世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/07/17 19:55
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  • Is Japan different to what you expected?

We all have expectations and when the real thing comes before our eyes, we are sometimes surprised in either a positive or negative way. "Is married life what you expected it to be?"
私たちはみんな期待をもち、事実を目の当たりにすると、時にはポジティブにもネガティブにも驚くものです。  "Is married life what you expected it to be?" 結婚生活は想像していたとおりですか?
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Was Japan exactly as you had expected?

  • Did Japan meet your expectations?

  • Did your vacation in Japan go as you had imagined?

In order to ask someone if their vacation in a particular place had gone exactly like they had imagined you may ask the following; Was Japan exactly as you had expected? Did Japan meet your expectations? keywords: expected: A strong belief of something that will happen. expectation: one's prospects or the possibility or likelihood of some future event occurring in a certain way.
誰かにある場所での休暇が想像していた通りだったかどうか聞くときの表現です。  Was Japan exactly as you had expected? 日本は想像通りでしたか? Did Japan meet your expectations? 日本はあなたの期待に沿いましたか?  キーワード: expected--何かが起こるであろうと強く信じること  expectation-ある通りにことが事が起こる見込みや可能性
Mary Lee DMM英会話講師
  • Was your visit to Japan what you expected it would be?

This question focuses more specifically on their experience in Japan rather than Japan as a country. It may be possible that Japan was how they expected it but the visit did not meet their expectations because they could not see everything that they wanted to. I hope that this helps :)
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • Is Japan different than what you expected?

  • Did you expect Japan to be like this?

Asking somebody "Is Japan different than what you expected?" is basically asking them if Japan is different than what they imagined. This could yield a good or bad answer. "Did you expect Japan to be like this?" is another way of saying "Is Japan different than what you expected?"
"Is Japan different than what you expected?"(日本は思っていたのと違っていますか) は、日本が想像と違っていたかどうか尋ねています。これは日本に対して肯定的な答えが返ってくる可能性もありますし、否定的な答えが返ってくる可能性もあります。 "Did you expect Japan to be like this?"(日本は想像していた通りでしたか)は "Is Japan different than what you expected?" の別の言い方です。
Allex H DMM英会話講師
  • Was Japan different to what you imagined?

  • Was Japan diffferent than you expected?

When you think about doing something you have your own thoughts on what it will be like this is called your 'expectaion' or what you 'expext' or what you 'imagine' So you might ask 'was Japan different to what you imagined? or 'was Japan different than you expected?'
When you think about doing something you have your own thoughts on what it will be like this is called yourあることをしてどうなるか考えることを、 'expectaion' (期待)や'imagine'(想像する)と言います。 'was Japan different to what you imagined? (日本は想像したのと違いましたか?)や 'was Japan different than you expected?'(日本は期待していたのとは違いましたか?)と聞くことができます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • "Did Japan meet or surpass your expectations?"

  • "Was your visit to Japan how you imagined it would be?"

"Did Japan meet or surpass your expectations?" You are asking your reader/listener in Japan was what they thought it would be and/or more? This starts a conversation about reality, culture, society and so on. "Was your visit to Japan how you imagined it would be?" This example sentence is similar to the above however in words that are probably more commonly use or understood by non-native English speakers.
"Did Japan meet or surpass your expectations?" (日本は期待していた通りですか、それとも期待はずれでしたか?) 日本にいる相手に、思っていた通りだったか、それ以上だったかを尋ねる文です。現実のこと、文化、社会などについて会話を始める文となります。   "Was your visit to Japan how you imagined it would be?" (日本への旅行は、想像していた通りでしたか?) これは、上の文とよく似ていますが、より一般的に使われ、英語のネイティブスピーカーでない人にも理解してもらえるでしょう。
Rada DMM英会話講師
  • I hope Japan lived up to your expectations.

This would be a great way of asking the person if Japan was as good as what they expected.
Kirsty J DMM英会話講師
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