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2018/07/08 14:03
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  • I don't particularly dislike any food

In the UK, 'hate' is quite an extreme word..we usually modify such extreme verbs.In fact, it would be a little childish to say that you 'hate' any particular food. So, 'particularly dislike' is probably better for most scenarios.
イギリスでは 'hate'(大嫌い)はかなり激しい言葉です。 普通、このような激しい動詞は修正して使います。 実際、食べ物について 'hate' を使うと少し子供っぽいです。 'particularly dislike'(特定の[嫌い](な)の方がほとんどの場合いいでしょう。 I don't particularly dislike any food [特に](嫌いな食べ物はありません。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • There are no foods that I dislike.

  • I don't hate any one food.

例文1「[嫌い](な[食べ物](はない。」 food(s) that I dislike で「私の嫌いな食べ物」となり、there are no を付けることで「嫌いな食べ物はない。」となります。 例文2「どの食べ物も嫌いではない。」 hate は dislike より嫌いという意味が強いです。 I don't dislike と代わりに言うこともできます。 ご参考になれば幸いです!
  • I don't hate any food.

  • I am not a picky person.

  • I don't dislike many foods.

There are a lot of delicious food that we can have and enjoy. Maybe there are some that we like a lot and some that we think are okay. If you don't hate any kind of food, you could use a few different expressions to describe this: 1) I don't hate any food. There is not a food that you completely hate. 2) I am not a picky person. This expression means that you can enjoy a lot of different meals and you really don't have a problem with any of them. You enjoy whatever people give you and you don't complain. 3) I don't dislike many foods. This expression means that you don't hate any food but there may be some that you don't like so much.
美味しくて楽しめる食べ物が沢山ありますね。 何でも好きな人も、まあまあな人もいるかもしれません。 あなたが食べ物の好き嫌いがない人なら、様々な表現でこれを言い表すことが出来ます。 【例】 1) I don't hate any food. (嫌いな食べ物はありません) 嫌いな食べ物が全くない、という意味になります。 2) I am not a picky person. (食べ物に好き嫌いはありません) この表現は、あなたは様々な種類の料理を楽しむことが出来て、どんな料理でも問題はない、 という意味になります。 出されたものは何でも食べて、文句もない、と言う事になります。 3) I don't dislike many foods. (嫌いな食べ物はありません) この表現は、そんなに嫌いな食べ物はありません、という意味になります。
Daniel Su DMM英会話講師
  • I like all foods

  • I don't hate any type of food

  • There aren't any foods that I dislike

Hate is a very strong word, dislike has the same meaning but is a bit lighter and not as hard as "hate". One can simply state that she/he likes all foods, "I like all foods" or "I like all types of foods". This is a very positive way to express that there aren't any foods that one hates. "There aren't any foods that I dislike" or "I don't hate any food". There may be one food that you are not particularly crazy about, not that you dislike it, but you wouldn't choose it if you were given a choice. Here you can say "I'm not crazy about broccoli, but I don't hate it"
"Hate"(大嫌い)は、とても強い言葉です。”Dislike"には同じ意味がありますが、”Hate"よりはインパクトが少ない言葉です。 好き嫌いがないことを、単に"I like all foods."または"I like all types of foods"とシンプルに表現出来ます。これは、嫌いな食べ物がないことを表す、とてもポジティブな表現です。 ”There aren't any foods that I dislike."または”I don't hate any food."は、嫌いではないけれど、好んで食べない物があるときに、この表現を使います。例えば― ”I'm not crazy about broccoli, but I don't hate it."(ブロッコリーはすごい好きでもないが、嫌いでもない。)
Elisabeth L DMM英会話講師
  • I am not a fussy person.

  • I eat almost everything, I am not selective when it comes to food.

  • I don't dislike any foods.

To express that you eat most things and that there are no specific foods you dislike, you may say that you are not a fussy person. The term fussy means to be very particular and hard to please. Mothers often say their children are fussy when they don't want to eat their vegetables. 'Don't be so fussy John, eat your greens.' You may also say that you are not very selective when it comes to food and that you eat everything.
あなたがほとんどの物を食べ、特に嫌いな食べ物が無いということを言いたい時、「you are not a fussy person」と言えます。 「fussy」という単語は、好き嫌いが激しく、なかなか喜ばないという意味です。母親はしばしば子どもが野菜を食べたがらない時、fussyだと言います。 ’Don't be so fussy John, eat your greens.' (ジョーン、好き嫌いがはげしすぎますよ、野菜を食べなさい。) 以下のようにも言えます。 not very selective when it comes to food (食べ物となると、好き嫌いはない) eat everything. (全部食べる)
Mary Lee DMM英会話講師
  • I eat all kinds of food.

  • I am not a picky eater.

To express that you eat all kinds of foods you can say "I eat all kinds of food" or "I am not a picky eater." Those are the most common ways to say it. When you say "I eat all kinds of food", it means that you eat a variety of foods and that there are not many types of foods that you dont eat. When you say "I am not a picky eater", it means that you are willing to try new foods and you not very selective with what you eat.
好き嫌いなく何でも食べることを、”I eat all kinds of food"(なんでも食べる)または"I am not a picky eater."(えり好みしない)と表すことが出来ます。 ”I eat all kinds of food"は、色々な種類の食べ物を食し、食べないものは殆どないという意味です。 ”I am not a picky eater"は、新しい食べ物にチャレンジしたり、えり好みしないことを意味します。
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • There aren't any foods that I hate.

  • Even though I don't hate any foods, it doesn't mean I actually like everything

When you want to explain that there aren't any foods that you hate, but also don't like everything;; then you can say: -There aren't any foods that I hate. -Even though I don't hate any foods, it doesn't mean I actually like everything.
嫌いな食べ物はないけれども、全て好きというわけでもないと言いたいとき、以下のように言えます: -There aren't any foods that I hate. (嫌いな食べ物はありません。) -Even though I don't hate any foods, it doesn't mean I actually like everything. (嫌いな食べ物はありませんが、全てが好きというわけでもありません。)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
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