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ワールドカップを深夜に毎日見ていて寝不足です。 連日ワールドカップを見て寝不足だよ。だよってなんて言いますか?
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2018/06/15 18:12
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  • I haven't slept much because I'm watching the world cup every night

直訳です! 寝不足は「Not sleeping much」です。(あまり寝ていない) 僕自身、6時起きなのにもかかわらずドイツ対メキシコも昨夜見てて、あまり寝ていません。
Julian Sushi Chef / English Teacher / Cyclist / Horseman
  • I haven't slept much because I been up late watching the World Cup.

  • I didn't sleep much because I have been watching the World Cup.

  • The World Cup is on late so, I haven't slept much.

To explain that you didn't get a lot of sleep because you are watching the World Cup matches, you can say "I haven't slept much because I been up late watching the World Cup."
ワールドカップの試合を見ていてあまり寝ていないと言いたいなら、 "I haven't slept much because I been up late watching the World Cup."(ワールドカップの試合を夜遅くまで見ているので、寝不足です) と言うことが出来ます。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • I haven't been getting much sleep because I have been watching the world cup every night.

  • I spend most of my nights watching the world cup. This is why I am not getting much sleep

When you want to explain that you have not been sleeping too well because you spend your nights watching the world cup; then you may explain it in the following ways: -I haven't been getting much sleep because I have been watching the world cup every night. -I spend most of my nights watching the world cup. This is why I am not getting much sleep
夜、ワールドカップを見ているので寝不足だと伝える言い方です: I haven't been getting much sleep because I have been watching the world cup every night. (毎晩ワールドカップを見ていてあまり寝ていません。) I spend most of my nights watching the world cup. This is why I am not getting much sleep (毎晩のようにワールドカップを見ています。だからあまり寝ていません。)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • I've not had much sleep as I have been watching the World Cup every night

  • I have not slept much as I have been watching the World Cup every night

  • I have been watching the World Cup every night so haven't slept much

If you want to explain you haven't had much sleep you can say 'I've not had much sleep' or 'I haven't slept much' both meaning the same thing By explaining why you haven't slept much then you would say 'I have been watching the World Cup every night'
寝不足を説明するときは、次のフレーズが使えます。 'I've not had much sleep'(あまり寝ていません) 'I haven't slept much'(あまり寝ていません) どちらも同じ意味です。 寝不足の理由は次のように説明できます。 'I have been watching the World Cup every night' (毎晩ワールドカップを見ています)
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • The world cup has been wearing me out!

  • I'm sleep-deprived because of the world cup!

Well, some things are more important than sleep and if you are a football fan, obviously you will want to enjoy all the live action.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I haven't gotten much shut eye because I've been watching the world cup every night.

  • I haven't been hitting the hay like I normally do because I've been watching the world cup every night.

The two sentences you see provided above are terrific ways to express to your listener that you have not been getting a lot of sleep because you have been watching the world cup. In the first sentence you will see the term shut eye and in the second sentence you will see the term hit the hay. Both of these terms mean to sleep. These terms are appropriate for informal settings.
どちらの文でも、ワールドカップを見ているのであまり寝ていないと伝えることができます。 最初の文には"shut eye"、二つ目の文には"hit the hay"という表現があります。これらはどちらも「寝る」という意味です。これらの表現はインフォーマルな場面に適しています。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • I have given up sleep to watch the world cup.

  • I can't sleep while the world cup is going on.

1. I have given up sleep to watch the world cup. 私はワールドカップを見るために眠りを断った。 This statement means that you have sacrificed your sleep in order to see the world cup. 2. I can't sleep while the world cup is going on. 私はワールドカップが起こっている間は眠れない。 This statment means that for some reason while the world cup is going on, you are unable to sleep. The reason could be excitement over the games, or maybe the noise that your roommates are making during the matches.
1. I have given up sleep to watch the world cup. (ワールドカップを見るために睡眠を削っている) ワールドカップを見るために睡眠を犠牲にしているという意味です。 2. I can't sleep while the world cup is going on. (ワールドカップ開催中は眠れない) この文は「ワールドカップ開催中は眠れない」という意味です。眠れない理由は、試合に興奮しているからかもしれませんし、試合中ルームメートがうるさいからかもしれません。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • I haven't been getting much sleep because of the World Cup.

  • The World Cup is keeping me up late recently.

I haven't been getting much sleep because of the World Cup. W杯のせいで最近はあまり眠れていません。 The World Cup is keeping me up late recently. W杯を見たいので、最近は遅くまで起きています。 上記のように英語で表現することもできます。 to not get enough sleep や to not get much sleep で「寝不足」を表すことができます。 お役に立てればうれしいです。
  • I haven't gotten much sleep because I've been watching the World Cup every night.

こんにちは。 様々な言い方ができると思いますが、例えば下記のような表現はいかがでしょうか: ・I haven't gotten much sleep because I've been watching the World Cup every night. 毎晩ワールドカップを見ているので、寝不足です。 haven't gotten much sleep で「あまり寝られていない」ことを伝えることができます。 ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
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