Your body will consume less calories if you don't eat enough.
Don't starve yourself because your body will start storing your energy and won't consume the calories like it used to.
You must eat something otherwise your body system will start suppressing calorie consumption. It is called "homeostatis".
Eat something 「食べなさい」拒食気味の娘に母親が言う感じ
You must eat something「何か食べなければダメです」
Don't starve yourself 「食べなさすぎないで。(自分を飢えさせないで)」
Store 貯蓄する、貯める
It won't consume the calories like it used to. 前のようにはカロリーを消費しない
your body will become less easy to lose weight あなたの体は体重を減らしにくい体になる
Eat something. と言った後に、
Your body system will suppress consuming calories. It is called "homeostatis". 「体のシステムがカロリー消費を止めるのよ。ホメオスタシスって言うの。」はいかがでしょうか。