世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/06/24 19:22
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  • I haven’t had time to hang out with my friends lately.

  • I haven’t partied with my friends lately.

  • I haven’t hung out with my friends these days.

❶I haven’t had time to hang out with my friends lately. (最近友達と遊ぶ時間なんてないなぁ)。 ❷I haven’t partied with my friends lately. (最近友達とパーティまたはワイワイしてないなぁ)。 ❸ I haven’t hung out with my friends these days. (近頃友達と遊んでないなぁ)。 〜と言えます。
  • I haven't hung out with my friends lately because I've been so busy.

  • I haven't had the time to hang out with my friends recently.

I haven't hung out with my friends lately because I've been so busy. "Hung out" is the past tense form of "hang out". I haven't had the time to hang out with my friends recently. "I don't have time" is a way of saying you are really busy all of the time, and similarly "I haven't had the time" is a way of saying you have been really busy recently.
I haven't hung out with my friends lately because I've been so busy.(最近忙しくて友達と遊んでいません) →"hung out" は "hang out" の過去形です。 I haven't had the time to hang out with my friends recently.(最近忙しくて友達と遊んでいません) →"I don't have time" は「常に忙しい」と伝える言い方です。同様に、"I haven't had the time" は「最近すごく忙しい」を伝えます。
Ross H DMM英会話講師
  • Knee-deep in work (idiom) Up to my neck in work. Swamped with work

  • I have been knee-deep in work, so I have had no time to hang out with myfriends

  • Chill with my besties/ buddies...

We often use idioms and heavily descriptive or exaggerated forms in English... For example : Knee-deep in work or up to my neck in work..Swamped with work. This vivid language creates a picture in the mind and can be very effective... A picture is worth a thousands words (adage) ;-) I have been knee-deep in work, (up to my eyes in it) so I have had no time to hang out with my friends./Chill with my besties (slang) buddies
英語ではイディオムや大げさな表現がよく使われます。 例えば: "Knee-deep in work"(仕事漬けである) "up to my neck in work"(仕事漬けである) "Swamped with work"(仕事に追われている) こうした生き生きとした表現は人の頭に映像を映し出し、非常に効果的に意味を伝えます。 "A picture is worth a thousands words"(百聞は一見にしかず)ということです。 "I have been knee-deep in work, (up to my eyes in it) so I have had no time to hang out with my friends./Chill with my besties (slang) buddies" (最近は仕事が忙しかったので、友達と遊ぶ暇もありませんでした)
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • Work has taken over my life recently

  • I have been so occupied with work

"Work has taken over my life recently" This sentence is implying that one has been very busy with work and has 'taken over' their life, this implies that they haven' been able to do anything but work, leaving not much time for a social life, this sentence is a very commonly used phrase for people who have been working many hours and haven't been able to do anything but work. "I have been so occupied with work" Again implying that work has been the main priority, being 'Occupied' is the term used to describe being busy with something.
"Work has taken over my life recently"(最近は仕事に支配された生活をしている) →これは「最近は仕事に支配された生活をしている」と伝えています。'taken over my life' は「友達と遊ぶ時間もなく仕事ばかりしている」のニュアンスです。この文は、仕事が忙しくて他のことができないときによく使われます。 "I have been so occupied with work"(最近は仕事がすごく忙しい) →こちらも同様に「最近は仕事中心の生活だった」と伝えています。'occupied' は「(~で)忙しい」という意味です。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • I've been so busy with work that I haven't been able to spend time with my friends.

  • I'm so busy with work at the moment that I haven't had much of a social life.

  • Work's been so busy that I haven't been able to spend time with friends.

There are a few ways you can express this.. 1. I've been so busy with work that I haven't been able to spend time with my friends/mates (casual). 2. I've been so busy with work that I haven't been able to hang out with (my) friends. 'My' is not always needed because we understand that they will be YOUR friends. 3. I'm so busy with work at the moment that I haven't had much of a social life. You can say this if your work schedule HAS been and WILL CONTINUE to be very busy that it impacts time you can spend with friends. 4. Work's been so busy that I haven't been able to spend time with friends.
これはいくつか言い方があります。 1. I've been so busy with work that I haven't been able to spend time with my friends/mates. 「仕事が忙しくて、最近友達と会えていない」(カジュアル) 2. I've been so busy with work that I haven't been able to hang out with (my) friends. 「仕事が忙しくて最近友達に会えていない」 →'My' は必ずしも必要ではありません、その人の友達であることは 'My' がなくても伝わります。 3. I'm so busy with work at the moment that I haven't had much of a social life. 「今仕事がすごく忙しくて、なかなか友達に会えていない」 →これは、仕事のスケジュールが「このところ」、そして「これから先」もタイトで、友達と過ごす時間が削られているときに使えます。 4. Work's been so busy that I haven't been able to spend time with friends. 「仕事が忙しくて最近友達に会えていない」
Sayako DMM英語講師
  • I have been really busy with work lately, so I have not had much time to socialize with friends.

