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2018/06/10 22:09
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  • My home town doesn't get as much snow as other places in Hokkaido.

  • It snows a lot less here than other places in Hokkaido.

dosen't get much snow' means it doesn't snow a lot - the snowfall isn't often or heavy. Which is the same as 'it snows a lot less'. You compare it to other places/parts/areas in Hokkaido. "We didn't get much snowfall this year compared to the north".
"dosen't get much snow"=あまり雪が降らない。降雪はあまりない、あってもひどくない。 "it snows a lot less"=ほかの場所やエリアなどと比べて雪の量は少ない。 "We didn't get much snowfall this year compared to the north".ー北の方に比べると今年はあまり雪が降らなかった。
Alex CB DMM英会話講師
  • It snows less here than in other parts of Hokkaido

  • It doesn't snow much here compared to places in Hokkaido.

  • Relatively speaking, the snow is lighter in this part Hokkaido.

When explaining that something doesn't occur as much where you live compared to the wider geographical area, you can use "less than", "as much" or "relatively" to draw the comparison to whats normal or expected. Each example is perfect for everyday use and in these kinds of conversations.
何かが他の地域ほど起こらないことを説明したいときは、"less than" や "as much" "relatively" を使うと、通常のこととの比較ができます。 どの例も日常会話、そしてこのようなやりとりにピッタリです。
Spencer T DMM英会話講師
  • In contrast to other parts of Hokkaido, it does not snow much here.

  • Compared to the rest of Hokkaido, my town does not get much snow.

  • We do not get heavy snow here, unlike the rest of Hokkaido.

Often people have ideas about well-known destinations that are based on stereotypes. When we want to present a contrasting opinion or fact we can use phrases like "unlike", "compared to", and "in contrast to".
しばしば、人々は良く知られた地域についてのイメージを持っており、それはステレオタイプに基づいています。対照的な考えや事実を表したいときには、「unlike」「compared to」「in contras to」等を使います。
Erin J DMM英会話講師
  • We have a microclimate here so it doesn't show as much as it does in Hokkaido

To explain that it doesn't snow as much compared to other places in Hokkaido, you could say that the area you live in has its own 'microclimate'. This means that the weather in your area is different to the areas around you.
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • It doesn't snow as much here in Hokkaido as it does in other cities.

This sentence talks about the fact that it does not in fact snow in Hokkaido while it does snow more in other cities in Northern Japan. It both acknowledges that it does snow in Hokkaido but not as bad as in other cities. I hope that this helps :)
It doesn't snow as much here in Hokkaido as it does in other cities. (北海道はほかの町ほど雪が降らない) 北海道は北日本のほかの町ほど雪が降らないことについて言っています。 北海道では雪は降るけどほかの町ほどひどくない、と伝えています。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • Compared to the rest of Hokkaido, where I live has some of the lowest registers of snowfall

  • We have less snow in my area of Hokkaido than any other part of the island

Statistics are great and if you have any official figures to back up your statement, that's even better: "My region only has half the snowfall of some of the other areas according to meteorological office statistics."
統計データというのは素晴らしいもので、貴方の証言をバックアップする公式数字があれば更に説得力があると思います。 例:My region only has half the snowfall of some of the other areas according to meteorological office statistics." (気象データによると、私が住んでいる地域は、他の地域の半分以下の積雪なのだそうです。)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • There isn't as much snow where I live compared to other places.

  • The snow isn't as bad where I live as other places in Hokkaido.

  • We don't get much snow in my hometown, but other places in Hokkaido get more.

There isn't as much snow' is a comparative sentence and must always be finished with you comparing one place with another place such as "where I live" (one place) "compared to other places" (second place). "The snow isn't as bad" is also a comparative sentence which also must be finished by comparing two places. However, "we don't get much snow in my hometown" this could be a sentence on its own. Adding "but other places in Hokkaido get more" is just an extra bit of information.
There isn't as much snow' は比較文です。これは必ず "where I live"(私の住んでいる所)と "compared to other places"(他の場所と比べ)のように二つの場所を比較して終わらなければなりません。 "The snow isn't as bad" も比較文で、二つの場所を比較して終わらなければなりません。 ただ、"we don't get much snow in my hometown"(私の故郷の街ではあまり雪は降らない)これは、独立した文になります。"but other places in Hokkaido get more"(他移動の他の所ではもっと降る)はただの追加情報です。
Reagan DMM英会話講師
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