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2018/05/31 12:16
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  • Food tastes better when someone else is paying

  • When someone else pays the food tastes better

To buy something with money can also be called to 'pay' so if you don't pay then you would say 'someone else is paying' or 'when someone else pays' The food tastes better describes what you are thinking
お金で何かを買うことを 'pay' と言います。ですので、自分が支払わないということは、誰かが支払うということで、'someone else is paying' (誰かが支払う)や'when someone else pays'(誰かが支払うとき)と言うことができます。 The food tastes betterとは、食べ物がよりおいしいという意味です。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • If I don't have to pay anything, I feel the food is the most delicious.

  • The food is the best when some one pays for me.

If I don't have to pay anything, I feel the food is the most delicious. 何も払わないでいいときは、そのご飯は1番美味しく感じる。 The food is the best when some one pays for me. もし誰かが払ってくれると、そのご飯は一番美味しい。
  • "Food is more enjoyable when someone else is treating you to it."

  • "I enjoy eating out. Even more so when someone else pays the bill."

  • "Free food tastes better."

"Food is more enjoyable when someone else is treating you to it" tells us clearly that you enjoy food when it is paid for by someone else. Being "treated" to food is when someone else covers or pays for the bill. "I enjoy eating out. Even more so when someone else pays the bill." "Eating out" or "dining out" refers to the act of eating in a restaurant or similar and having someone else pay for the bill makes "eating out" more fun. "Free food tastes better" is a simple and cheeky alternative to the above example sentences.
"Food is more enjoyable when someone else is treating you to it" (誰かがおごってくれるご飯はもっとおいしい。) これは、誰かがおごってくれたご飯が好きなことを表すフレーズです。 "treated"とは、おごってもらうという意味です。 "I enjoy eating out. Even more so when someone else pays the bill." (外食が好きです。誰かがおごってくれるならなおさら好きです。) "Eating out" や"dining out" は、レストランなどで食事をするという意味です。   "Free food tastes better" (ただめしはうまい!) これはシンプルでちょっと図々しいフレーズです。
Rada DMM英会話講師
  • Food tastes better when you're not paying.

  • Food always tastes good when you're not the one paying.

  • Food tastes best when someone else is paying.

There are a few ways to describe how something tastes. "Food tastes better..." is a way of saying that one way is preferred over the other. "Food always tastes good..."is a way of saying that every single time, it tastes good. "Food tastes best..." means it's number 1, at the top of the list. To explain that someone else is paying the bill, you could say "...when you're not paying". This is a pretty basic way of saying that someone else, not specified, is paying. "...When you're not the one paying"and "...when someone else is paying" are other alternatives.
食べ物の味を表す言い方はいくつかあります。 "Food tastes better..." は「食べ物はよりおいしい」を、 "Food always tastes good..." は「食べ物はいつもおいしい」を、 "Food tastes best..." は「食べ物は一番おいしい」を、それぞれ意味します。 他の人が代金を支払うことは、"...when you're not paying" で表せます。これは「他の誰かが払う」のシンプルな言い方です。他に "...when you're not the one paying" や "...when someone else is paying" という言い方もできます。
Chelsi B DMM英会話講師
  • When someone else pays the bill, the food is always tastier.

  • The food tastes better when someone else is paying.

If you want to explain that food tastes better when someone else is paying the bill, you can say: "When someone else pays the bill, the food is always tastier." "The food tastes better when someone else is paying."
「人におごってもらうと食べ物をよりおいしく感じる」は、次のように言えます。 "When someone else pays the bill, the food is always tastier." "The food tastes better when someone else is paying." (人におごってもらうと食べ物をよりおいしく感じる)
Allex H DMM英会話講師
  • Food tastes the best when someone else is paying the bill for you.

  • Food tastes the best when someone else is paying for it.

  • Food tastes better when someone else pays.

With this statement, you are insinuating that you are able to enjoy your food more because someone else is paying for it. Thus, saving you the expense of having to pay for your own food. This statement "tastes the best/tastes better" is not to be taken literal as the food itself did not change in flavor or taste just because someone paid for it.
この文は、誰かがおごってくれるからもっとご飯をおいしく食べられるということを表しています。自分の食べ物のお金を節約しているということです。 "tastes the best/tastes better"(一番おいしい/ずっとおいしい)は、誰かが払ったからといって、食べ物の味はかわらないので文字通りに受け取られることはないでしょう。
Asia J DMM英会話講師
  • Food tastes the best when your not paying for it.

  • There's just something more delicious about food you don't pay for yourself.

  • For some reason food tastes even better when you know someone else is footing the bill.

When expressing that food you're not paying for tastes great, you can use the sentences above to help you. Somehow we enjoy free meals more than meals we pay for ourselves. It is more of a treat and we are delighted. For some reason: a reason unknown to me Delighted: very happy Footing the bill: taking responsibility for the bill "Knowing I'm not paying for this meal makes it taste even more delicious!" "Thanks for paying for this meal, it tasted even better knowing I wasn't paying."
「人のお金で食べるものはおいしい」と言いたいなら、上記の文が使えます。 なぜかタダで食べる食事はお金を払って食べるものよりもおいしく感じます。おごってもらえて、うれしいからかもしれません。 For some reason: 理由は分からない Delighted: とても幸せ Footing the bill: 勘定を払う "Knowing I'm not paying for this meal makes it taste even more delicious!"(お金を払わなくていいと分かっているからよりおいしい) "Thanks for paying for this meal, it tasted even better knowing I wasn't paying."(おごってくれてありがとう。お金を払わないと分かっていたからよりおいしかった)
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • It always tastes better when someone else is paying!

  • If you're paying, I'll enjoy the meal more!

  • Being a freeloader at the table really accentuates my tastebuds!

You want to say something like "Food tastes best when someone is treating you to it/paying the bill for you". Above are a a few example statememts which may fit this scenario. A 'freeloader' is someone who takes advantage of another person's generosity. The third example would be said as a joke - as nobody would openly admit to being a freeloader as this word has a negative connotation.
"Food tastes best when someone is treating you to it/paying the bill for you"(人のお金で食べるご飯が1番おいしい)のようなことを言いたいということですね。いくつか例をお示ししました。 'freeloader' は他人の気前の良さを利用する人をいいます。三つ目の例は冗談です。'freeloader' にはネガティブな含みがあり、普通これは公言するものではありません。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Food always tastes better when you don't have to pay.

  • When I am not paying, my food is more tasty.

  • Food tastes better when it's free!

Food tastes better when it's free!' This is a common saying that expresses that a meal will taste better when you are not paying for it. Ofcourse, it will not physically taste better, but you will feel better eating it knowing that someone else is paying for it and you are saving money!
Food tastes better when it's free!'(ただで食べるごはんはおいしい) これは「ただで食べる食事はおいしい」という意味のよく使われるフレーズです。 もちろん実際に味が変わるわけではありませんが、「お金を払わなくていい」「節約できる!」と思うとおいしく感じるわけです。
Matt L DMM英会話講師
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