My parents used to locked me in the closet when I was little.
I was locked in the closet when I was little.
I was locked in the closet by my parents.
lock me in ~, 〜に私を閉じ込める
I was locked in ~, 私は〜に閉じ込められた。
by my parents. 両親によって
My parents locked me in the closet 私の両親が押入れ(クローゼット)に私を閉じ込めた。
used to ~, (以前に)〜していた。
"When I was a child I didn't listen to my parents, so they locked me in my room in anger."
アメリカで子供は親の言うことを聞いてあげない場合、罰になります。その罰は punishment または grounding と言います。
to be grounded
to be on punishment
I'm on punishment.
I was grounded a lot as a child.
My parents punished me by locking me away in my room when I didn't listen to them.
coop upで「(狭いところに)閉じ込める」という意味になります。
In my childhood=「私の子供の頃」
listen to~=「~(人の言うこと)を聞く」
coop up=「閉じ込める」
get cooped up =「閉じ込められる」
In my childhood, when I didn’t listen to my mother, I often got cooped up in the closet.