世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/07/05 03:25
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  • I'm outside but I don't know what building you're in. Can you come out?

  • I can't find the right place, can you come out please?

  • Can you come outside? I am here but i can't find the building.

I'm outside but I don't know what building you're in. Can you come out? I can't find the right place, can you come out please? Can you come outside? I am here but i can't find the building. I can't seem to find the right apartment. Can you meet me outside?
I'm outside but I don't know what building you're in. Can you come out?(外にいるのですが、どの建物かわかりません。出て来ていただけますか) I can't find the right place, can you come out please?(場所がよくわからないので、出て来ていただけますか) Can you come outside? I am here but I can't find the building.(出て来ていただけますか。近くまで来ているのですが、建物が見つかりません) I can't seem to find the right apartment. Can you meet me outside?(部屋がよくわからないので、外で会えますか)
Niabh DMM英語講師
  • I'm outside but not sure exactly where you are. Could you come out please?

  • I'm ouside but can't see your entrance, could you come down please?

You deliver food. When you have arrived at the destination on the map, but can't find the building, you want to say something like "I am here but I don't know where the building is" "Could you come out?". Something like that The request is to either come 'down' (from an upstairs floor) or 'out' (from a ground floor or house).
フードデリバリーの仕事をしているということですね。地図にある目的地に着いたけども建物が分からず、「目的地に着いたのですが建物がよくわかりません」「玄関まで出てきてもらえませんか」のように言いたいと。 上の階から下に降りてきてもらいたいときには "come 'down'"、家や1階から外に出てきてもらいたいときには "come 'out'" がそれぞれ使えます。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I am struggling to find the house, can you come out?

  • I cannot find the building, can you come and meet me?

  • I have arrived, but I can't find the house, can you come out?

If you want to explain that you have successfully found the general area for the delivery, the easiest way to say this is 'I am here' / 'I have arrived'. Additionally, if you want to explain that although you are in the general area, but cannot find the exact house you can use different options such as 'I cannot find the building' or 'I can't find the house' or 'I can't find the exact place'. Then this preceding phrase explains why you ask 'can you come out?'
「配送先の近くまで来た」の最も簡単な言い方は 'I am here' あるいは 'I have arrived' です。 また、配送先の近くまで来たものの「その家が分からない」は、いろいろな言い方ができます。 例えば: 'I cannot find the building'(建物が見つからない) 'I can't find the house'(家が見つからない) または、 'I can't find the exact place'(その場所が分からない) 先行するこのフレーズが、'can you come out?'(外に出てきてもらえますか)と尋ねる理由となります。
Harriet R DMM英会話講師
  • I am here but I'm not sure where the building is, could you come out please?

  • I am in the area but don't know the building

  • I am nearby but don't know the place

If you want to explain that you are close to where you are meant to be then you would say 'I am here', 'I am in the area' or 'I am nearby' if you are not sure where the place is to go then you would say 'I'm not sure where the building is', 'don't know the building' or 'don't know the place' by adding 'could you come out please' they could then show you where they are/where to go
行くはずの場所の近くにいることは、 'I am here'(そこにいる) や、 'I am in the area'(その場所にいる) 'I am nearby'(近くにいる) で表せます。 その場所がどこか分からないことは、 'I'm not sure where the building is'(建物の場所が分からない)や、 'don't know the building'(建物の場所が分からない) 'don't know the place'(場所が分からない) で表せます。 'could you come out please'(外の出てきてもらえますか)と言えば、どこにいるのか/どこに行けば良いか案内してくれるでしょう。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I am outside in your area, can you come out so I can find you?

  • I am here, but I need you to come out so I can find the right building.

  • I can't find the correct place, can you meet me outside?