  • I've been very busy working recently so I have had to time to see my friends.

I have been really busy with work lately, so I have not had much time to socialize with friends.- this is a way to express that you do not have time to do fun activities with friends, it also explains why which is because you are occupied at work. I've been very busy working recently so I have had to time to see my friends. - This is a way to say lately you have not spent time with friends or family because of your work commitments. The listener will be able to understand why you spend less time with friends and ore at work.
I have been really busy with work lately, so I have not had much time to socialize with friends. (最近仕事が忙しくてあまり友達と会っていません) →これは友達と遊ぶ時間がないと伝える言い方です。ここでは、その理由(仕事が忙しい)も伝えています。 I've been very busy working recently so I have had to time to see my friends.(最近仕事が忙しくて友達と会う時間がありません) →これは、仕事が忙しくて最近友達あるいは家族とあまり過ごせていないことを伝える言い方です。どうして友達と会えていないのかの理由も説明しています。
Lee Di DMM英会話講師
  • I've been too busy to chill with my mates these days

  • I haven't had time to hang out with my friends recently

  • I've been overwhelmed with work that I haven't been hanging with my friends lately

"I've been too busy to chill with my mates these days" sometimes English speakers say chill to say spend time doing something. "chill at home", "chill with my mates", etc. "I haven't had time to hang out with my friends recently " using present perfect tense to explain a period of time up to now. "Recently"is also another way of saying "lately". "I've been overwhelmed with work that I haven't been hanging with my friends lately "the word overwhelm means to have too much of something. You can also use other expressions like "drowning in work"and "buried in work" they all mean having too much work.
"I've been too busy to chill with my mates these days"(最近忙しくて友達と会えていません) →ネイティブスピーカーは "chill" という言葉で、「~をして過ごす」を表すことがあります。 例えば: "chill at home"(家でゆっくりする) "chill with my mates"(友達と遊ぶ) "I haven't had time to hang out with my friends recently"(最近忙しくて友達と遊んでいません) →現在完了形を使って、現在に至るまでの期間を表しています。"Recently"(最近)は "Lately" の別の言い方です。 "I've been overwhelmed with work that I haven't been hanging with my friends lately "(最近仕事に追われていて、友達と会えていません) →"overwhelm" は「あまりに多くのものを持つ」という意味です。"drowning in work" や "buried in work" という表現も使えます。これらは全て「仕事に追われる」という意味です。
Chelsi B DMM英会話講師
  • I haven't hung out with my friends lately because I have been swamped with work

  • I have been too busy with work to hang out with friends.

Native speakers say " I haven't hung out with my friends lately because I have been swamped with work". "Lately" is an adverb that means not so long ago. If someone is swamped with work it means that they have a lot of work to do and they are overwhelmed by it.
ネイティブスピーカーは次のように言います。 "I haven't hung out with my friends lately because I have been swamped with work" (最近仕事が忙しくて友達と会えていません) "Lately" は「最近」という意味の副詞です。 "Swamped with work" は「仕事に追われている」という意味です。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Recently, I've been so busy with work I have not been able to spend time with my friends

  • Recently, I've been busy with work and I have not been able to hang out with friends.

When you want to explain that you have been very busy with work to a point that you have not been able to hang out with your friends; then you may explain this in the following ways: -Recently, I've been so busy with work I have not been able to spend time with my friends -Recently, I've been busy with work and I have not been able to hang out with friends.
「最近仕事が忙しくて友達と遊べていない」は、次のように言えます。 -Recently, I've been so busy with work I have not been able to spend time with my friends (最近仕事が忙しくて友達と遊べていません) -Recently, I've been busy with work and I have not been able to hang out with friends. (最近仕事が忙しくて友達と遊べていません)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • I haven’t had a chance to hang out with my friends lately.

  • I haven't hung out with my friends lately.

  • I've been too busy to hang out with my friends lately.

おっしゃられている内容は、以下のようにも表現できると思いましたm(__)m I haven’t had a chance to hang out with my friends lately. 「最近友達と遊ぶ機会がないな」 I haven't hung out with my friends lately. 「最近友達と遊んでない」 I've been too busy to hang out with my friends lately. 「最近忙し過ぎて友達と遊んでいない」 以上です。 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(*^_^*)
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