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What did you hang out when you were a child?でも大丈夫ですか?
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2018/05/20 00:27
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  • What did you like doing as a kid?

  • What games did you play when you were a kid?

  • What did you do for fun as a child?

All of these examples are asking a person what they liked doing as a kid. We can assume that what they were doing as a child was fun for them.
三例とも、子どもの頃に何をするのが好きだったかを尋ねる言い方です。 子どもの頃にしていたこと (what they were doing as a child) は fun (楽しい) だったと思います。
Stacey Le DMM英会話講師
  • What games did you play when you were young?

  • What toys did you play with when you were a kid?

  • What did you play with when you were a child?

You could ask a general question about what someone did when they were a child but it is more common to ask about what games someone played. The question, "What did you play with?" means what toys did you play with.
子供の頃に何をしたか、ざっくりした質問をしてもいいですが、どんなゲームをしたか尋ねる方が一般的です。 「What did you play with?(何で遊びましたか)」は、どんなおもちゃで遊びましたか、という意味です。
Claire Gi DMM英会話講師
  • What are some fun things you did as a kid?

  • "What did you enjoy doing in your free time as a kid?"

"What are some fun things you did as a kid?" Things - This can include games, sports, hobbies, etc. You could ask about a specific thing by asking.... "Did you play soccer as a kid?" "Did you fly kites when you were a kid?" The possibilities are endless. "What did you enjoy doing in your free time as a kid?" Enjoy - like or have pleasure in doing. Free time - Time when you were not at school, doing homework, or other things. The time that was yours to do what you wanted.
"What are some fun things you did as a kid?" (子どもの頃は何をするのが好きでしたか) 「things (物事)」にはゲーム、スポーツ、趣味などが含まれます。 より具体的な聞き方もできます: "Did you play soccer as a kid?" (子どもの頃サッカーは好きでしたか) "Did you fly kites when you were a kid?" (子どもの頃たこ揚げは好きでしたか) 他にもいろいろありますね。 "What did you enjoy doing in your free time as a kid?" (子どもの頃は何をして遊んでいましたか) 「enjoy」は「~するのが好き」という意味です。 「free time」は、学校にいない時、宿題をしてない時など、自分のしたいことができる時間のことです。
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • How did you amuse yourself as a child?

To amuse yourself is to entertain yourself, and keep yourself occupied by doing fun games and activities.
「amuse oneself」は、ゲームなどをして楽しむことを言います。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • How did you spend your free time as a child?

  • What did you get up to in your childhood?

To get up to (something) means to do something, but especially, something that others may disapprove of. To spend one's free time - this usually would be spending time on something enjoyable or that gives you gratification in some way. Eg."John spends his free time working in the charity shop to raise money for deprived children."
「get up to (something)」は「(特に好ましくないこと)をする」という意味です。 「spend one's free time」は大抵「楽しいこと(喜びを感じること)をして過ごす」という意味になります。 【例】 "John spends his free time working in the charity shop to raise money for deprived children." (ジョンは空いた時間、その恵まれない子どもたちを支援するチャリティーショップで働いている)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • What did you do for fun when you were a child/kid?

  • What games did you play when you were a child/kid?

When talking about children you can also refer to them as a 'child' or 'kid' most children have fun playing games so to ask them what games they played with explains how they had fun, favourite childrens games always change
子どものことは 'child' または 'kid' と言えます。 ほとんどの人は子どもの頃にゲームをするので、「どんなゲームをしましたか」と聞けば何をして遊んだかが分かります。子どもの好きなゲームは常に変化しています。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • What did you enjoy doing for fun when you were a kid?

  • When you were a kid, what did you do for fun?

  • What games were your favorite when you were a child?

We can ask others about their childhood and what they enjoyed doing, the words 'for fun' point to free time, things that they enjoyed doing that made them happy. Children like to play with toys and use their imagination, kids also like to play outside in nature.
「子どもの頃」に言及し、そして何をするのが好きだったか尋ねることができます。 'for fun' は「自由な時間」や「趣味」を指します。 子どもはおもちゃで遊んで想像力を働かせるのが好きですね。また、外の自然の中で遊ぶのが好きな子もいます。
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
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