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2018/07/24 20:48
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  • It's not about whether you're able to or not; it's whether you want to or not.

When using whether, it's important to make sure that you have it in front of both options. "It's" is a contraction to say "it is." I hope that this helps :)
whetherを使う時は、二つの選択肢の前にwhetherを置かないといけません。 it'sは、it is の短縮形です。 これが、役立つことを願います。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • It's not about the can or can't, it's about the want or not.

  • Of course you could go, but do you want to?

"It's not about the can or can't, it's about the want or not." - this answer is more of a jokey less serious way of asking the question. "Of course you could go, but do you want to?" - this answer is a more serious question. By saying 'of course' we mean that we know for sure the person could do something about their future but then the question asks do they want to (or not).
It's not about the can or can't, it's about the want or not. (できるか、できないかではなく、したいか、したくないかだ) - これは、冗談っぽい、あまり真剣ではない言い方です。 Of course you could go, but do you want to? (もちろん、行けるでしょうが、あなたはしたいですか?) - これは、真剣な質問です。of courseは、その人が将来について何かができることははっきり分かっている、と表します。この後、(できるけど)したいのか、と尋ねてます。
Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • It's not down to your ability; it depends on your motivation

You may be able to take on numerous challenges and achieve anything you really want to, but of course, success or failure - or even just attempting something, all depends on one's determination and motivation.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • It's not whether you can or can't do it, it's whether you want to or not

  • It's not about being able to do something. it's whether you want to do it or not

Sometimes we can all do things but if we don't have the want to or motivation then we wont do them well do you should do something because you want to and not just because you can do it we can say this by saying 'it's not whether you can or can't do it, it's whether you want to or not'
何かできることがあっても、それをやりたい気持ちがないとうまくはできません。ですから、物事は「できるから」するのではなく、「やりたいから」すべきです。 これは、次のように表せます。 'it's not whether you can or can't do it, it's whether you want to or not' (問題はできるかどうかではなく、やりたいかどうかだ)
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • What's important is that you want to do it, not just you can do it.

  • It's not whether you can or can't do it, it's whether you want to or not.

  • Ability is not the question but rather what you desire.

What's important is that you want to do it, not just you can do it. - "what's important is..." the thing that is the highest priority, the best thing for you. It's not whether you can or can't do it, it's whether you want to or not. - This is the simplest way to sentence it but it's a little wordy. It conveys the message very clearly though. Ability is not the question but rather what you desire. - "Ability" means can and desire means want. This is a shorter form of the same sentence but sounds a little more formal and using higher level English.
What's important is that you want to do it, not just you can do it.(大事なのはそれをやりたいかどうか、単純にできるかどうかだけではない) "what's important is..." は「最優先のこと」「自分に最も合ったもの」を表します。 It's not whether you can or can't do it, it's whether you want to or not.(問題はできるかどうかではなく、やりたいかどうかだ) これは最もシンプルな言い方です、少し文字数が多いですが。非常に分かりやすい言い方です。 Ability is not the question but rather what you desire.(問題はできるかどうかではなく、やりたいかどうかだ) "ability" は「できる」、"desire" は「したい」を表します。これは短い言い方ですが、少しフォーマルで、上級英語を使っています。
Chelsi B DMM英会話講師
  • It may be doable for you, but is it really what you want?

  • You may be capable, but will you be satisfied with your choice?

  • Even if you can do it, there may be better alternatives for you.

1. Doable is a term that can be used to indicate that something can be accomplished while asking if it's something he/she wants, is a way to express that you are concerned that he/she may not find satisfaction in it. 2. Being capable indicates that one has the ability to do something, and it can express that you have confidence in that person. 3. It can also be good to point out that alternatives or other options are available in order to help one feel as though there is not just one choice. This can take some of the pressure off of him/her in order to help him/her make a wise decision.
1. 'Doable' は「実行可能である」という意味です。 'Is it really what you want?' は、「それはあなたが心からしたいと思っていることではないのではないか」という話し手の心配を表します。 2. 'Capable' は「~をする能力がある」という意味です。相手への信頼も表します。 3. 「他の可能性[選択肢]もある」と伝えてあげてもいいでしょう。相手も気持ちが少し楽になるかもしれません。
Laurel DMM英会話講師
  • It's not whether you can or can't do it, it's whether you want to or not.

  • It isn't about if you can or can't do it, it's about if you want to or not.

When talking about 'if' statements, or statements which are conditional, we use the words 'whether' or 'if'. Such as the sentence: "It's not whether you can or can't do it, it's whether you want to or not." You can also say 'is not about if' which is another way to say that. It isn't about if you can or can't do it, it's about if you want to or not.
条件について述べるときは、'whether' または 'if' を使います。 例えば: "It's not whether you can or can't do it, it's whether you want to or not." (問題はできるかできないではない、やりたいかやりたくないかだ) 'is not about if' を使うこともできます。 It isn't about if you can or can't do it, it's about if you want to or not. (問題はできるかできないではない、やりたいかやりたくないかだ)
Anders DMM英会話講師
  • How bad do you want it?

  • Its not that you can't do it, but whether you want it enough

These phrases are used to describe a situation where you are implying that if someone wants to do something enough, to motivate someone into doing something they are unsure of, for example a future job. "How bad do you want it?" is a causal and widely used expression for many contexts, often used directed at someone to help motivate and encourage them into doing something.
これらのフレーズは、相手のやる気を確認するときや、相手がやろうかどうか迷っていること(例えば将来の仕事)についてやってみるよう促すときに使うことができます。 "How bad do you want it?" はカジュアルで一般的な表現です。さまざまな文脈で使われますが、相手を鼓舞し何かをするよう促すときによく使われます。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
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