A clock is a mechanical or electrical device that measures time, indicating hours, minutes, and sometimes seconds; by hands on a round dial or by digitally displayed figures. The most formal and oldest name for a clock is a 'timepiece'. When you wear a timepiece on your wrist, it is then known as a watch.
「時計」は英語で「clock」と言います。「腕時計」は「watch」か「wristwatch」と言います。「目覚まし時計」は英語で「alarm clock」といいます。
What do you think about my new watch?
The clock has stopped.
I set my alarm clock but I didn’t wake up.
「時計」は英語で clock と言います。
「腕時計」は watch ですが、それ以外はだいたい clock で大丈夫です。
「アラーム時計」は alarm clock です。
I need a new clock.
Do you like my watch?
A "stopwatch" is a special kind of watch. It does not tell you what time it is, but it tells you how much time has passed since a certain point. Stopwatches are useful for timing athletes.
Have you seen my watch?
I lost my watch.
A watch is a dial with numbers to tell the time that has a bracelet/strap that you wear on your wrist, it is sometimes referred to as a 'wristwatch' as well.
A clock is a round dial with numbers to tell the time that is attached to a wall
The hypernym( 上位語) for 時計 is timepiece or timepieces.( タイムピース)
So you can have a wristwatch which is a timepiece you have on your 腕時計は 腕にあるタイピングです the pocket watch which is a pocket timepiece. ポケットに入ってある 時計は ポケットウォッチと言います これもタイピースですね You can also have a grandfather clock which is a large traditional hand wound timepiece that is placed in a room as a piece of furniture. おじいさんの時計もありますね。 これは 手でクランクしなければなりませんし、 家具として 部屋の中に置くタイムピースです。
Any device which reads or shows the time to the end user 使い主 のために時間帯を 読み出したり見せたり するものは is considered a timepiece by definition. タイムピースと 言います
丸いもので数字が丸い円についてあるものはanalogue clock
その他、digital clock は小さめの数字だけが記載されてるものです。
●alarm (アラーム)
"My alarm went off" 目覚まし時計がなった (なる〜went off)
"My alarm didn't go off" 目覚まし時計がならなかった!
●analogue clocksの「はり」を、handsと言ったりします。
The large hand on a clock points to the minutes.
1.) clock (時計) 「時計」は英語で普通にclockと呼べます。Clockはいろいろな形があります。例えば、丸いの形とか、四角の形とか、三角の形などあります。Clockは時間を計るものだけです。掛け時計は英語でwall clockとも呼べます。
Where is a good place to put a wall clock? (掛け時計はどこに置けばいいですか?)
2.) watch (腕時計) 「腕時計」は英語で普通にwatchと呼べます。珍しいですが、腕時計もclockと呼べます。腕時計はどの種類のは関係ありません。すべてはwatchと呼べます。
Seiko watches are my favorite. (セイコーの腕時計は一番好きです。)
3.) Alarm clock (目覚まし時計) 「目覚まし時計」は英語でalarm clockと呼べます。「目覚まし時計」は起きるための時計なので、ただのclockとは普通に呼びません。Alarm clockは「目覚まし時計」の固定の言い方です。
My alarm clock didn't go off. (私の目覚まし時計は鳴らなかったんです。)
腕時計とか掛け時計をまとめて言いたいなら、ただ"clock or watch"と言った方がいいと思います。
There are various appliances that can be used to tell time. There is watch or wrist watch which can be used as an accesorie. There is clock which generally can be mounted on the wall or be placed on a table.
There is also ancient methods such as sun dials.that would use the sun the suns rays or beams and based on a shadow would tell you what time it was.
My clock stopped working.
Watch/wristwatch 腕時計
watch/pocket watch 懐中時計
My wrist watch is a present from my mom.
this is the name given to the 'time piece' that is used to tell the time, a 'clock' is often used for the devices, unless located on your person then it will be called a "Watch".
The device that helps you tell the time is either called a clock or a watch.
On the wall = clock
On your wrist = watch.
For example.
Have you got the time?
Yeah, let me just check my watch. Oh no I must have forgotten it at home.
Is there a clock anywhere?
Yeah, on that wall. It is 3 o'clock.
I hope that helps.
Have a great day.
Situations where this word/phrase is used: social, business, formal, informal.
Type of word/phrase: standard language.
Variations of this word: wristwatch, wall clock, alarm clock
Example of this word/phrase:
"John always wears a wristwatch despite the fact that he can get the time from smartphone."
腕時計は watch, あるいは wristwatch, 目覚まし時計は alarm clock, 壁掛け時計は wall clock と言います。
He always wears a cool watch.
I bought a wall clock for my sister.
「時計」は英語で clock と言います。
「腕時計」なら watch と言います。
I want to buy a new wall clock.
Where did you buy that watch?