程を表す言葉です。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • I'm still not feeling well I'd like to take today off as well

  • I'd like to take today off as well as I'm still not feeling well

When not going to work or phoning in sick then you will need to tell your boss that you are 'not feeling well' then they will know why you are not going into work To say 'to take today off as well' suggests that you have already have a day off already
仕事に行かないとき、あるいは病欠の電話を入れるときには、上司に 'I'm not feeling well'(体調が優れない)と伝える必要があります。そうすれば、なぜ仕事に来ないのか分かります。 'to take today off as well'(今日も休む)は、もう既に休みを一日取っているというニュアンスです。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I'm still feeling ill so I'd like to take today off as well.

  • I am not recovered yet so I'd like to rest at home today.

  • I'd like to take another day of sick leave.

You are asking for 'sick leave' which means time off due to an illness. You can explain you are not feeling better or you can simply say you need another day of sick leave.
「sick leave (病気休暇)」を求めています。 体調が悪いと説明してもいいですし、単に「sick leave」を求めてもいいです。
Stacey Le DMM英会話講師
  • 1. Sorry I'm too ill to come in today

  • 2. Sorry, I am still feeling ill and cannot come in today

  • 3. I have a temperature, I can't move my legs and the doctor has ordered me to stay in bed!

Well, when people are ill, regardless of their role within an organisation, they are sometimes forced to take time off work. This is an unavoidable fact for all captains of industry. Begrudgingly, they must allow the sick employee time off work. In more civilised societies there is government legislation to allow for such instances. In the UK, it is usually enough just to leave a voice message or get someone to call for you to tell the management of your workplace you will not be in for work. If you feel the need to explain all your symptoms and details then something such as the third example sentence may be suitable.
人が病気のとき、組織の中での役割に関わらず、仕事を休まなければいけないときが時折あるでしょう。これはすべての産業経営者にとって避けることができない事実です。 しぶしぶながら、彼らは病気の従業員に休みを与えなければなりません。文明化した社会では、そのような例を見越した法律があるでしょう。 イギリスでは職場の管理職に仕事を休むことを伝えるのに留守番電話での伝言や、または誰かに代わりに電話してもらえばたいていは十分です。 すべての病状や詳細を伝える必要があると感じる場合には、3番目の英訳例のような言い方が合うかもしれません。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I'd like to take another day off today because I'm still not feeling well

  • I'd like to take the day off today as well. I'm not feeling better yet.

When you want to ask your boss for another day off after having been sick, then you may explain it in the following ways: -I'd like to take another day off today because I'm still not feeling well -I'd like to take the day off today as well. I'm not feeling better yet.
体調不良で、もう一日仕事を休みたいと上司に伝えたいなら、次のように言えます。 -I'd like to take another day off today because I'm still not feeling well (まだ体調がよくないので今日もう一日休みたいです) -I'd like to take the day off today as well. I'm not feeling better yet. (今日もう一日休ませて頂きたいです。まだ体調がよくなっていません)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
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