世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




「今までの私の話を、聞いてなかったの?」(ずっと) と、聞きたい時。 相手が聞いていると思っていたら、 イヤホンをしていた。 今聞いている?ではなく、 (しばらくの間、5分とか) 全然聞いてなかったのね!!と突っ込みたい時。
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2018/06/14 04:27
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  • Did you hear me?

To ask someone if they heard you is the same as asking if they were listening. It sounds more polite to say did you hear me than to say were you listening. This is because teachers will often ask children in school if they are listening, and if they are not then they will be in trouble!
"Were you listening? "(聞いてたの?)と言うより、"Did you hear me?"(私の話し聞こえた?)と聞く方が、意味はほぼ同じですが丁寧に聞こえます。 教師が生徒に対して「聞いてた?」と聞く場合"Were you listening?"と言い、もしちゃんと聞いていない場合は怒られてしまいます。"Were you listening?"はこのことを連想させるため、"Did you hear me?"の方がいいでしょう。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • You were not listening to me, were you?

  • You were not at all paying attention, were you?

例えば、 ごめん、聞いてなかった。ーSorry I was not paying attention. 私が言っていたことは聞いた?-Did you even hear what I just said? 人の話を聞かずに自分の意見なんか言うのは失礼だよねーGiving your opinion without even trying to listen to what other person is saying is very rude. 以上は、「聞いてなかった」に関する個人的に使う英語の表現になります。 どうぞご参考までに。
  • Were you not listening?

  • Did you hear what I said?

"Were you not listening?" or "Were you not listening to me?" You are asking someone if they were paying attention to what you said. You could also ask, "Were you not paying attention while I was speaking?" "Did you hear what I said?" This is more if you are checking to be sure someone was able to hear you. Perhaps you are in a noisy place, like a train station or coffee shop and you want to be sure they heard you.
"Were you not listening?" または "Were you not listening to me?" 聞いていなかったの? 相手が自分の言ったことを注意して聞いていたか尋ねるときの表現です。  "Were you not paying attention while I was speaking?" 私が話していたとき、注意して聞いていなかったの? ということもできます。 "Did you hear what I said?" 私が言ったこと聞こえた? これは、相手に自分のことが聞こえるか確認するときの表現です。おそらく、電車の駅、コーヒ屋のようなうるさい場所で、相手が聞こえるか確認したいときに使います。
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • You were not listening all this time?

  • Were you not listening ?

  • Are you ignoring me ?

You can use any of these statememts:- 1. You were not listening all this time? 2. Were you not listening ? 3. Are you ignoring me ? All of these statements or questions can be used to ask if someone you thought was listening was listening or not.
これらの文はどれも使うことができます。 1. You were not listening all this time?(ずっと聞いてなかったの) 2. Were you not listening?(聞いてなかったの) 3. Are you ignoring me?(無視しているの) これらの文はどれも、話を聞いていたと思っていた人に、聞いていたのかどうか確認する時に使えます。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • Were you not listening to me?

  • Didn't you get what I was saying?

Well, you could just ask someone if they were listening to you or not. However, they may have been 'half listening' to you but not concentrating properly, so have missed the true sense of what you were talking about. If someone 'gets' what you are saying, then it also means they understood the meaning of it.
自分のことを聞いていたかどうかただ聞いてみるといいでしょう。しかし、集中せずに半分聞きながして、大事なところを聞き逃してしまったということもあるかもしれません。 あなたが言ったことを'get'するということは、その意味をしっかりと理解しているということになります。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • "Were you not listening?"

  • "Did you hear what I said? "

  • "Did you hear me at all?"

If you were talking to someone and you thought they were listening, but then noticed that they actually had earphones on and you wanted clarity as to whether or not they heard what you said to them, you could ask: "Were you not listening?", "Did you hear what I said? " or "Did you hear me at all?". All three of these questions directly address the situation.
話をしていた相手がイヤホンをしていたことに気付いて、話を聞いていたかどうか確認したいなら、次のように言えます。 "Were you not listening?"(聞いてなかったの?) "Did you hear what I said?"(私の言ったこと聞こえた?) "Did you hear me at all?"(私の声聞こえた?) どれも、単刀直入に尋ねています。
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • Were you not paying attention?

  • Did you hear anything I said?

The two sentences you see provided above are great ways to ask your listener if they heard anything you said. In the first sentence you will notice the term pay attention. This means to take an active interest in what someone is saying or doing. This term is appropriate for informal settings, like talking with close friends or family.
上記二つの例文は、自分の言ったことが聞こえていたかどうか確認する素晴らしい言い方です。 一つ目の例文には、"pay attention" という表現が使われています。これは「〔人の言葉・行動に〕注意を払う」という意味です。この表現は家族や親しい友人と話すときなどインフォーマルな場面に適しています。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
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