世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/07/15 15:33
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  • How many hours can you wait at the most?

  • How many hours max can you wait?

❶How many hours can you wait at the most? ❷How many hours max can you wait? どちらも (最長何時間待てますか?)という意味です。 ①の言い方のほうが丁寧です。 ② は もっと砕けた言い方です。
  • I would like you to wait for me. What is the longest time you will wait?

  • How long can you wait here for me?

  • If I need you to wait, how long can you wait on me?

I would like you to wait for me. What is the longest time you will wait? How long can you wait here for me? If I need you to wait, how long can you wait on me? I need you to wait for me. How long are you able to wait? I can pay you to wait for me. How long can I hire you to wait for? What is the longest time you can wait for me here? How long can I hire you to wait for me here?
I would like you to wait for me. What is the longest time you will wait? (ここで待っていてもらいたいのですが、最長どのくらい待てますか) How long can you wait here for me? (ここでどのくらい待てますか) If I need you to wait, how long can you wait on me? (待ってもらうとしたらどのくらい待てますか) I need you to wait for me. How long are you able to wait? (ここで待っていてもらわないといけません。どのくらい待てますか) I can pay you to wait for me. How long can I hire you to wait for? (お金を払うので待っていてもらえますか。どのくらい待てますか) What is the longest time you can wait for me here? (ここで最長どのくらい待てますか) How long can I hire you to wait for me here? (ここでどのくらい待ってもらえますか)
Bobbi S DMM英語講師
  • How long are you able to wait for me?

  • Is there a time limit on how long you will wait?

  • After how many hours will you leave?

This is a way of asking someone how much time you are able to spend at a destination so that you can manage your time properly.
Nicole Le DMM英会話講師
  • Can you wait long?

  • Will you be able to wait here for a while?

"Can you wait long." The word "Can" is the part of the sentence that asks for the ability to do something. thus in saying can you implies that there may be something that will or may stop you from waiting if the opportunity arises. "Will you be able to wait here for a while?" Will you is another word for Can you. The remainder of the phrase remains the same.
"Can you wait long."(長く待てますか) "Can" は、可能性を尋ねる言葉です。ですから、"Can you" は、長く待つことができない可能性があることを示唆します。 "Will you be able to wait here for a while?"(ここでしばらく待っていただけますか) "Will you" は "Can you" の別の言い方です。それ以外の部分については上の例と同じです。
Kayleb DMM英会話講師
  • How many hours can you wait?

  • What's the maximum amount of hours you can wait?

"How many hours can you wait?" This is referring to 'how many'/ the total/ maximum amount of hours they will be able to wait for you, this is more of a casual way of phrasing this particular sentence. "What's the maximum amount of hours you can wait?" This more of a politer and formal phrase, when using the term 'Maximum' this is used when referring to the most of something, in this case it is hours.
"How many hours can you wait?"(何時間待てますか) は、何時間待つことができるか尋ねています。これはカジュアルな言い方です。 "What's the maximum amount of hours you can wait?"(最長で何時間待てますか) は、丁寧でフォーマルな言い方です。'Maximum' は、物事の「最大限度」を表します、ここでは「時間」について言っています。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • What is the longest amount of time you can wait for me?

You are asking someone (for example a taxi driver) what is the longest amount of time he can wait for you. If the taxi is picking you up at the airport, it is important to know how long the taxi can wait for you to exit the airport. In these cases, the taxi driver may have a time limit set by law as to how long he can wait for you near the entrance of the airport terminal. Or imagine you are meeting your friend, but there is a delay on your way to meet him or her. You will be later than the time you have agreed to meet. You can ask, what is the longest she or he can wait for you to arrive before they must leave for their next appointment.
相手(この場合、タクシーの運転手)に最長でどのくらいの時間待てるか尋ねています。タクシーに空港まで迎えに来てもらうなら、どのくらいの時間待ってくれるのか確認しておくことは大切です。タクシーが空港ターミナルの入り口で待てる時間は、法律で制限されていることがあります。 あるいは、「友達と待ち合わせをしているけど、遅れてしまって約束の時間に間に合いそうにない」とします。その場合は、その人の次の予定までに最長どのくらい待つことができるか確認できます。
Deb W DMM英会話講師
  • Approximately how long will you be able to wait for me?

  • Please give me an approximate number of hours that you will be able to wait for me.

  • Do you have a standard number of hours that you can wait for a customer during a round trip?

Taxi drivers do 'round trips', that is, trips to destinations of customers and back to where they started from. However, the exact number of hours that the taxi driver may have to wait for a customer may vary between trips. The adverb 'approximately' used in the first question means 'roughly' in this context, not an exact period of time. So, you may ask the taxi driver to give you an 'approximate number of hours', that is, an estimated number of hours that he can be able to wait for you. So, you may say or ask as follows: Approximately how long will you be able to wait for me? or Please give me an approximate number of hours that you will be able to wait for me. or Do you have a standard number of hours that you can wait for a customer during a round trip?
タクシーは片道だけでなく往復してくれることがありますね。ただ、どのくらいの時間そこで待ってくれるかはケースバイケースです。 一つ目の例で使われている副詞 'approximately' は「おおよそ」という意味です。ここでは「おおよその時間」を表します。 ですから、タクシー運転手にそこで待つことのできる 'approximate number of hours'(おおよその時間)を確認することができます。 次のように言えます。 Approximately how long will you be able to wait for me? (だいたいどのくらい待つことができますか) Please give me an approximate number of hours that you will be able to wait for me. (待つことのできるだいたいの時間を教えてください) Do you have a standard number of hours that you can wait for a customer during a round trip? (往復するときに待つことができるだいたいの時間とかはありますか)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • What is the longest amount of time you can wait for me?

  • How long can you wait for me?

  • Can you wait sometime for me? What is the longest amount of time?

Maybe you need to go pick up a few things or run some errands. We can ask the driver about the 'longest amount' of time he is willing to wait by using these expressions. The second is the easiest to remember, 'how long' speaks of the maximum amount of time the driver can wait.
買い物など用事を済ませないといけないのかもしれませんね。 上記の文で、運転手に最長どのくらい待てるか確認できます。 二つ目の文が一番覚えやすいです。 'how long' で、運転手が最長どのくらい待てるか確認できます。
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
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