I am outside in your area, can you come out so I can find you? I am here, but I need you to come out so I can find the right building. I can't find the correct place, can you meet me outside? I have your order but I can't seem to find the correct building. Can you meet me outside? I need you to meet me outside because I can't find the correct location.
I am outside in your area, can you come out so I can find you? (目的地あたりにいるのですが、出てきたもらえますか?そしたら見つけられると思います。) I am here, but I need you to come out so I can find the right building. (ついたのですが、出てきてもらえたらそのビルがわかると思います。) I can't find the correct place, can you meet me outside? (目的の場所が見つかりません。出てきてもらえますか?) I have your order but I can't seem to find the correct building. Can you meet me outside? (着いたと思うのですが、正しいビルがわかりません。外に出てきてもらえますか?) I need you to meet me outside because I can't find the correct location. (正しい場所が見つけられないので、外に出てきてもらえますか?)
Bobbi S DMM英語講師
  • I'm close but i can't find the place

  • I'm here but I don't know the exact location

"I'm close but i can't find the place" and "I'm here but I don't know the exact location" These expressions are explaining that you have arrived at a location or close/nearby. The 'place' is a generic term used when talking about a location/destination.
"I'm close but i can't find the place" (近くにいるのですが、場所が見つけられません。) "I'm here but I don't know the exact location" (着いたのですが、正確な場所がわかりません。) これらの表現は、その場所、または近くに着いたことを表しています。   'place' は、場所や目的地を表す一般的な言葉です。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • I am nearby, but I can't find the place

「近くまで来ている」は I am nearby. 「場所が分からない・見つからない」は I can't find the place. 「玄関まで出られますか?」= Could you come out of the entrance? なので、 I am nearby, but I can't find the place. Could you come out of the entrance? という表現ができます。 是非参考にしてみてください。
  • I have arrived but I am not sure of your exact location, please meet me outside near the (name a popular landmark nearby)

  • I am close by but I don't know where to find you, where can we meet please?

No one likes to get lost, it is frustrating and you want to be on time for your appointments. When you have arrived near your drop-off point but are not able to find the exact location, you may use the sentences above. We can also say: I have arrived but I am not sure of your exact location, please meet me outside near the park. Exact: precise Close by: near Landmark: a popular place in that location
道に迷うのは嫌ですね、人と約束があるときにはイライラします。 配送先の近くに来たけどはっきりした場所が分からないときは、上記の文が使えます。 次のように言うこともできます。 I have arrived but I am not sure of your exact location, please meet me outside near the park. (着きましたが、はっきりした場所が分かりません。公園の近くにいるので出てきてもらえますか) Exact: 正確な Close by: 近い Landmark: そこで人気の場所
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • I am within your area but I don't know the number of the building you are in. What is the number of your building?

  • I am right outside the buildings stated on your order but I don't know the number of the building in which you are. Will you please come out and wave your hand so that I can see you?

  • I am right here at the address that appears on your order but I don't know the exact building. Please give me the building number. Alternatively, please come out and wave your hand so that I can see you.

When people order food on line to be delivered to their home addresses, they specify the delivery addresses. However, where the delivery address is an appartment, some details may be omitted on the order, making it difficult for the courier to quickly identify the delivery place. Therefore, it is extremely important for customers of a restaurant that provides a delivery service to be very specific when providing the delivery address. So, you may say any of the following to the customer: I am within your area but I don't know the number of the building you are in. What is the number of your building? or I am right outside the buildings stated on your order but I don't know the number of the building in which you are. Will you please come out and wave your hand so that I can see you? or I am right here at the address that appears on your order but I don't know the exact building. Please give me the building number. Alternatively, please come out and wave your hand so that I can see you.
オンラインで食べ物の宅配を頼むときには、住所を伝えますね。 配送先がアパートの場合、重要な情報が抜け落ちてしまっていることがあるかもしれません。そうなると、「なかなか場所が分からない」ということになります。 配達をお願いするときには、客は住所を明確に伝えなければなりません。 客に対して次のように言えます。 I am within your area but I don't know the number of the building you are in. What is the number of your building? (近くまで来ましたが、あなたのいる建物の番号が分かりません。番号を教えてください) I am right outside the buildings stated on your order but I don't know the number of the building in which you are. Will you please come out and wave your hand so that I can see you? (注文に書かれた建物のところにいるのですが、建物の番号が分かりません。外に出てきて手を振ってみてもらえますか) I am right here at the address that appears on your order but I don't know the exact building. Please give me the building number. Alternatively, please come out and wave your hand so that I can see you. (注文にある住所の所にいるのですが建物が分かりません。建物の番号を教えてください。あるいは、外に出てきて手を振ってもらってもいいですが)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
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