It's so nice to (finally) meet you =(やっと)[お会いできて光栄です](
It's a pleasure to have you here =お越し頂いて光栄です
How was your flight?=フライトはどうでしたか?
I hope you aren't too jetlagged=時差棒家がひどくないといいのですが
Is this your first time here?=ここにいらすのは初めてですか?
他の言い方、”海外からわざわざ来てくれた” という相手の手間暇を尊重した言い方で初めて会う方への "お会いできて[嬉しいです](” という表現は、「Nice to have you here」、ニュアンス的には、”[わざわざ](お越しいただいてありがとうございまうす” という意味を込めた、"お会いできて嬉しいです” という表現もここならでは有効だと考えます。
また「A pleasure to have you come and finally meet.」は、”ようやくお越しいただいて会えるなんて本当にうれしい限りです。” というニュアンスで、”お会いできて嬉しいです!” という表現。
基本的によく使われる表現はIt's a pleasure to meet you.です。
Thank you very much for coming all the way here.と一緒に使うといいと思います。
It is really a pleasure to meet you. You are one of my good customers.
Sometimes it is important for customers to have good relationships with the supplier.
This means that they will be loyal.
Loyal means that the customer will continue buying only from you.
Saying, "I'm happy to meet you," or, "It's nice to meet you." is a great greeting to someone you just met from abroad. You can even use that greeting for someone who you just met in your local city.
If it is someone that you met online, and they are finally coming to meet you in Japan, then you would use the phrase, "It's nice to finally meet you," or "I'm happy to finally meet you."
Any of these phrases is acceptable.
"I'm happy to meet you" 「お会いできて嬉しいです」と言ったり、"It's nice to meet you."「お会いできて光栄です」 と言うのは海外から来て出会ったばかりの人への素晴らしい挨拶です。 地元の街で会ったばかりの人にもその挨拶を使うことができます。
もしオンラインで出会った人が遂に日本であなたに会うために日本に来る場合、"It's nice to finally meet you,"「とうとうあなたに会えるのはうれしいです」、または "I'm happy to finally meet you."「ついにあなたに会うのが嬉しいです」という表現をを使用します。
1. It's my pleasure to meet you.
2. I'm honored to meet you.
3. Welcome to Japan.
All of these statements express that you are happy to meet the person and that you
welcome them to Japan, and all of these statements can be used in the Business situation to welcome a business partner from abroad. They are all polite greetings that can be
1. It's my pleasure to meet you.
2. I'm honored to meet you.
3. Welcome to Japan.
I am honored to finally meet you in person.
This is a great way of declaring your appreciate at finally meeting your customer face-to-face.
It is really a pleasure to meet you
You can say this followed by "I have been looking forward to finally seeing you."This is a way of showing your enthusiasm,
I am honored to finally meet you in person.
It is really a pleasure to meet you.
このフレーズのあとに "I have been looking forward to finally seeing you." (あなたにお会いするのをずっと楽しみにしていました。)と続けると、あなたの喜びがしっかりと伝わると思います。
Welcome to Japan! I am delighted to meet you, face to face!
Face to face (...up close and in person ) is said to be the most satisfactory way to cement relationships...IE "not at a distance". In this case greeting a business contact or customer from overseas ...I would say:
"Welcome to Japan! I am delighted to meet you, face to face!"
Face to face (直接対面すること)は、関係を築くのに一番満足のいく方法といわれています
"Welcome to Japan! I am delighted to meet you, face to face!"
It's a pleasure to meet you.
it's a pleasure は「嬉しいです」を英語で表すのによく使われる表現です。
It's a pleasure to finally meet you! Welcome to Japan.