She/He just wants to cherry-pick without thinking about the consequences.
She/He only cares about having fun without taking responsibility.
①She/He just wants to cherry-pick without thinking about the consequences.
She/He just wants to xxx→彼女・彼は○○をしたいだけ
without thinking about the consequences→後先考えず
②She/He only cares about having fun without taking responsibility.
She/He only cares about xxx→○○のことしか頭にない
have fun→楽しむ
without taking responsibility→責任を取らずに
英訳②も①と同様、"without thinking about the consequences"と言い換えてもOKです!
You just want to avoid responsibility and take all the credit, don't you?
- "You just want to avoid responsibility and take all the credit, don't you?"
- avoid responsibility: 責任を逃れる
- take all the credit: 全ての功績を得る
- benefit: 利益を得る