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来たばかりの頃はほとんど喋らずに授業が終わる時もあった これの綺麗な英語がどうしても思い浮かばないです… よろしければお願いします
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2018/06/04 21:04
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  • There were days class would finish without me saying a single word.

  • There were many times class would finish and I’d realize I hadn’t spoken a word,

Single word-一言も。 There were days- そういう日もあった。 話す−say/ speak. ❶ “There were days class would finish without me saying a single word.” (一言も話さず、クラスが終わったこともあったよ)。 ❷There were many times class would finish and I’d realize I hadn’t spoken a single word. ( クラスが終わり、気づいたら自分が一言も話してなかった、そういう日は何度もあったよ)。 例えば: When I first came to Japan I took Japanese classes, but there were days class would finish and I’d realize I hadn’t spoken a single word. (初めて日本来た時、日本語クラスを受けたんだけど、気づいたら自分が一言も話してなかったままクラスが終わることもあったよ。)
  • Sometimes I wouldn't get a word in the whole class.

  • Sometimes I couldn't get a word in the entire class.

  • I didn't speak for the whole class.

"Sometimes I wouldn't/ couldn't get a word in the whole/entire class." This example is saying that you couldn't or wouldn't speak for the entire/ whole class. So for that hour you were unable to speak because others were speaking. "I didn't speak for the whole class." Is saying the same thing, but in this way it is more of a choice to not speak during the class.
"Sometimes I wouldn't/couldn't get a word in the whole/entire class." (授業中一言も話せないこともあった) ↑授業中全く話せなかった、と伝えています。これは、他の人が話していたから話せなかった、ということです。 "I didn't speak for the whole class." (授業中ずっと話さなかった) ↑これも同じ意味です。ただ、この例の場合は、授業中話さなかったのはどちらかと言うと「choice(それを選んだ)」という意味になります。
Stacey Le DMM英会話講師
  • Sometimes I wouldn't say a thing in class.

  • There were times when I literally said nothing at all in class.

  • At times, I didn't say a single thing throughout the whole class.

...not say a thing' with a negative verb form can be used to mean 'not anything' i.e. I didn't say a thing=I didn't say anything. 'times' (plural) usually used with 'be' verb, or 'at times' is another way of saying sometimes 'literally' means actually and makes your meaning stronger
「...not say a thing」は(否定文で)「何もない(not anything)」を表します。 【例文】 I didn't say a thing=I didn't say anything. 〔訳〕私は何も言わなかった 「times(=複数形)」は普通「be動詞」と一緒に使います。「at times」は「sometimes(時々)」と同じ意味です。 「literally」は「actually(実際に)」という意味で、意味を強調します。
Hannah J DMM英会話講師
  • Sometimes I wouldn't say a single word during class

To say that you would not say a single word is to say that you remained silent the whole time and did not speak at all for the entire duration of the class.
"I woud not say a single word”= 授業中ずっと口をひらくことなくだまっていた、という意味です。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • Sometimes my input during the class was zero

  • There were times when I made no verbal contribution to the class

Obviously, it depends what kind of class it is. In some classes, there is no need to actively participate in anything to be a great student. However, it seems that you are a little disappointed and that you would have enjoyed taking part a little more. Perhaps it was an English class?
もちろん、どんな授業かによります。授業によっては積極的に参加する必要のないものもあります。 ただ、あなたの場合には少しガッカリしていて、もう少し授業に参加したかったみたいですね。ひょっとして、英語の授業でした?
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Sometimes entire classes passed by without me saying anything.

This is a way for you to say that on occasions you said absolutely nothing in the class. It is a little more formal than other ways that you could say it. This sentence refers to several classes so if you would like to refer to one class, you could change the sentence to say "Sometimes an entire class passed by without me saying anything." Both of these are fine to say. I hope that this helps :)
授業中何も話さないこともあったと伝える言い方です。これは比較的フォーマルな言い方です。 この文は複数の授業について言っていますが、1回の授業について言いたければ: "Sometimes an entire class passed by without me saying anything." (授業中全く話さないこともありました) どちらも、適切な言い方です。 お役に立てば幸いです。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • Sometimes I class will end without me speaking at all.

  • A class can start and end without me even saying a word.

When you want to explain that class sometimes ends without you speaking at all; you may explain it in the following ways: -Sometimes class will end without me speaking at all. -A class can start and end without me even saying a word.
「何も話さないまま授業が終わることもある」と説明したいなら、次のように言えます。 -Sometimes class will end without me speaking at all.(何も話さないまま授業が終わることもある) -A class can start and end without me even saying a word.(何も話さないまま授業が終わることもある)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
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