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2018/07/09 17:53
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  • I baked bread but it was a failure.

  • I tried to bake bread but failed miserably.

"I baked bread but it was a big failure." 「パンを焼いたけど、大失敗」直接の翻訳です。"bake"は「焼く」という意味で、"failure"は「失敗」に相当します。 "I tried to bake bread but failed miserably." 「パンを焼こうとしたが散々失敗した」"miserably"は失敗ということを強調しています。あと、"try"は「してみた」という意味を持っています。 参考になれば幸いです。
  • I baked bread but failed miserably

大失敗 failed miserably など 失敗は fail ですが失敗を強調するため 悲惨に や ひどくの意味で miserably が 加えてあります。
  • I tried to bake bread but it did not come out well.

  • My attempt at baking bread was a big failure.

  • Baking bread was an expensive mistake for me.

I tried to bake bread but it did not come out well. My attempt at baking bread was a big failure. Baking bread was an expensive mistake for me. I wanted to try to bake my own bread but it didn't turn out right. I made my own bread but it didn't turn out right. Baking my own bread was a costly mistake.
I tried to bake bread but it did not come out well. (パンを焼いてみましたが、うまく行きませんでした) My attempt at baking bread was a big failure. (パンを焼いてみましたが大失敗でした) Baking bread was an expensive mistake for me. (パンを焼いてみましたが、金がかかっただけでうまく行きませんでした) I wanted to try to bake my own bread but it didn't turn out right. (パンを焼いてみましたが、うまく行きませんでした) I made my own bread but it didn't turn out right. (パンを焼いてみましたが、うまく行きませんでした) Baking my own bread was a costly mistake. (パンを焼いてみましたが、金がかかっただけでうまく行きませんでした)
Bobbi S DMM英語講師
  • I baked some bread but it did not go to plan.

  • Things went very wrong when I tried to bake some bread.

  • I was not happy with how my bread turned out.

There are so many ways you can express this. The first option shows the person you are talking to that something unexpected happened with the bread and they can then ask you for an explanation. The second option tells the person you are talking to that what happened to the break was bad and if they want they can ask what happened to it. The third option adds an emotion in there so the person knows how you feel about the situation!
これはいろいろな言い方ができます。 一つ目の例では「パンが予想外なことになった」と伝えています。この後相手に何があったのか聞かれると思います。 二つ目の例では「パンがうまくいかなかった」と伝えています。相手は興味があればこの後何があったのか聞いてきます。 三つ目の例では、感情を加えています。この状況についてどのように感じているのか伝えています。
Jessica B DMM英会話講師
  • I failed at baking bread.

  • I couldn't bake bread.

"I failed at baking bread." This is explaining that you had failed/couldn't/found it difficult to successfully bake bread. 'Bake' is the act of baking, baking bread,cakes,pastry etc.
"I failed at baking bread."(パンを焼いたけど失敗した) これは「パンをうまく焼けなかった」と伝えています。 'Bake' は「〔パン・ケーキ・パイ生地などを〕焼く」という意味です。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • I tried to bake bread but failed at it

  • I tried to bake bread but it didn't come out right.

When you want to explain that you tried to bake bread but it did not come out right, then you may explain this in the following ways: -I tried to bake bread but failed at it -I tried to bake bread but it didn't come out right.
「パンを焼こうとしたけどうまくいかなかった」は、次のように言えます。 -I tried to bake bread but failed at it(パンを焼こうとしたけどうまくいかなかった) -I tried to bake bread but it didn't come out right.(パンを焼こうとしたけどうまくいかなかった)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • My bread didn't rise.

  • I tried baking bread but it didn't work out.

  • I tried baking some bread and the results were bad.

If bread doesn't cook well, it is sad to "not rise". You can express this idea with the first sentence. The second two sentences describe your effort to bake bread and tell what happened. If something "works out" it happens as was expected. In this case, the bread "didn't work out". You can also say the "results were bad". This means things went badly. For example: I tried to learn Chinese and the results were bad.
パンがうまく焼けないことを、"not rise"(膨らまない)と表すことがあります。一つ目の文ではこの意味を伝えています。 二つ目と三つ目の文では、何を試みてその結果どうなったかを伝えています。"work out" は「思い通りにいく」という意味です。この場合はパンが "work out" しなかったわけです。 "the results were bad" と言うこともできます。これは「うまくいかなかった」という意味です。例えば: I tried to learn Chinese and the results were bad. (中国を学ぼうとしたけど、うまくいかなかった)
Peter E DMM英会話講師
  • I tried to bake bread but it was a terrible mess.

  • I tried baking bread but made a mess of it.

To bake edible bread, you need to be skilled at it. But, if you want to be skilled at doing anything, practice is a must. If you try to do something that requires a special skill without firstly acquiring the skill, you can easily 'make a mess' of it. 'Making a mess' of baking bread means that nothing like bread came out of your effort, only porridge probably. It means that it was a 'terrible mess' and it wasn't anything that you to eat. So, you may say to someone: I tried to bake bread but it was a terrible mess. or I tried baking bread but made a mess of it.
食べられるパンを焼くには技能が必要です。ただ、技能を身につけるには練習が必要になります。特別な技能を要することを技能を身につけずにやろうとすれば、すぐに失敗してしまいます。 パンを焼くことについて 'Making a mess' と言うと、「パンらしきものができなかった」ことを表します(例えば、おかゆみたいなものができたとか)。つまり、'terrible mess'(大失敗)で、食べられるものではなかったということ。 次のように言うことができます。 I tried to bake bread but it was a terrible mess. (パンを焼こうとしましたが、大失敗でした) I tried baking bread but made a mess of it. (パンを焼こうとしましたが、失敗しました)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
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