世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/06/24 10:09
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  • The event has been postponed to tomorrow because of the rain.

  • The event has been put off to tomorrow due to the rain.

❶The event has been postponed to tomorrow because of the rain. と、 ❷The event has been put off to tomorrow due to the rain. は ([イベント](は雨によって明日に[延長](されました)という意味です。 Postponed, put off-延長された。 The event-イベント tomorrow-明日 because of-〜のせいで、〜によって 〜と言えます。
  • The event has been pushed back to tomorrow because of wet weather.

  • The event was put off until tomorrow due to bad weather.

  • The event has been rescheduled for tomorrow due to inclement weather conditions.

Another way to say to talk about rain is to say "wet weather". If the weather conditions are severe, you may even choose to say "inclement weather conditions", which means the weather is very cold and wet. A very simple way to say this is "bad weather". When something has been postponed, that means it will take place a time or date later than planned. Other ways we can talk about postponing an event are "to put off", "to reschedule", or "to push back".
The event has been pushed back to tomorrow because of wet weather. イベントは雨によって明日に延期された。 The event was put off until tomorrow due to bad weather. イベントは悪天候によって明日に延期された。 The event has been rescheduled for tomorrow due to inclement weather conditions. イベントは荒れ模様の天気によって明日に延期された。 "rain"([雨](の話をする時に、他の言い方で "wet weather"(雨降り)という言い方があります。 もし激しい天気だとすると、次のように選んで言うことも出来ます。 "inclement weather conditions" (荒れ模様の天気状況) これは、とても寒くて雨降りの天気、という意味になります。 とても簡単に言うこと "bad weather"(悪天候)と言います。 何かが"postponed"([延期](されたら、それは場所や時間が予定以降日へ変更されたという意味になります。 "postponing an event"(イベントが延期された)事を他の表現で言い表すと、 "to put off"(延ばす、延期する), "to reschedule"(予定を組みなおす), 又は "to push back"(延期する、先送りする)と言う事が出来ます。
Erin J DMM英会話講師
  • The event has been postponed until tomorrow

  • We have postponed the event due to bad weather

The event has been postponed until tomorrow We have postponed the event due to bad weather The event has been postponed until tomorrow due to bad weather. We have postponed the event due to the rain, it will now take place tomorrow.
The event has been postponed until tomorrow イベントは明日に延期されました。 We have postponed the event due to bad weather 悪天候のため、イベントを明日に延期しました。 The event has been postponed until tomorrow due to bad weather. 悪天候のため、イベントは明日に延期されました。 We have postponed the event due to the rain, it will now take place tomorrow. 雨のため、イベントを延期にしました。明日行われる予定です。
Kelly J DMM英会話講師
  • There was a rain delay for the event.

When talking about sports, especially baseball, people tend to use the phrase "rain delay." This specifically communicates that the event will take place at a later time due to the fact that it is raining at the moment when the event was originally scheduled. I hope this helps :)
スポーツ、特に野球について言う場合、「rain delay」というフレーズがよく使われます。これは、雨でイベントが延期されることを表します。 お役に立てば幸いです。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • The even has been postponed to tomorrow due to (heavy) rain

  • The event was postponed to tomorrow because of the rain

When you want to explain that an event has been postponed to tomorrow due to rainy weather, then you can say: -The event has been postponed to tomorrow due to (heavy) rain -The event was postponed to tomorrow because of the rain -Today's event is postponed to tomorrow. We could not have it because of the rain.
雨天によりイベントが明日に延期されたことを説明したいときの表現です。  -The event has been postponed to tomorrow due to (heavy) rain (ひどい)雨のために、イベントが明日に延期されました。 -The event was postponed to tomorrow because of the rain 雨のせいでイベントが明日に延期されました。  -Today's event is postponed to tomorrow. We could not have it because of the rain. 今日のイベントは明日に延期されました。雨のせいでイベントをすることができませんでした。
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • The event was postponed to tomorrow because of rain

  • The event today was rescheduled for tomorrow because of the weather.

Postpone' means to reschedule an event/plans for a later time. Example sentences would be: "The event was postponed because of the rain." or "The event today was rescheduled for tomorrow because of the weather."
Postpone' とは延期するという意味です。 例: "The event was postponed because of the rain."  雨のせいで、イベントが延期された。 "The event today was rescheduled for tomorrow because of the weather." 今日のイベントは、天候のせいで明日に変更された。
Nami B DMM英会話講師
  • The event has been put off until tomorrow due to rain

In the UK many events are either cancelled or postponed due to poor weather. In the case of rainfall, it is quite common to say something like: "Due to rain, the game has been called off pending a ground inspection tomorrow morning."
イギリスでは、悪天候のためにイベントがキャンセルされたり延期されることが多々あります。雨の場合にはよく以下のように言います: Due to rain, the game has been called off pending a ground inspection tomorrow morning. (雨のため、ゲームは中止になりました。明日の朝グラウンドの様子を見ます。)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • The event has been postponed to tomorrow due to rain.

  • It's been put off until tomorrow.

こんにちは。 様々な言い方ができると思いますが、例えば次のような英語表現はいかがでしょうか: The event has been postponed to tomorrow due to rain. イベントは雨によって延期になりました。 It's been put off until tomorrow. 明日に延期になったよ。 postponed は「延期になった」という意味の英語表現です。 ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
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