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2018/05/29 08:15
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  • I have a tennis lesson at that time, so I can't take your English lesson.


「レッスンを受ける」はtake a lessonと言います。

  • I have a tennis lesson so I can not take the English lesson

  • I hahve a tennis lesson at the same time so can not take the English lesson

If you can't make or do something then it is always nice to explain why you can't do it by saying 'I have a tennis lesson' this explains why by adding 'at the same time' this means that you can't do both at the same time


'I have a tennis lesson'(テニスのレッスンがある)は理由を伝えています。
'at the same time' は「両方を同時にはできない」という意味を表します。

Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I'm afraid I can't make it to the English lesson then, because I am taking a tennis lesson at that time.

  • I'm sorry, I have a tennis lesson at that time, so unfortunately I can't do the English lesson then.

"I'm afraid I can't..." is an apologetic way of putting across the information, that sounds polite.

In a similar way, starting the sentence with "I'm sorry..." also conveys you are apologising, and infers that you understand it may inconvenience or affect the other person.

"Unfortunately..." also conveys your apologies and sounds polite and respectful.

"I can't make it to..." is a common way of saying that you will not be able to go to do something.

"I'm afraid I can't..." は謝罪の気持ちがこもった言い方です。丁寧な響きになります。

同様に "I'm sorry..." も謝罪の気持ちを伝えます。「迷惑をかけたら申し訳ない」のニュアンスです。

"Unfortunately..." も謝罪を伝えます。丁寧な響きです。

"I can't make it to..." は「...に行くことができない」の一般的な言い方です。

Tabitha DMM英会話講師
  • I won’t be able to accept the English lesson because I have a tennis lesson at that time.

  • I can’t take the English lesson because my tennis lesson is at the same time.

  • The English lesson is the same time as my tennis lesson so I won’t be able to accept.

For most people, simply saying “I won’t be able to attend” would suffice. However, as a courtesy you can provide the reason as to why you cannot attend. Thus adding “I have a tennis lesson at that time” would be reassuring to your listener. To complete the sentence, you can simply say “I won’t be able to accept the English lesson because I have a tennis lesson at that time.”

“I won’t be able to attend”(出席できません。)と言うと十分でしょう。しかし、礼儀として、どうして出席できないのか理由を伝えることができます。

“I have a tennis lesson at that time”(その時間テニスのレッスンがあるんです。)と理由を付け加えることで、相手を安心させることができます。 


“I won’t be able to accept the English lesson because I have a tennis lesson at that time.”

Asia J DMM英会話講師
  • I am really sorry but I must cancel my English Lesson today because incidentally I have a tennis lesson at the same time

  • I apolgise, I won't be able to take part in our English Lesson today because I have a tennis lesson that coincides with the time

Being polite is the key here! "I am really sorry" is a very polite way to express your regret for not being able to attend the scheduled class. "Incidentally" used in this case means as a chance or an occurrence. It can also mean "by the way" which is used to add a further remark to something already mentioned.
"I apologise" is another way of saying you are sorry and it is a little more formal than saying "I am sorry"
"To take part" also means to join so in this case we are unable to join the class.
"To coincide" means to occur at the same time. In this case, our Engish and tennis lesson are coinciding or scheduled to happen at the same time.

ここでは、丁寧なフレーズを使うのがカギとなります。"I am really sorry"(本当にすみません。)は、予定のクラスに出席できなくて申し訳ないことを伝える丁寧なフレーズです。

この場合の "Incidentally"は、ある機会があってという意味で使われます。  "by the way"もすでに話したことをさらに伝えるのに使われます。 

"I apologise" は、sorryの別の言い方で、 "I am sorry"よりも少しフォーマルになります。

"To take part" は、参加するという意味で、この場合クラスに参加できないということになります。

"To coincide"は、同じ時間に起こるという意味です。この場合、英語とテニスのレッスンが同じ時間になってしまうという意味になります。

Patrick I DMM英会話講師
  • "I won't be able to take part in the English lessons because I have tennis training at the same time."

  • "I have tennis lessons at the same time, so I can't attend the English class."

Example sentences "I won't be able to take part in the English lessons because I have tennis training at the same time" and "I have tennis lessons at the same time, so I can't attend the English class" clearly explain to your reader/listener that you cannot attend the English lesson and why (because you have tennis lessons at the same time). The sentence structure swaps between the two sentences. In the first we see we cannot join and why. In the second sentence we say what our other commitment is and that we can't join because of this commitment instead.

You could also add "I am sorry but" to the beginning of either sentence to add more emotion and express some sorrow for not being able to join.

 "I won't be able to take part in the English lessons because I have tennis training at the same time"

"I have tennis lessons at the same time, so I can't attend the English class"


また、はじめに"I am sorry but" (申し訳ないのですが)というフレーズを付け加えて出席できなくて申し訳ない気持ちを伝えることもできます。

Rada DMM英会話講師
  • I'm going to have to cancel our English lesson, I've double booked a tennis lesson.

  • We will need to re-schedule the English lesson as I have a tennis lesson.

In both these instances you are informing the person that you are unable to make your arrangement due to the fact that you have made another arrangement to play tennis.


Steve Tr DMM英会話講師
  • I can't take the English lesson because it's the same time as my tennis lesson.


・I can't take the English lesson because it's the same time as my tennis lesson.

take a ~ lesson で「〜レッスンを受ける」となります。


Erik 日英翻訳者
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