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2018/07/24 00:19
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  • My pillow doesn't seem to fit my neck.

To fit is the way to talk about how things such as clothes or objects mold to your body. I hope that this helps :)
fitは、洋服などが体にぴったり合うことを言います。 これが、役立つことを願います。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • My pillow is useless.

  • My pillow does more harm than good!

  • My pillow is so uncomfortable!

You are unhappy with your pillow because it is lumpy or too hard or soft etc. If it's really uncomfortable you could use any of the example sentences to express your displeasure.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • This pillow is uncomfortable.

Instead of saying that a pillow 'doesn't fit' it would be more correct in English to say that the pillow is 'uncomfortable'. Uncomfortable is when something does not feel right or may feel awkward on our body and therefore you may find it hard to sleep.
枕が「doesn't fit(合わない)」と言うよりも、枕が「uncomfortable(心地よくない)」と言う方が英語では自然でしょう。 uncomfortableは「しっくりこない、体に合わない」という意味です。それが原因で、寝にくいこともあるかもしれません。
Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • My pillow is not comfortable.

  • My pillow makes me feel uncomfortable because it does not seem to fit my neck

When your pillow doesn't seem to fit you and as a result makes you feel uncomfortable; then you may express this in the following ways: -My pillow is not comfortable. -My pillow makes me feel uncomfortable because it does not seem to fit my neck
枕が体に合わず使い心地が良くないなら、これは次のように表せます。 -My pillow is not comfortable.(枕の使い心地が良くない) -My pillow makes me feel uncomfortable because it does not seem to fit my neck(枕が体に合わず使い心地が良くない)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • This pillow hurts my neck. It doesn't suit me.

  • My pillow doesn't seem to be the right one for me: it hurts my neck.

suit someone - to be right for someone or to match someone's preferences the right one for - the perfect match
suit someone → 〔人〕に適している、好みに合っている the right one for → ピッタリの組み合わせ
Rosalynn DMM英会話講師
  • My pillow makes my neck hurt

  • My neck is always in pain after using this pillow!

"My pillow makes my neck hurt." Pillow makes - the pillow is what is causing hurt. Hurt - you could also say sore, tight, stiff, etc. "My neck is always in pain after using this pillow!" Always - this is something that happens every time you use the pillow. In pain - maybe the pillow causes your neck to be stiff, tight, etc, but you feel pain, discomfort when you wake up. Using - meaning the pillow is holding your head. That is the pillows use.
My pillow makes my neck hurt. (枕があわず首が痛い。) Pillow makes - 枕が痛みの原因です。 Hurt - sore, tight, stif等とも言える。 My neck is always in pain after using this pillow! (この枕でいつも首が痛い。) Always - 枕を使ったときはいつも起こる。 In pain - 多分、枕があなたの首に、こり、はり等を与え、起きたときに痛みや不快感を与えます。 Using - まくらがあなたの頭を支えていて、それが枕の使い方です。
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • My pillow is very uncomfortable to sleep on. It hurts my neck.

  • My pillow is no longer suitable, it gives me neck pain.

  • My pillow is giving me neck pain.

"My pillow is very uncomfortable to sleep on. It hurts my neck." This gives an indication that the cause of your sore/injured neck is due to your pillow. By saying it is uncomfortable to sleep on you are indicating it caused you a restless night, and means in the morning you woke up with a sore neck. "My pillow is no longer suitable, it gives me neck pain. " This gives an indication that you need to buy a new pillow. The reason being is because it is causing your neck pain, therefore it has lost its purpose of helping you rest at night. "My pillow is giving me neck pain." This is a simple way of informing people you are currently in pain because of your pillow.
"My pillow is very uncomfortable to sleep on. It hurts my neck."(枕の寝心地が良くありません。首が痛いです) →これは、首の痛みの原因が枕にあることを表します。"My pillow is very uncomfortable to sleep on" は、「よく眠れなかった」というニュアンスです。「朝起きたとき首が痛かった」と伝えています。 "My pillow is no longer suitable, it gives me neck pain."(枕が合わなくなってきました。首が痛くなります) →これは「新しい枕を買わないといけない」というニュアンスです。その理由は「首が痛くなる」。その枕では首が休まらなくなったということです。 "My pillow is giving me neck pain."(枕が合わなくて首が痛くなります) →シンプルな言い方です。これは、枕が合わなくて「今現在」首が痛いと伝えています。
Jamima DMM英会話講師
  • This pillow isn't comfortable.

  • This pillow isn't comfortable for me.

おっしゃられている内容は、 This pillow isn't comfortable. 「この枕は心地よくない」 で大丈夫です。 あとは、 This pillow isn't comfortable for me. 「この枕は私にとっては心地よくない」 のように、 for meを入れると、 日本語の「合わない」のニュアンスに近くなりますね。 以上です。 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(*^_^*)
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