世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/06/12 17:13
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  • Actually, I was born on the same day and same year!

  • I have a same birthday and year as you!

  • We are born on exactly same date!

Actually, I was born on the same day and same year! 【訳】実は、私も同じ日、同じ年に生まれたんです! I have a same birthday and year as you! 【訳】私はあなたと同じ誕生日と年です! We are born on exactly same date! 【訳】私たちはまったく同じ日に生まれています! などの表現があると思います。あとはお好みかなと。
  • We share a birthday.

  • I was born on the exact same day as you.

  • I was also born on (month, date) in (year).

When we say "birthday" we generally mean the date and the month (e.g. June 27). It would be good to emphasize the fact that you were born in the same year too. For example, you could say "I was born on June 27 in 1993 too.". You could also do this by using the informal phrase "exact same". If something is the "exact same" it means it is identical—every detail is alike. For example "Your sisters look exactly the same, are they identical twins?" or "He sent the exact same message to me!".
私たちが "birthday"(誕生日)という時は、一般的に月と日を言います。 (例: June 27 = 6月27日) 同じ年生まれと言う事も強調するといいですね。 例えば、次のように言うことが出来ます。 "I was born on June 27 in 1993 too.". (私も1993年6月27日生まれです) また、次の格式張らないフレーズを使うことも出来ます。 "exact same"(全く同じ) もし何かが "exact same"だとすると、それは全く何から何まで"identical"(全く同じ)という様な意味になります。 【例】 "Your sisters look exactly the same, are they identical twins?" (あなたたち姉妹は全く同じですね、一卵性の双子ですか?) "He sent the exact same message to me!". (彼は全く同じメッセージを私に送ってきました)
Erin J DMM英会話講師
  • My birthday is on the same day as yours!

  • Happy Birthday! I was actually born the same year and day as you!

"My birthday is on the same day as yours!" Here you just tell the person that you share the same birthday days. "Happy Birthday! I was actually born the same year and day as you!" This is a way of expressing that your birth dates are the exact same. Birth dates is just when you were born, month, day, and year!
"My birthday is on the same day as yours!"(私はあなたと同じ誕生日です) - ここでは、単に「あなたと同じ誕生日だ」と言っています。 "Happy Birthday! I was actually born the same year and day as you!"(誕生日おめでとうございます。実は、私の誕生日も生まれた年もあなたと同じなんです) - ここでは、「"birth date" があなたと全く同じだ」と伝えています。"birth date" は「生年月日」のことです。
Alyss DMM英会話講師
  • We share the same birth date

You could say, "Actually, we share the same birth date," if you are bringing this fact to someone's attention for the first time. The use of 'actually' is common for situations where something is being stressed - as in the film title: 'Love Actually'.
これを初めて相手に伝えるのであれば: "Actually, we share the same birth date." (実は私、あなたと誕生日が同じなんです) と言えます。 「actually」は、何かを強調する時によく使われます。例えば、映画にありましたね: 'Love Actually'
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Snap! We have the same birthday!

When we see or hear about two things that are identical we use the word 'Snap!' to express our surprise and joy about. For example: "Snap! We are wearing the same dress!" "Oh Snap! Your hair is the same style as mine!"
同じ二つの事や物を見た、または聞いた時、驚きや喜びを表現するためにsnap!という単語を使います。 例: Snap! We are wearing the same dress! ワォ!私たちは同じドレスを着てます! Oh Snap! Your hair is the same style as mine! えーっ!あなたの髪形は私と同じです!
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • Happy Birthday, it's my birthday today too!

First, you will want to wish them a happy birthday, then you can say that you have the same birthday. I hope that this helps :)
まず、あなたは彼らに誕生日を祝い、それから同じ誕生日であると言うことができます。 あなたの理解の助けになれば!
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • WOW! We share the same birthday and year of birth

  • Actually, I was born on the same day of the same year as you.

When you want to tell someone that you share the same birthday and year, then you may say this in the following ways: -WOW! We share the same birthday and year of birth -Actually, I was born on the same day of the same year as you.
「誕生日も生まれた年も同じ」と伝えたいなら、次のように言えます。 -WOW! We share the same birthday and year of birth(すごい!私たち誕生日も生まれた年も同じだ) -Actually, I was born on the same day of the same year as you.(実は私も同じ年の同じ日に生まれました)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • Actually I was born on exactly the same day in the same year as you.

おっしゃられている内容は、以下のようにも表現できると思いました(*^_^*) Actually I was born on exactly the same day in the same year as you. 「実はあなたと全く同じ年の同じ日に生まれたんです」 以上ですm(_)m 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(#^^#) お困りの時は、いつでも気軽にご質問ください(^0^)/ ★★どうぞよろしくお願いもうしあげます★★ see you soon♪
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