It's good but not great.
not bad
just OK
This steak is good but not great.
This steak tastes just OK.
This steak is not bad.
This steak doesn't taste bad.
When something tastes good, but not excellent you can say "it tastes okay", "it tastes good but I have had better", or even "It's not bad".
Example dialogue:
Penny: "How is the coffee at the new coffee shop?"
Katie: "It's not bad".
何かがおいしいが、最高でもないとき、「it tastes okay.」「it tastes good but I have had better.」または「It's not bad.」とさえいえます。
ペニー: How is the coffee at the new coffee shop?
ケイティー:It's not bad.
All of the above example sentences describe a 'luke warm' opinion about food. It is not enthusiastic. It does not not overtly describe it as being 'bad'. 'Mediocre' is average. If something just performs its function then it is adequate for that purpose.
"It tastes alright." This explains that the food you ate taste alright.
"It tastes okay but it's not the best I have had." This is another way of explaining that the food was just okay in taste but not fantastic and that you have had better elsewhere.
EG: How was the food- It tastes okay but it's not the best I have had.
"It tastes alright."
"It tastes okay but it's not the best I have had."
How was the food- It tastes okay but it's not the best I have had.
If something tastes good but not delicious, then you could say it was 'alright' or 'okay'. The same words can be used for anything that is good but not great, including your feelings.
2. I like this, but this is not the best I have ever had.
1. This is fine, but could be better. "Fine" means satisfactory. That is, it is good enough. Next, "could be better" here means that you have had tasted better before and there is room for improvement.
2. If you are talking to a friend and critiquing the food or drink that they bought for you, saying "I like this" at the beginning is a polite way to begin your sentence. Then you can follow "I like this" with your critique of the food and drink in question.
1. This is fine, but could be better.
"fine"は「満足のいくような(satisfactory)」という意味です。すなわち、十分に良いということです。"could be better"はこの文では、以前にもっとおいしいものを食べたことがあり、改善の余地があるという意味です。
2. 友人が持ってきてくれた食べ物や飲み物について言うなら、まず始めに"I like this"(これ好きです)と言うと丁寧です。その後、その食べ物・飲み物についての意見を言えます。
If you want to say that something tastes good but not great you can simply say 'it's not bad' or 'the foods not bad' this describes what you are taking about
It tastes alright means the same it will basically do but its not great. You could also say 'It tastes good but not great'
すごく美味しくはないが、まぁまぁ美味しい場合、”It's not bad"(不味くはない)または、”The food's not bad"(不味い食べ物ではない)という風に表現出来ます。
”It tastes alright"は、すごく美味しくはないけれど、まぁまぁイケるという意味です。”It tastes good but not great."(美味しいけど、すごく美味しくはない)とも言えます。
to some extentやkind ofを使って言い表すことができます・
to some extentは「ある程度」の意味です。
His advice worked to some extent.
to some extentはto a certain extentやto some degreeやto a certain degreeに言い換えることも出来ます。
kind ofも「まぁまぁ、それなりに」の意味で、意味を弱める時に使えない。
He is kind of handsome.