世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/07/10 09:18
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  • He was born in a woman's body but identifies as male.

Talking about trans people can be a very difficult topic, especially across language and culture barriers. The best way to state that the person is trans is to say that they were born in a woman's body to note that previously they were a female. Then, you state that they identify as male so that your listener understands that they are trans. I hope that this helps :)
性転換者であると伝える場合には「女性の体に生まれた(born in a woman's body)」と表すのがいいでしょう。その後「identify as male(男性である)」と言えば、性転換者だと伝わります。 お役に立てば幸いです :)
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • He used to be a female.

  • He was once a woman.

Some people feel as though they do not belong in the body they where born in. They many feel as though they emotionally and psychologically belong as members the opposite sex. Such people then undergo medical treatment to acquire the physical characteristics of the opposite sex, being known as a transsexual. In this example, it is referring to a woman who has undergone treatment to become a man.
生まれてきた体と心が一致しない人がいます。感情、心理的には、反対の性に属しているという感覚です。このような人は、性別を変える(体を反対の性に近づける)治療を受けます。「transsexual(性転換者)」になるために。 ここでは、男性になるための治療を受けた女性について言っています。
Lenae DMM英会話講師
  • He used to be a woman

  • She had a sex change operation and is now male

Having a sex change is a huge moment in someones life and can make that person into the person they have always felt that they were. This is usually done with a mix of medical procedures and hormone therapy to become the opposite sex.
「sex change(性転換)」は、人生において重大な出来事で、心と体の不一致を解消します。普通は医療処置とホルモン療法によって、性を転換します。
Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • He was once a woman

  • He once used to be a woman

「今日、性転換している人も少なくない」 "Sex change isn't rare nowadays" など
  • He used to be a woman.

  • He was a woman before his operation.

  • He was a woman once.

He had a sex change, he used to be female. He had an operation to become a man. All of these can be used to explain that someone is a transsexual. A transsexual is someone that permanently changes from one sex to another usually with operations and some people undergo hormone replacement therapy.
【例文】 He had a sex change, he used to be female. (彼は性転換しています。彼は以前女性でした) He had an operation to become a man. (彼は男性になる手術を受けました) これらはすべて、「transexual(性転換をした人)」を表す言い方です。 「transsexual」は「(通常は手術によって)性転換した人」を言います、ホルモン補充療法を受ける人もいます。
Niabh DMM英語講師
  • Delilah is called Dylan now!

  • He's a tranny (derogatory)

  • His true masculinity may be a matter for debate

Well, in these days of hyper-sensitivity and political correctness, one can hardly say anything without offending someone somewhere. It seems we should ignore all differences even if they are blatantly obvious and a natural cause for either comment, concern or comedy. Until 2010, the word 'tranny' was a common informal term for transsexual in the UK, however several rights groups have outlawed the word and Facebook now categorises the word as a 'hate word'. Of course you could refer to their previous and present name as in the first example sentence - although probably, Dylan would be offended if people were referring to him in any way which might detract from his masculinity!
過剰反応やポリティカルコレクトネス(政治的正当性)がまかり通る今のご時世に、誰かを怒らせずに言葉を発することは不可能に近いですね。「違うこと」が一目瞭然であり、それが自然要因であったとしても、それに関するコメント・懸念・お笑いのネタになるようなことは一切スルーしなくてはならないようにさえ感じます。 イギリスでは、2010年まで、"tranny"という言葉は性転換した人を表すスラングでした。ところが、複数の人権団体が"tranny"を廃止し、今では、フェイスブックが"tranny"をヘイトワード扱いしています。 例文①のように、性転換前の名前と現在名を使って表すことも出来ます。多分、ストレートのDylanが自分の男らしさを損なわれた気持ちになるようなことを言われたら、憤りを感じるかもしれませんが。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • He once was a woman

  • He used to be a woman/female

Some people feel as if they belong in the other sexes body so might want to transgender or change into the opposite sex - man becomes a woman or woman to become a man He once was a woman or he used to be a female/woman refers to a man that has transgendered from a woman
心の性と体の性が一致せず、性転換をする人がいますね。 'He once was a woman'(彼はかつて女性だった)または 'he used to be a female/woman'(同)は、女性から男性に性転換した人をいいます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • He used to be a Woman

  • They used to be a woman

In the current world it is difficult to stereotype a specific gender, now there are many, so it is hard to say 'He' or 'She'. "They" Can be used to describe One or many people and a 'He' or 'She'.
今の時代さまざまな性の形があるため、'He'(彼)や 'She'(彼女)のように人を特定の性別に固定することが難しくなっています。 "They" は、それが一人でも複数の人でも 'He' でも 'She' でも使うことができます。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • He used to be a woman.

  • He was a woman.

英会話講師のKOGACHIです(^^)/ おっしゃられている内容は、 He used to be a woman. または、もっと単純に He was a woman. と表現できます。 used toの方が「もう今は違うけど、かつては・・・」というニュアンスが強いです。 以上ですm(_)m 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(#^^#) お困りの時は、いつでも気軽にご質問ください(^0^)/ ★★どうぞよろしくお願いもうしあげます★★ see you soon♪
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