My strong point is that even when I'm busy, I can face customers with a smile.
I am good at working in a team / I am good at cooperating with my colleagues
I have four years' experience working in customer-facing roles and I pride myself on giving customers the best service possible
「私の強みは忙しくても笑顔で対応できるところです」= My strong point is that even when I'm busy, I can face customers with a smile.
②同僚と協力して働けます → I am good at working in a team / I am good at cooperating with my colleagues
③接客業の経験が4年あり、思いやりのある接客を心がけています → I have four years' experience working in customer-facing roles and I pride myself on giving customers the best service possible
④向上心が強く、改善できる点があれば考え行動に移します → I am very ambitious and I'm always thinking about how to improve myself
面接を頑張ってね!Good luck! ^^