世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話


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2018/07/22 00:35
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  • I have a one month summer holiday.

  • My summer holiday is one month long.

例文1「夏休みが1ヶ月ある。」と言うニュアンスです。 例文2「夏休みは1ヶ月間です。」と言うニュアンスです。 「夏休み」は summer holiday や summer vacation と言えます。 「1ヶ月」は one month と言います。 ご参考になれば幸いです!
  • My summer break is only a month long.

  • I only have a month long summer break.

"My summer break is only a month long." Her you tell a person that your summer break is a month long. The only is an emphasis on the month long break, as you don't have longer than a month for summer vacation. "I only have a month long summer break." Again here I used only, although the emphasis is on you rather than the month long summer break. This meaning implies that other family members, relatives, or friends of yours, have a longer or shorter break than you have.
"My summer break is only a month long."(夏休みは1カ月しかありません) ここでは「私の夏休みが一カ月だ」と伝えています。この "only" は、夏休みの短さを強調しています。 "I only have a month long summer break."(夏休みは1カ月しかありません) この文でも "only" を使っていますが、これは "I"(私)を強調しています。他の家族(または親族・友達)は夏休みがもっと長い(または短い)というニュアンスです。
Alyss DMM英会話講師
  • Next month is my summer vacation.

  • I get to go on summer vacation next month.

  • I'm planning my summer vacation for next month.

Next month is my summer vacation. I get to go on summer vacation next month. I'm planning my summer vacation for next month. Yay! My summer vacation is next month. It's my summer vacation next month. I'm going on my summer vacation next month. I get to spend all of next month on summer vacation. I'm looking forward to my summer vacation next month. I will be gone all month on my summer vacation.
Next month is my summer vacation.(来月は夏休みです) I get to go on summer vacation next month.(来月夏の休暇に出掛けます) I'm planning my summer vacation for next month.(来月夏休みを取る予定です) Yay! My summer vacation is next month.(わーい!来月は夏休みです) It's my summer vacation next month.(来月は夏休みです) I'm going on my summer vacation next month.(来月夏の休暇に出掛けます) I get to spend all of next month on summer vacation.(来月丸々夏休みです) I'm looking forward to my summer vacation next month.(来月の夏休みが楽しみです) I will be gone all month on my summer vacation.(夏休みで1か月ずっと旅行に出ます)
Bobbi S DMM英語講師
  • I only have a month off during summer break

  • I have a month month-long summer break

When you want to explain that your summer break is only a month, then you may say it in the following ways: -I only have a month off during summer break -I have a month month-long summer break
夏休みが一カ月しかないことは、次のように説明できます。 -I only have a month off during summer break(夏休みは一カ月しかありません) -I have a month month-long summer break(夏休みは一カ月です)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • Summer vacation is in one month.

  • My summer vacation is coming up in one month.

Refers to "time off" from work or school. "Vacation" is used in U.S. "Holiday" is used elsewhere Ex: Our summer vacation is in one month. Our summer holiday is in one month.
仕事や学校の休みを表します。 アメリカでは "Vacation"(休暇)が使われます。 それ以外では "Holiday"(休暇)が使われます。 例: Our summer vacation is in one month.(あと一カ月で夏休みです) Our summer holiday is in one month. (あと一カ月で夏休みです)
Jackson D DMM英会話講師
  • My summer vacation is one month long.

  • I have a one month long summer vacation.

To explain that you have a one month summer break, you can say: "My summer vacation is one month long." "I have a one month long summer vacation."
「一カ月の夏休みがある」は次のように言えます。 "My summer vacation is one month long."(私の夏休みは一カ月です) "I have a one month long summer vacation."(一カ月の夏休みがあります)
Allex H DMM英会話講師
  • I have a month long break for Summer.

  • I have a month off for Summer break.

  • Summer break is a month long.

In all of my responses, I used the phrase "a month". This will be understood to mean "one month". In common usage, "a month" is more natural than "one month".
三つ全ての回答で "a month"(一カ月)というフレーズを使いました。これは "one month" を表します。 一般的な用法では、"one month" よりも "a month" の方が自然です。
Peter E DMM英会話講師
  • My summer break is one month long.

My summer break is one month long. 私の夏休みは1ヶ月です。 上記のように言うことができます。 summer break で「夏休み」となります。 summer vacation も同じようなニュアンスで「下記休暇」を表します。 one month long で「1ヶ月間」を英語で表現することができます。 お役に立てれば嬉しいです。
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